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Something is eating my peppers from the inside out.

anyone ever seen this before?

this is an adjacent pod.

i had noticed that my bih plant had droped like 3 pods earler in the month; each with one hole, and filled with black stuff. i assumed some sort of beetle was eating them. naturally i sprayed the bejesus out of the plant with malathion, but now i just found this guy on my jalapeno plant. anyone ever dealt with this before? im inclined to spray the bejesus out of this one too.
tomato fruit worm? i know nothing about garden pests, this is my first real attempt at growing outside.

more pics.
heres the guy after i poked it with a knife. it came right out to see whats up. looks pissed.

profile view of the effected peppers

Looks like a hornworm but they usually eat the leaves and the stem before peppers. Other than that no idea other than kill the SOB feed him to the birds.
Looks like a hornworm but they usually eat the leaves and the stem before peppers. Other than that no idea other than kill the SOB feed him to the birds.

i soaked a q-tip in some dilute malathion and put a dab on his back... need to know if they can survive the stuff. i dont see how they could tho, this stuff should kill any bug.

hes moving alot less already 5 minutes in.

horn worms are big tho right? this is barely an inch long.
get some thuricide from home depot
they keep it near the ant spray at mine

mix about 1 teaspoon per quart with water
and spray it in it's mouth

will also kill if you can get it to eat some off a plant surface
repeat weekly

bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki

i used on cabbage loopers and hornworms it was their last meal
{the malathion would/ did not kill the loopers}
Looks kind of like what used to attack my plants. Those things are camoed good too and ya have to be right up close before you see them. Little f&%#@rs destroyed three quarters of my pods before i even spotted them, they look like little maggots when small a piss me off bigtime! I never found out exactly what they were i just put it down to fruitflies until i noticed one of the bigget grubs. Did i mention i hate these things worse than sarin gas ? The only thing that stopped thier onslaught was winter! Little +%%*////&++*&%*++&%*+!!!!
I know those bastards VERY VERY VERY friggen well. Sons a bitches are called Red Horned Tomato worms and I deal with them every damn year..nasty bastards.
Typically they like tomatoes but last year they started eating my orange habanero plants..and actually eating the damn peppers.

Not sure of an organic killer but Seven Dust will take care of them very quickly.

One thing to watch, once in a while you will find one that has what looks like rice coming out of their backs. If you run across one of these, don't kill. That is wasp larvae. I found out that the circle of life with these bastards and wasps are that the wasps sting them and lay larvae. Once they come alive, they will kill the host and then go out and find more of them to infect. The rice ones are your friends!

Good luck finding those suckers...hard as hell to see even when they are right in front of you.

here is the "rice" i am talking about..its wasp larvae.
get some thuricide from home depot
they keep it near the ant spray at mine

mix about 1 teaspoon per quart with water
and spray it in it's mouth

will also kill if you can get it to eat some off a plant surface
repeat weekly

bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki

i used on cabbage loopers and hornworms it was their last meal
{the malathion would/ did not kill the loopers}

sounds good, ill have to head to HD after work.
and yea, the thing dosent care about malathion... its still kicking around.

just for fun,

you might spray all your delicious plants(i spray my brussels, caulif, and maters too)

i am on the spray every monday loop now

if you {happen to catch one feed some to it}

try and watch :eek: one eat some and writhe in what looks to be agony

(i sprayed into a hornworm's mouth and thought

it did not like that, it did not like that at all))

if you are so inclined