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hydroponic Some trippy Hydro - Simplified Non-circulating Hydroponics


Well I found this surfing around in YT, never heard of this before. It's called "Simplified Non-circulating Hydroponics" and apparently has the plants floating in nutes in styrofoam racks without any pumping or anything. It's being done in the Philippines.

Weird eh?

Simplified Non-circulating Hydroponics (SiNcH)
The guys website has much more info: http://ra-initiatives.tripod.com/id4.html

Sounds interesting, more so because I live in a small apt. without any land.

I believe they've been doing that with burly tobacco plants for several years. Seeds are sown in one-inch square cells that taper to a half-inch at the bottom and are three inches tall, with a quarter-inch square hole in the bottom. Each tray has 256 cellls. They float in troughs and are moved around in aided by wind. The root ball is all roots and practically no dirt.


I've toyed with growing plants in a part of one - they did pretty decent

Pretty cool..esp. this part:


Styrofoam cooler, seed-starting trays, seeds, utility knife, scissors, aquarium pump and tubing, air stone, HID lamp (optional), growing medium, nutrients

I can get most all of that stuff for free or nearly free on CL and thrift stores. :)

Might be something to think about.

One thing though; would peppers change heat and/or flavor if grown entirely without dirt?
dirt flavor

QuadShotz said:
Would peppers change heat and/or flavor if grown entirely without dirt?

Dirt does not impart flavor or heat, only the nutrients in the dirt do. If you use good nutrients hydroponically, no problem :)

The dirt acts as a physical support, not a flavor/heat enhancer.

One nitpicking point: lots of people like to "stress" their superhots just before harvesting them - that is, deprive them of water. That would be hard to do in a hydro system, unless they want to pull the pots out of the water for a couple of hours at a time.

I've heard of people stressing plants on purpose by shoving a shovel into the ground on one side of a plant to effectively cut a lot of the root system and causing fruit to be ripened faster (tomatoes). Would the same principle work in hydro? Just pull up the plant and snip off some roots a couple days before harvest?

lostmind said:
Would the same principle work in hydro? Just pull up the plant and snip off some roots a couple days before harvest?

Of course it would, some people are just stuck on dirt even though it is not necessary for plant success.
How critical would the air stone and air pump be? I didn't see this in the other link. Reason I ask is that I could probably get this one by the "financial controller" if all I need is those foam coolers. (I wouldn't need to purchase anything else.)
I think I would try lettuce first, maybe tomatoes.

ring sting said:
How critical would the air stone and air pump be? I didn't see this in the other link. Reason I ask is that I could probably get this one by the "financial controller" if all I need is those foam coolers. (I wouldn't need to purchase anything else.)
I think I would try lettuce first, maybe tomatoes.


My dirt babies doing good to my friend..But the hydro side of things is always fun to look into :)
ring sting said:
How critical would the air stone and air pump be?RS

Air stone provides oxygen to the roots (what makes hydro better than dirt) and oxygen also kills pathogens. You need the airstone and pump.
ring sting said:
How critical would the air stone and air pump be? I didn't see this in the other link. Reason I ask is that I could probably get this one by the "financial controller" if all I need is those foam coolers. (I wouldn't need to purchase anything else.)
I think I would try lettuce first, maybe tomatoes.



You could get an air stone, tubing and pump for a dozen dollars or less.

wordwiz said:
Redwood, One nitpicking point: lots of people like to "stress" their superhots just before harvesting them - that is, deprive them of water. That would be hard to do in a hydro system, unless they want to pull the pots out of the water for a couple of hours at a time. Mike
Unless an Ebb and Flow system is used. Then water deprivation is simple; you'd simply set the pump to run at less frequent intervals. NFT could be adjusted to accomplish the same goal, as could drip or any of the hybrids of these systems. In fact, the only type of hydroponics that would be difficult to do this with is the DWC or floating type. The rest are easy.