• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

⌘ Spicegeist 2013 ⌘

Today we were walloped with a snowstorm in Southwest Virginia and since I was taking some pics of the snow I thought I'd also get started with sharing my pepper progress.

My 2013 selection:

C. chinense
Red Bhuts
Yellow Bhuts
Choco Bhuts
TS Morouga Blend
TS Butch T
7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot Brain Strain
7 Pot Yellow
Choco Hab
Pimenta Morango
Yellow Congo
Pimenta da Neyde
Cumari do Para

C. annuum
Sonoran Chiltepin
Vietnamese Tear Jerker
Peruvian Wild
Armac Chiltepin

C. galapagoense

C. chacoense
CAP 501

C. praetermissum
Cumari Pollux

C. baccatum
Uba Tuba

C. frutescens
Indiana Pequin
Duke Pequin
Donne Sali
Guam Boonie
Aji Chuncho
Piri Piri

C. parvifolium

C. pubescens
Rocoto Inca
Dino Pod

Choco Bhut x Douglah F1
Queen Laurie (C. baccatum) x Yellow Bhut F1
Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Brain Strain (C. chinense) F1
Sonoran Chiltepin x 7 Pot Barrackpore F1
CAP 501 (C. chacoense) x C. chinense F1
Pimenta da Neyde x Bhut F1 and F2
Douglah x Butch T
Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Cumari Pollux (C. praetermissum) F1
Locato x CGN19198
Florida Wild x C. chinense F1
Duke Pequin x Pimenta da Neyde
Duke Pequin x Bhut
Wiri Wiri x Bhut

Outside today:

Pots for later on:

Pimenta da Neyde x Bhut F2... I wasn't counting on purple being so dominant here, will have to pick a few from these to grow out:

Here are some of my 2013 treasures.

I was able to start four C. galapagoenses (they didn't all come up on the same date):




Some special crosses I made in 2011:

Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Brain Strain (C. chinense) F1:

Queen Laurie (C. baccatum) x Yellow Bhut Jolokia (C. chinense) F1:
Sanarda said:
I absolutely love your crosses. My most healthy plants are the crosses you sent me.
Thanks P., that's good to hear.  I'll try to get some more people to grow these new crosses next year since I'm trying to reduce my plant list for 2014...
Wow man, nice spread of plants. I laughed way harder than I should have at the promiscuous lady bugs. Gotta love seeing that beneficials are propagating though.
Spicegeist said:
I'll try to get some more people to grow these new crosses next year since I'm trying to reduce my plant list for 2014...
Speaking of growing out your crosses, Charles, got one of your Fatalii x Choco Bhuts going now. :dance: One of the red ones. Only on it's second set of true leaves but I'll keep you updated when it gets bigger. I put down a yellow one too but it's being stubborn and won't pop. I'll give it another week and if still no bueno, I'll put down another.
Sanarda said:
I'm in. If you don't mind. Atleast you will know they are resilient. Aahhhahahaaaaaaaaa
Ok, great... it's nice to grow plants that mostly take care of themselves...
gasificada said:
Speaking of growing out your crosses, Charles, got one of your Fatalii x Choco Bhuts going now. :dance: One of the red ones. Only on it's second set of true leaves but I'll keep you updated when it gets bigger. I put down a yellow one too but it's being stubborn and won't pop. I'll give it another week and if still no bueno, I'll put down another.
Nice!  I overwintered an F1 plant, it's putting out some growth, but I'm not really taking particularly good care of it at the moment...
Amazing !.........just keeping track of each and every cross is a task in it self. Charles do you also grow indoors through the summer to further isolate or speed up the continual stabilization process ?
PIC 1 said:
Amazing !.........just keeping track of each and every cross is a task in it self. Charles do you also grow indoors through the summer to further isolate or speed up the continual stabilization process ?
I'm tempted to actually do nothing special in order to isolate, but I'm sure I won't be this reckless when it comes time...
One of my healthiest Bhuts of the season:


Chiltepin Amarillo:

Chiltepin Hermosillo:

Carolina Mantis (native) egg case, they are longer and more slender than the Chinese Mantis which has apparently been naturalized in the US since before 1900.  I hope these natives stick around after they hatch:
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Good luck with your Mantis! Your Chiltepin Amarillo is looking awesome. 
Thanks!  The plants I grew from your seed have been my best growing Chiltepins.
capsidadburn said:
Great looking plants as usual Charles!  Hope you'll post pics of the Mantids when they arrive.
Of course!  I can't wait for them to hatch... just hope they don't eat all the native lady bugs.
JJJessee said:
Those are beautiful plants, Charles. It appears they are in dappled or high shade.  About how much direct sun do you think your plants get?
Thanks Jessee... too much, too much shade ;)
Well the plants look nice for "too much" shade. So surely the heat level is less with less direct sun. But that could be a good thing from the flavor perspective. Have you tried to compare heat levels from shade to no-shade plants?
Hi Charles, Looks like you have quite a few plants going I really like your C.galapagoense, I have a F4 mystery purple annuum X galapagoense cross that I'm trying to grow out to F8 but so far It doesn't show any galapagoense traits I'm wondering if it was crossed with one.
If you get lots of seeds maybe I could talk you out of a few galapagoense seeds, so that I could cross my plant with the galapagoense to be sure I have some stronger galapagoense genes in it.
Also I would like to try growing your Douglah X Butch T  if you decide to share some of your crosses,  I may have some Red Primo X red Brain strain this fall as I have not crossed them yet.  Also I will be crossing a Bishop hat X praetermissum to a  Peach Bhut, at this point I can't tell if I have a Bishop hat X praetermisum cross yet, but if I do that is what I plan to cross with it,  either that or a red Primo. So maybe we can work something out? 
Man Charles, your plants look amazing.  Very healthy looking and not a single bug bite (that I can see).  
Grats on the galapagoense!  From what I have read they are very difficult to germ and even more so to grow to podding.  Green hands right there, bud! 
With all the crazy cool crosses you have, I think of you as THP's "mad scientist!"  :D  Keep it up!  One of these days I'll try to cross something.
Spicegeist said:
Thanks P., that's good to hear.  I'll try to get some more people to grow these new crosses next year since I'm trying to reduce my plant list for 2014...
Let me know if you need anyone every to grow your crosses, those are some sweet looking plants you have there :P
JJJessee said:
Well the plants look nice for "too much" shade. So surely the heat level is less with less direct sun. But that could be a good thing from the flavor perspective. Have you tried to compare heat levels from shade to no-shade plants?
Thanks Jessee, no I haven't experimented with this.  Some plants are doing okay with the less than full sun situation, I'll probably focus on those that can thrive in these conditions.
wildseed57 said:
Hi Charles, Looks like you have quite a few plants going I really like your C.galapagoense, I have a F4 mystery purple annuum X galapagoense cross that I'm trying to grow out to F8 but so far It doesn't show any galapagoense traits I'm wondering if it was crossed with one.
If you get lots of seeds maybe I could talk you out of a few galapagoense seeds, so that I could cross my plant with the galapagoense to be sure I have some stronger galapagoense genes in it.
Also I would like to try growing your Douglah X Butch T  if you decide to share some of your crosses,  I may have some Red Primo X red Brain strain this fall as I have not crossed them yet.  Also I will be crossing a Bishop hat X praetermissum to a  Peach Bhut, at this point I can't tell if I have a Bishop hat X praetermisum cross yet, but if I do that is what I plan to cross with it,  either that or a red Primo. So maybe we can work something out? 
I am saving galapa seed and will have some available for trades etc, Douglah x Butch T... as for that one I am crossing it with some other plants that I have and should have seed as well...
stc3248 said:
All those plants look just about perfect...and a mantis sack to boot!  :dance:
Thank you.  They still haven't hatched...
DocNrock said:
Man Charles, your plants look amazing.  Very healthy looking and not a single bug bite (that I can see).  
Grats on the galapagoense!  From what I have read they are very difficult to germ and even more so to grow to podding.  Green hands right there, bud! 
With all the crazy cool crosses you have, I think of you as THP's "mad scientist!"  :D  Keep it up!  One of these days I'll try to cross something.
Ha, thank you.  I should have some galapa seed if you want to give it a try too...
newhoppyguy said:
Let me know if you need anyone every to grow your crosses, those are some sweet looking plants you have there :P
Very good, we'll see how things end up this year, I should have a plant or two.
Just a small update now.
Aji Cristal x Brainstrain F1 flower:

Aji Cristal x C. praetermissum hasn't been podding up too much.  I'll start using pollen from another plant to see if that helps.  Here is one pod developing on it now: