• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Spicy Chickens MMXIV Glog - Hobby Grow


This years grow will be somewhat [SIZE=18.18181800842285px]disappointing comparatively speaking, my wife and I decided last night to only plant the circle raised beds this year.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18.18181800842285px]Each bed holds 12 plants conservatively X 20 will only be 240 plants; all Reapers and for no particular reason; just to have something growing.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18.18181800842285px]Some of you may have seen my thread in the Lounge about a barn conversion and this will take priority over the dedication it take to grow our normal thousands of plants. ;-([/SIZE]
We did plant 2548 reaper seeds, we will [SIZE=18.18181800842285px]transplant[/SIZE] what germinates and try to sell locally anything over 240
All of the plants will be topped and stripped this year again, so if you are interested in that stay tuned.
Once again I may not have time to respond to all of your replies, but you will know I read them with a like. Please no Like trolls. lol
Seeding by hand this year with only one seed per cell, limited on seeds.

To save space and heat we stacked them [SIZE=18.18181800842285px]until[/SIZE] they pop.

Thanks for stopping by!! Cheers - Jeff
Edit: The writing on the first pic is incorrect and what we first thought we would do. so don't ask :rofl:
When I first planted the seed we thought we would grow them but then decided not to do to expense and time, then we thought we would sell them but no one local wants them not even the nurseries.
So now we will just choose the best of the best and keep replacements for 2 weeks to see if mother nature throws us a curve and then dump the rest, it is quite a shame but we had the seeds and the potting soil.
Even if we wanted to plant the rest we couldn't, the ground is like mud and figure it would not be workable till the first week of june and that is too late.
Year before last I lost over 5k in plants, really its not that big a deal; they're just plants. ;) 

WooHoo plant out, bout time!! 
We cleaned out one of the old sheds this spring and found there was a bunch of old shelled oats, so I sifted them out and adding them to the raised beds.
Just gettin er done. :-)






Thanks for stopping by and hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Cheers - Jeff
I can feel for you trying to find homes for all the plants you started and decided not to set out. I'd have the same problem here... it's hard to find anybody who wants anything hotter than a Jalapeno here.
On the plus side, glad to see you've got your grow underway. Good luck, and I hope Ma Nature doesn't throw you another curveball this spring!
Jeff H said:
Nice update.
What's the benefit to adding oats?
Hi Jeff,
I have no idea, lol  just thought that it would help keep the soil light and fluffy for a season. When I cleaned the shed out there was a roof leak and where the water soaked the oats for who knows how long......it made a awesome compost matter, I hated the idea of tossing out a truck load of organic material.
Only time will tell if I made a mistake.
Cheers - Jeff

[SIZE=18.18181800842285px]Just a few progress pics, been a little cold so not a whole lot of growth but warmer weather in the near future.[/SIZE]
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Cheers - Jeff
chile_freak said:
Those are very cool beds brother man! Is that a gator or an ATV pulling your trailw
Er in that pic? Great looking setup!
Thanks Paul.
Arctic Cat 500 ATV, getting older now but still works great and really handy around the farm.
Thanks for stopping by, Cheers - Jeff
Just playing like a year or more worth of catch up and dammit, Jeff, now I remember why I stopped looking at your glogs in particular... there's so much I want to say but I just can't find the words! Spec-freaking-tacular as usual, mate!!!

sicman said:
everything looks so clean and green and wonderfull not that it doesnt always. 
you know you still owe me a dynamite tale ;)
Hey Siccy, Thanks.......I know but the story will have to wait till snow flies and I start up the inside construction again. ;)
gasificada said:
Just playing like a year or more worth of catch up and dammit, Jeff, now I remember why I stopped looking at your glogs in particular... there's so much I want to say but I just can't find the words! Spec-freaking-tacular as usual, mate!!!
Hi Gassy, does that mean you won't be stopping by anymore? lol Good to hear from you buddy, hope everything is well!  :party:

2014 Grow update, Not a whole lot of growth; seems that just about every day is cloudy and and sometimes not even 70 degrees but this weekend temps are predicted to be in the 80's. ;-)




Thanks for stopping by and once again I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Cheers - Jeff
Honestly that cleanness has a surreal effect on photos.
Those bricks look like they were made of sponge, the mulch foil is the cleanest I have ever seen.
I'm speechless about the plants.
I even love the wire that holds the tubes together.
Spicy Chicken said:
Hi Gassy, does that mean you won't be stopping by anymore? lol Good to hear from you buddy, hope everything is well!  :party:
Nope... 'cause now I'm hooked again! :D haha
Let me try something here.....
Those plants in the last pic there look ridiculously healthy, Jeff. It blows me away how good you manage to keep everything looking despite the massive scale of what you do. In the garden, behind the scenes, everything. And then on top of it all, you still manage to find the time to share it all and makes us very happy! Kudos, Jeff, kudos! :cool:
How did I do? :D
gasificada said:
Nope... 'cause now I'm hooked again! :D haha
Let me try something here.....
Those plants in the last pic there look ridiculously healthy, Jeff. It blows me away how good you manage to keep everything looking despite the massive scale of what you do. In the garden, behind the scenes, everything. And then on top of it all, you still manage to find the time to share it all and makes us very happy! Kudos, Jeff, kudos! :cool:
How did I do? :D
You did well, over the top a bit maybe. lol
:rofl:  OK you just gave me a complex, I'm not real goon good with praise, I just do what I can, but thanks for the Kodos.  ;)  Kind of interesting but until I took those pics a little while ago its the first time I have looked at the plants up close in more than a week; just so busy with other thing. I will admit they do look pretty healthy for such crappy weather. 
Thanks for stopping by again!! Cheers
Everything looks great man. Do you get dizzy cutting the grass around those planters? :P
millworkman said:
Uh oh, you know it is bad news when a guy in Wisconsin is ahead of you in East TN.  Great stuff Jeff!!
I know how you feel, I'm in florida and my overwinters are barely keeping up..!