Specialty Foods Economy

Hi all,

I have a question that I hope you can answer for me. With the current state of the economy (pretty much everywhere) how is the specialty foods providers finding it? How was the mood at this year's Fiery Foods Show compared to recent years? Are you noticing any difference?

I am currently developing a line of sauces myself and am seeing almost every industry making cutbacks, just want to know how everybody else is doing.

Thanks for your time.
I can't speak for everyone, but our sales are through the proverbial roof. I attribute this increase not only to our own personal growing market, but the fact that not as many people are going out to eat as often.

The overall 'mood' at the Fiery Food Show was upbeat. Attendance was down a bit, but I think this was because they raised the admission rates.
We have been very busy so far this year, as in my Takeaway shop we had the best february in 3 years. People gotta eat. as long as the product is good they will still buy.
DickT said:
Had to look that up, not buying it , want to see photo............. andd you may as well pass on that article

I have to write the article and post it (hopefully I'll be able to post it here w/o it getting deleted, it's going to be all about Defcon). Should be a week or two.
DickT said:
are they naked midgets?

Kind of, although the one at my house wears board shorts, Doc martins, suspenders and generally causes mucho anarchy. They tend to look like this:
