food Some things I made (In the kitchen)

Oh Bodeen, Bodeen, Bodeen....

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Done these 2 pork loins, 1 tenderloin, and 1 turkey loin on the charcoal grill. Pork turned out nice and juicy. Even better after the jalapeno pepper jelly was added.



I made my first ever batch of Jalapeno jelly day before yesterday and now I have the bug. I searched it and ended up here.

Wow! I gained 10 pounds just reading this thread....and I am trying to lose weight.

I'm 69 and one who grew up on a farm where this kind of cooking was the norm. I sure miss it.

Bodeen, What do you use to make (grind) the pepper powder? I noticed you use frozen peppers to dehydrate. This is good to know.

I wonder if my jelly would be hotter if I added pepper powder along with the pureed Jalapenos?

Now I'm off to take some venison out of the freezer.

Enjoyed the thread.
The only reason I used frozen peppers was because I just got the machine and wanted to try it out and frozen was all I had on hand. I am having the same trouble trying to make the Jalapeno jelly hot enough. I think I may add more placentas to the mix to increase the heat. I will experiment more this summer with all the awesome peppers that I am growing and hopefully will make peppers.

Couldn't wait any longer, had to pick a Chenzo Pepper. Made it into a sausage and cheese 3 egg omelet. Nice pepper flavor when first eaten, slight tingle in the back of the throat with the first bite. Never intensified with more bites. Did get a slight tingle on the tongue and lips at the end. Hopefully the more mature pods later in the year are hotter. Overall, a really nice eating pepper.

Awesome pics Bodeen!! Food looks delicious!! Former Ohioan and Lake Erie fisherman I miss the perch and walleye I used to catch and eat with my parents too. Great work!!
Had sausage and pineapple pizza with serrano pepper slices. I added more after the picture was taken. Had a pepper in every bite. Added a little heat, but fresh would have been much better.

Corn (with fresh home grown green onions and 3 chenzo peppers), Greek Style Chicken, BBQ Baby Back Ribs, and of course, Hot Dogs.


Served up and ready to eat.


I am starting to love the chenzo pepper. 3 in the corn made the top of my tongue numb as well as just the inside of my lips. Didn't get on the top of the lips or the outside, which I hate. Also had that sweet burn in the back of the throat.

The year of trying new peppers is starting off super!!!! Thanks for all the help and seed trades all
Made a new dish yesterday. It is a tomato based dish with squirrel, chenzo peppers, sweet peppers, onions, celery, mushrooms, and garlic. Served over rice.

Deer and rice with goliath jalapeno peppers. I can't believe how much hotter these are than the regular jalapeno peppers. Wow.


These peppers might be the answer to making my hot jalapeno pepper jelly with the heat I want.
Deer and rice with goliath jalapeno peppers. I can't believe how much hotter these are than the regular jalapeno peppers. Wow.


These peppers might be the answer to making my hot jalapeno pepper jelly with the heat I want.

Now this looks like breakfast!..........Luch!!!!!! and/or Dinner! Right on Bodeen. Might fine looking grub you got going on there. :cheers:
hey Bodeen, i'm just getting caught up on your creative dishes. Lovin' It!

Not sure about the squirrel...but I've never tried it so....."don't knock it 'til you try it"...right?

But something about all that squirrel and deer plated up on the gold-rimmed china on the lacy tablecloth..... :lol:

Keep it cookin~~~~