food Sous Vide and Fiery Foods

I'm back from a small organic farm where I buying a lot of premium meat. They breeding his animals at old school to a selected customers... No pics to place because all was under water. I was lucky I could get there.
They just was disarm 1/2 res of cow to my order. I called day ago to order pieces I would want.
I was allowed to enter to see. This place it was cold -3ºc, was inside the cold meats storage on one side.

Here the whole steak cut. Are 8.5kg weight

I have a vertical freezer only to store meats. Supermarket meats is medium quality. I purchase premium meats but is from away here, i living in a small city, then i buy whole pieces once month and break to keep frozen. On the freezer ever I have variety of meats to cook when I want.
This time I buy a whole steaks cut. I divide in 5 packs,  1 pack is a once family meal.
Also I purchase a entire ribs y was break in 5 strips.

After I half cutting, keep 10 half stripes

This is a good meat, see internal fat on marbled and fibers unstuck

This meats is hereford... also i like Angus
I dunno. I have a hard time with this one. While I believe CH has the most rustic carnivorous big meat photos I have probably ever seen, Booma, and JHP both put it down with style and regularity. Maybe even in a bit more refined way. Picking one would be like picking the most beautiful woman. They are all so beautiful, yet so different.
JHP's venison counts for you ... so I can see why.

And we mostly agree, because when I mentioned it the other day the first time, I related CH's to Booma's ... but I'm down w/ those sub-primal cuts!

Butchering's hard work, and takes forever unless you are experienced ...

CH's meat makes me want to cook over a campfire ...
Well, here we going to cook on sous vide.  :party: 
But will be tomorrow. Today lunch will be asado (beef ribs)
Just now I sealing some steaks on the grill at direct fire, a few minutes per side.


After cooking sous vide, I do will torch warm the surface of meat, if is necessary


It's very funy to cook this way