• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Spicy Chickens MMXIV Glog - Hobby Grow


This years grow will be somewhat [SIZE=18.18181800842285px]disappointing comparatively speaking, my wife and I decided last night to only plant the circle raised beds this year.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18.18181800842285px]Each bed holds 12 plants conservatively X 20 will only be 240 plants; all Reapers and for no particular reason; just to have something growing.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18.18181800842285px]Some of you may have seen my thread in the Lounge about a barn conversion and this will take priority over the dedication it take to grow our normal thousands of plants. ;-([/SIZE]
We did plant 2548 reaper seeds, we will [SIZE=18.18181800842285px]transplant[/SIZE] what germinates and try to sell locally anything over 240
All of the plants will be topped and stripped this year again, so if you are interested in that stay tuned.
Once again I may not have time to respond to all of your replies, but you will know I read them with a like. Please no Like trolls. lol
Seeding by hand this year with only one seed per cell, limited on seeds.

To save space and heat we stacked them [SIZE=18.18181800842285px]until[/SIZE] they pop.

Thanks for stopping by!! Cheers - Jeff
Edit: The writing on the first pic is incorrect and what we first thought we would do. so don't ask :rofl:
Spicegeist said:
That tray looks great.  It's just that there aren't the right people near you or on craigslist looking for superhots.  Online vendors who sell plants sell them for over $4 each... definitely worth it if you want to grow them...
That is a heck of an idea. Just put them up for sale on your website and get the word out. I bet you can get rid of a bunch of them that way.
Wouldn't be too hard to take the business.
wow @ lowes and other places the 4 inch tall plants are like 3$ .. the smaller like 2 week olds are like 1.50.. 54 / 22 dollars per tray.
Just gotta find the right place to sell them lol
[SIZE=18.18181800842285px]Oops[/SIZE] guess I forgot to water a tray the last time.  :rolleyes: 

In for a quick soak.

Looks like some will recover.  :P  

I only check every few days, I have the grow shelves covered up with styrofoam to retain heat in these cold temps. :shh: 

Will take another pic tomorrow if I remember to see what [SIZE=18.18181800842285px]survived[/SIZE]. Less to cull.  :confused: 
Cheers  - Jeff 

Jeff H said:
That is a heck of an idea. Just put them up for sale on your website and get the word out. I bet you can get rid of a bunch of them that way.

Wouldn't be too hard to take the business.
Wonder how they pay less for shipping, 3 plants in 3.5 pots would take a medium flat rate at $11, so you would like make 2 dollars a plant,  including having to package them. Am I missing something here?  :rolleyes:
I have tried many times to ship things other than flat rate and the USPS estimator was always higher. Hmmmm Unless it was like regional. 
Looking forward to seeing how your topping and stripping goes. I'm doing the same to mine this year, for lack of space - but will do it in a few days, so I will go by how you did it last season.
All the best!
Spicy Chicken said:
Wonder how they pay less for shipping, 3 plants in 3.5 pots would take a medium flat rate at $11, so you would like make 2 dollars a plant,  including having to package them. Am I missing something here?  :rolleyes:
I have tried many times to ship things other than flat rate and the USPS estimator was always higher. Hmmmm Unless it was like regional. 
The photo on Dale's site looks like he is using a small FRB. The pots look pretty small too. Certainly not 3.5" pots.
Jeff H said:
The photo on Dale's site looks like he is using a small FRB. The pots look pretty small too. Certainly not 3.5" pots.
Ya I noticed that to, if I remember right they are 1-7/8 inch thick, so the pots have to be really small to fit. 
Edit: just looked them up 1- 5/8 
stc3248 said:
Haha...I get your strategy now!!! Start 1000 plants to only keep a couple hundred...you've had such bad luck with the big numbers, shooting lower and planting so many extras is sure to reverse your luck! Your pain this season will be dealing with surplus instead of loss! 
Shane, steady thinking aren't you, :shh:  lol for sure... for sure. Exactly right!! keep the best 500 twice what we need (just in case) and dump the rest. If mother nature want to dump on us within the first 2 weeks of plant out we will be ready for the bit##.  :rofl:  If she decides to deal out two lessons ........ well then she won  :tear:
jojo said:
how many leaves or height...  well...  
how do u determine when's a good time to start pruning these suckas?
How I determine, is age but for the most part 6 inches tall or better with a health root system. 
How you determine is up to your individual preference. won't hand out suggestions, instructions, or how to's.  :mope: learned my lesson a few years back.
Don't know how big your plants are but the ones we are growing will not be ready for stripping for another 4 to 6 weeks, there are some pics in my last years glog if interested.
Thanks for stopping by!!  Cheers, Jeff
I've seen you post paintings before, but I thought they were painted by a friend??? That one is fantastic! Fish peppers are sure fun to look at and you did a great job of capturing that. Them and Goat's Weed are my favorite plants to stare at out in the garden.
stc3248 said:
I've seen you post paintings before, but I thought they were painted by a friend??? That one is fantastic! Fish peppers are sure fun to look at and you did a great job of capturing that. Them and Goat's Weed are my favorite plants to stare at out in the garden.
Yes they are quite nice for sure, this pic was taken by a friend on facebook, I don't normally paint other folks pics unless they ask. My status has a link to all my paintings and 98% of them are photo's taken here at the Chicken Ranch. lol