food Spice blend, Seasoning, Powder, Dry Rub, Mixes

Does anyone have some powder mix recipes using our more exotic peppers that they would like to share? Stuff like a spicy italian seasoning, poultry seasoning, rib dry rub, berbere spice, garam masala etc. I have a couple jars full of dried bhut, devils tongue, and cayennes that i'd like to incorporate into some seasoning blends.

I suppose we can experiment with swapping out the more generic peppers in theres recipes:
Here's a famous Berbere recipe:

Here's a Garam Masala recipe:
BD - 
I do indeed have the recipes you speak of but I'm saving em to try and sell at farmer's markets.  I will say that it takes a bit of experimentation and you have to UP the other ingredients in order to balance the flavor profiles.  You can take your normal McCormick brand italian seasoning and add flaked supers (like I did when I started), but it's going to skew rapidly to the super hot flavor and not really 'taste' like much else.  So if you take that same jar of McCormick  italian seasoning and add flaked supers you've got to come back over the top and add more oregano/rosemary/marjoram/basil until you've reached an equilibrium - a balance of flavor.  Hot is great!  Heat without flavor or balance helps no one.   :)
Good way to work it up.  Make small batches, taste, adjust.... 
I posted a generic seasoning salt recipe somewhere here on THP.   Beyond that, it's only limited by your imagination and palatte. 
salsalady said:
Good way to work it up.  Make small batches, taste, adjust.... 
I posted a generic seasoning salt recipe somewhere here on THP.   Beyond that, it's only limited by your imagination and palatte.
Yep. What I've been doing is making a "base batch", and then splitting it into 4 or 5 parts and messing with it from there. No sense making a big batch of something you are unsure of. I have dumped out a few of those over the years.
I came across this today on reddit and thought i should add it here for reference: 
Some of those look very random especially with the oregano basil etc., green dried herbs in there, and I think some Cajuns gonna take issue with the blackening one. Phil? ;)
But good post.
The Hot Pepper said:
Some of those look very random especially with the oregano basil etc., green dried herbs in there, and I think some Cajuns gonna take issue with the blackening one. Phil? ;)
But good post.
No that sounds right from the Prudomme cook books. He would know. 
Good to know! I would never put dried green herbs in a bbq rub though (oregano in the TX rub). Anything non-granular tends to burn when smoking, and also would not make for a good bark imo. A good bark pretty much melts and becomes bark, and sticks, chips, and flakes get in the way.
The Hot Pepper said:
Some of those look very random especially with the oregano basil etc., green dried herbs in there, and I think some Cajuns gonna take issue with the blackening one. Phil? ;)
But good post.
Agree with hot stuff. The only time Cajun's would take issue with that is when people add salt to that recipe and call it Cajun seasoning.