• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Spankyscolts 2014 GLOG Season 3

Well folks here we are again at the dawn of another growing season . For me this is a rubber match year of sorts, you see the first year we were wildly successful then after my grow partner passed I was indecisive about growing again but after multiple mind changes I started too late and was a bit too ambitious as a result I had a bad year, it started with an aphid outbreak and ended with many green pods even the ones that did ripen weren't of the quality that I expect so that brings us to this year I have another partner in that he grows half of what we have at his place, we share resources and such but are otherwise seperate. I also decided to limit what I grow instead of trying to grow out 40-50 strains I settled on 12 at first but in this last week added another 10 or so but the key here is smaller. I do this because I enjoy it and I get to make a few bucks and share in THP community.

I'm not great at keeping my GLOG as updated as some but will share as often as I can with the good the bad and the ugly.

Well here's the starting list

1. Jigsaw - 8/0 -seeds saved from my 2013 pods
2. Butch T - 8/0 -seeds from Butch T's pods
3. Carolina Reaper - 6/0 -seeds from Pucker Butt
3x. Carolina Reaper - 2/0 -seeds from a 2013 prized pod
4. Naga Viper - 8/0 - seeds from Gerald Fowler
5. Bubble Gum - 4/0 -seeds from King Dennis via Jerrymart
6. Bubble Gum - 4/0 -seeds from Pex Peppers via Jerrymart
7. Ice Scream - 8/0 -seeds from Butch T via Keith
8. 7 Pot Primo - 8/0 -seeds from Pepper Lovers
9. Yellow Primo - 8/0 -seeds from John Ford
10.Chocolate Moruga - 6/0 - seeds from John Ford
11. Jays Peach Bhut - 6/0 -seeds from B.S. P. H.
12. Brazillian Ghost - 6/0 -seeds from John Ford
13. Kraken Scorpion - 6/0 -seeds from John Ford
14. Yellow Bhut - 6/0 -seeds from B.S.P.H
15. Naga Hybird - 6/0 - seeds from John Ford
16. King Naga - 6/0 - seeds from B.S.P.H.
17. Monster Naga - 6/0 -seeds from B.S.P.H.
18. Black Naga - 6/0 -seeds from B.S.P.H
19. Yellows Devils Tongue -6/0 - seeds from B.S.P.H.
20. Chocolate Devils Tongue - 6/0 - seeds from B.S. P.H.
21. Red Devils Tongue - 6/0 -seeds from B.S.P.H.
22. Red Bhut (Ghost) -4/0 -seeds from Greenearth
23. Chocolate Bhut - 4/0 - seeds saved from my 2013 pods

In all I started 144 plugs most have 2 seeds per hole and began life on a heat mat today set at 83 degrees.

The girls are all sweaty !

Well thanks for stopping by will try and update as often as I can.
Good to see you've kicked the slugs. I also think you may be on the money giving 'em a little dose of the ready to use ferts to get things moving. Soon they'll be settled and taking off! Looking forward to seeing loads of pods here!
AaronRiot said:
Good to see you've kicked the slugs. I also think you may be on the money giving 'em a little dose of the ready to use ferts to get things moving. Soon they'll be settled and taking off! Looking forward to seeing loads of pods here!
Yea thanks I agree I already see great improvement in new growth !
KevinH said:
Hay Robbin real fast what thermostat are you using? Digital or analog.
Hope you survived the weather P-town had yesterday. 
Feel free to check out my Glog http://thehotpepper.com/topic/47342-kevins-2014-late-start-glog/
I learned a tremendous amount of info reading your glogs
By the looks of it the exact same one you had in your picture !! Good Luck ?? Are you keeping them indoors or moving them outside ? If you have any questions ask away !
The goal is to try and get something out of them But I am going to over winter them in my garage. Going to pick up an 8 bulb T5 4 foot light and 2-4 of the sun blaster single bulb set up's. I am all so going to try an experiment On some hab's here in a few weeks. I'll post that up as a thread. Also i have a hook up for compost down my way, if you need some next year let me know.
KevinH said:
The goal is to try and get something out of them But I am going to over winter them in my garage. Going to pick up an 8 bulb T5 4 foot light and 2-4 of the sun blaster single bulb set up's. I am all so going to try an experiment On some hab's here in a few weeks. I'll post that up as a thread. Also i have a hook up for compost down my way, if you need some next year let me know.
Cool thanks !! Best of luck brother
Ok folks here's a long overdo update, for the most part my ugly ducklings are turning around the weather is starting to stabilize finally and aside from the 97 degree day that found many of them wilted and what I thought was dead for sure they are starting to come into their own many are sporting flowers and buds so instead for a bunch more words how bout some pics.

That's it for now thanks for stopping by!
Looking good. I just got mine under a big T5 light. Mine are growing but I am learning a grip this time around.
KevinH said:
Looking good. I just got mine under a big T5 light. Mine are growing but I am learning a grip this time around.
Thank You ! We NEVER stop learning ; ) Im learning a grip growing this many in the round for the first time ..
Well thought Id share another update even though not a lot has changed since the last one, the weather here has been a little off with rain lingering around longer than normal, if you remember my plants were in pretty sad shape as while they were waiting for transplant they got hit hard with slugs but I must say they are starting to rally pretty good, there are flowers everywhere and even pods so if our season lingers we should make out ok. I also forgot to start seeds of a accidental cross between jalapeño and Brain strain from last year that had a sweet heat so I started a few even though it's late I'll let em go as long as I can. Here's some pics including the cross starts

First the cross starts

Here's a blurry pic of a Naga pod

And then the rest of the girls see how they're growing out of their ugliness ; )

Hopefully th next update will contain pod pics! Gonna start feeding them with a formula that's a little less nitrogen rich and more bloom friendly !
Time for a quick update ! Everything is doing great however even though we started everything on time this year iit feels like I should have a lot more podage at this point .. too much nitrogen? In any case they are bidding and starting to pod the weather has been a little screwy. I'll finish this update with some pics ..

Well there you have her until next time. Thanks for stopping by.
Here's a quick update Ive got pods everywhere but they are green, hoping the weather holds up to get these to ripen here's some pod pics

Chocolate Morouga

Yellow Primo

Jays Peach Bhut

Devils Tongue


My Favorite Naga Viper

Carolina Reaper

Supposed to be Jigsaw from my seeds but looks like it's got a hit of something else so either it's crossed or it's reverting back to one of the parent plants ?

And then comes the harvest ! Won't be long before we have pods for auction ! ; ) here's some pics

Bubble Gum


Baby Butch T

A grip of green Reapers

Sent to me as Yellow Bhut but Im not sure

Devils Tongue

Yellow Devils Tongue

Many more pics, pods, colors,and varities to come