• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Spicegeist 2014 - The Year of the Bhut

This year I'm growing primarily bhut/naga types.
Not much to look at now, but thought I'd kick things off since I'm already starting seeds:

Here's my list:
  1. Red Bhut
  2. Choco Bhut
  3. Yellow Bhut
  4. Peach Bhut
  5. Shabu Jolokia
  6. Naga King
  7. Naga Morich
  8. Naga Suomi
  9. Dorset Naga
  10. Guwahati Bhut
  11. Pale Bhut / Bih Jolokia
  12. Jay's Peach
  13. Fatalii
  14. Lota Bih
  15. C. galapagoense
jedisushi06 said:
looking good Charles.
Thanks buddy!  I've got isolated pods growing on both of my Shabu plants... for whatever reason, they pods are looking different.
Dot Com said:
Thought about your GLOG in that its "bhut growing" weather in this heat :P There might be a heat advisory out up here in my area today. I've seen it written here that extreme variations breed extreme heat in pods.
Bring it on! :hell:
Jamison said:
Amazing poddage Charles!  Looking forward to your top secret cross ripening up!  
Yeah, me too... can't wait to cut it open and eat it up.  There are so many crazy superhots out there these days... well here comes one more ;) .
jedisushi06 said:
Okay cool maybe the bees cross pollinate some of the pods for me. I had that plant far from any other plants last year.
Did you grow any carbon bhuts?  One of the plants is putting out pods that look like that...
Squished C. galapagoense, juicy deliciousness revealed:

C. galapagoense seed I collected today, I probably have over a hundred seeds all together at this point.  I may stop saving the seed and just eat them as they ripen now.

Here's how the galapagoense looks today, so many pods still to come:

A little pepper born on the fourth of July:

One of PeriPeri's Naga Kings:

Naga Suomi:

More Naga Suomi:

Can't get enough of this Guwahati Bhut pod with four chambers:
You got me drooling with the pics of the Naga King and Guwahati Bhut Charles! :drooling:  Mine are quite a bit behind yours... the Naga King finally set its first few pods this week, and the Guwahati Bhuts are still dropping flowers... I can see that if I grow them again up here, I'm gonna have to have them in a bed all by themselves and leave the row cover on all season. Cheers!
maximumcapsicum said:
Nice update Charles. Is there any secret to saving seeds? I normally just set the placenta with seeds aside to dry out. 
The Naga King and Guwahati look great. Can't wait to see what the Guwahati looks like when it matures.
Keep growin!
Well, ideally you can clean the capsaicin off the seeds and then keep them someplace cool and dry...
jedisushi06 said:
i grew other bhut types last year that were red Charles.
Hm, ok...
stickman said:
You got me drooling with the pics of the Naga King and Guwahati Bhut Charles! :drooling:  Mine are quite a bit behind yours... the Naga King finally set its first few pods this week, and the Guwahati Bhuts are still dropping flowers... I can see that if I grow them again up here, I'm gonna have to have them in a bed all by themselves and leave the row cover on all season. Cheers!
I don't have as much sun as I would like... they look like great varieties so far.  If you keep any overwinters, one of these might be worth it to get a head start next year...
OCD Chilehead said:
WOW! Lovin the pics Charles. I was thinking under Bhut Jolokia, Wikipedia should just have a single link straight to Year of the Bhut Glog. Done.

Thanks for sharing.

Haha, sounds good to me :cool: .
jedisushi06 said:
post some pics of those shabu pods you said were funky.
I will later this week...
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Amazing plants as always, nice variety and great pictures! 
Thanks Chris!
Portuge said:
I'm at a complete loss with the Galapa, had several pods going and out of nowhere the stems dried up and fell off...  On to a greener scenery here's the Cap 501 x bhut f2...
Weird about the galapa.  I can send you more seed if you like, maybe try growing it in a different way (e.g., different grow medium or light conditions?).
CAP 501 x Bhut flower looks great, you can see both species in that flower!
Nice nice nice!!!

I know you were on the fence about frutescens a couple years back,tabasco specifically maybe??? Are you liking them now? They are a great garden snack and not too far off from galapagoense in the juiciness and heat/flavor departments.
Nice nice nice!!!
Pr0digal_son said:
Nice nice nice!!!

I know you were on the fence about frutescens a couple years back,tabasco specifically maybe??? Are you liking them now? They are a great garden snack and not too far off from galapagoense in the juiciness and heat/flavor departments.
Nice nice nice!!!
Thanks John, I see you've got an excellent memory like myself ;)  Yes, I wasn't a huge fan of frutescens, I tried to find one that wasn't very juicy, that would dry easily.  There are a couple that do that.  I think this one I'm growing that I think might be the same thing as a Guam Boonie (CGN 17020) does the trick, probably just the smaller the frutescens, the less juicy, but I don't know.  I've crossed some different frutescens and will see how they turn out next year.
Dot Com said:
you could put those galapagoense in a salad, among other dishes.
Hm, good idea, thanks David!
Devv said:
Been on Vacation, and came back to fantastic updates here.
Everything is looking stellar!
Keep it green!
Will do, thanks Scott!