• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

⌘ Spicegeist 2013 ⌘

Today we were walloped with a snowstorm in Southwest Virginia and since I was taking some pics of the snow I thought I'd also get started with sharing my pepper progress.

My 2013 selection:

C. chinense
Red Bhuts
Yellow Bhuts
Choco Bhuts
TS Morouga Blend
TS Butch T
7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot Brain Strain
7 Pot Yellow
Choco Hab
Pimenta Morango
Yellow Congo
Pimenta da Neyde
Cumari do Para

C. annuum
Sonoran Chiltepin
Vietnamese Tear Jerker
Peruvian Wild
Armac Chiltepin

C. galapagoense

C. chacoense
CAP 501

C. praetermissum
Cumari Pollux

C. baccatum
Uba Tuba

C. frutescens
Indiana Pequin
Duke Pequin
Donne Sali
Guam Boonie
Aji Chuncho
Piri Piri

C. parvifolium

C. pubescens
Rocoto Inca
Dino Pod

Choco Bhut x Douglah F1
Queen Laurie (C. baccatum) x Yellow Bhut F1
Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Brain Strain (C. chinense) F1
Sonoran Chiltepin x 7 Pot Barrackpore F1
CAP 501 (C. chacoense) x C. chinense F1
Pimenta da Neyde x Bhut F1 and F2
Douglah x Butch T
Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Cumari Pollux (C. praetermissum) F1
Locato x CGN19198
Florida Wild x C. chinense F1
Duke Pequin x Pimenta da Neyde
Duke Pequin x Bhut
Wiri Wiri x Bhut

Outside today:

Pots for later on:

Pimenta da Neyde x Bhut F2... I wasn't counting on purple being so dominant here, will have to pick a few from these to grow out:

Here are some of my 2013 treasures.

I was able to start four C. galapagoenses (they didn't all come up on the same date):




Some special crosses I made in 2011:

Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Brain Strain (C. chinense) F1:

Queen Laurie (C. baccatum) x Yellow Bhut Jolokia (C. chinense) F1:
Loving the crosses. Can't wait to see the pimenta da neyde crosses. I just successfully got some galapagoense sprouting.  They will be an overwinter project since I'm sure I won't get pods from them this season.
Kingdenniz - Out of curiosity what size pots are you using? Do you plan to pot up from those?  
Capsicum Select said:
Loving the crosses. Can't wait to see the pimenta da neyde crosses. I just successfully got some galapagoense sprouting.  They will be an overwinter project since I'm sure I won't get pods from them this season.
Kingdenniz - Out of curiosity what size pots are you using? Do you plan to pot up from those?  
They are 1 gal grow bags. When I get more soil they will go in 5 gal.

How many gala seedlings did you get to sprout??
Nice looking cross up there (the not so morouga)


gotta love those nasty mutant!
hope youll keep the seeds! if not keep them for me!
i iwll grow them a second year for sure!
I've gotta say, I actually really dig the TS Moruga Blend cross.  Just goes to show phenotype doesn't always follow the expected genotype.  I wouldn't expect a pod from a TSMB x Douglah or TSMB x (Butch T x Douglah) to look like that.  Really, really cool Charles.  Looking forward to the ripening color and to hear about the heat level.  With those parents it should be screamin' hot! 
All the others look fantastic, as well.   
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
pods look great.. cant wait for more of your crosses to grow
They are starting to take off a little bit now.  Fortunately, of my crosses the only one that had trouble podding up was one of my Aji Cristal x C. praetermissum plants, the rest are podding up, including my Aji Cristal x Brainstrain!
Peptacular said:
Wild looking crosses you got going man. In name and appearance. Keep on keepin on lol.
Right on Pep!
Hammerfall said:
Nice looking cross up there (the not so morouga)


gotta love those nasty mutant!
hope youll keep the seeds! if not keep them for me!
i iwll grow them a second year for sure!
It was probably my fault, I occasionally get idea to cross pollinate and forget :twisted:
PIC 1 said:
Cool photography !
I dig the iridescent colors of the Pimenta da Neyde x Bhut...
Thanks Pic, that plant is doing very well.  The pods look like little bhuts with the chambered and spikey fruit, but they are solid dark purple just like the P d. N, perfect!
DocNrock said:
I've gotta say, I actually really dig the TS Moruga Blend cross.  Just goes to show phenotype doesn't always follow the expected genotype.  I wouldn't expect a pod from a TSMB x Douglah or TSMB x (Butch T x Douglah) to look like that.  Really, really cool Charles.  Looking forward to the ripening color and to hear about the heat level.  With those parents it should be screamin' hot! 
All the others look fantastic, as well.   
TSMB cross is one of my favorites too.
Now for an update:
One of two different Chiltepin Amarillo I'm growing:

Aji Cristal x Brainstrain (!):

One of the pods from below:

Pod on one of my TS Morouga Blend plants that is not a cross:

From below:

The pods on my Choco Bhut x Douglah cross are beginning to take shape:

Here's the pod on my TSMB cross I pollinated with Choco bhut x Douglah pollen:

A pod on one of my bhut-types also pollinated with Choco bhut x Douglah pollen: