Mick, send me all the info via email
albuddah@yahoo.com and I will post this on
www.tastethefear.com for you. I have been donating to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of America for over 20 years now. I have money directly taken out of each paycheck.
When I was a little kid, and did not know anything about the deadly disease, a little girl in my neighborhood suddenly was bald. She had always waved at me while I walked my dog. That day I don't even know if I waved back at her, and when I asked my Dad about her hair, he explained to me she was very sick. It wasn't much after that when I didn't see her outside anymore. Then I heard from her brothers who were twins around my age that she had passed away. I remember being so sad for her and her family that I just couldn't understand how a disease could do that to a child. Ever since then, anytime I had a chance to help out with this charity I did.
So, I will shave my head, something I have done before, so it isn't a big deal. I am just glad it is in March when it is much warmer than it is right now in the coldest day of the year today. I also will bid on the delicious Bent's Pain2- $50. If I do not win I will give directly to the lovely Marita at her website either way. My only thing is that I am short of funds so it will have to wait until payday, next Friday.
Great cause and I will be happy to help, so please send me what you would like me to post on TTF for you.