Spider Mites & ??

Omri said:
I use vermicompost, it can't be chemical. any type of chemicals will kill the worms, so no chemicals.
I'm not eating my plates and it's washable with dishes. the plants absorb it.

Do you have another suggestion? I need to do something today - before this gets out of hand.
Some homemade remedies:

Steep 2 garlic cloves in 1 litre of water for 24 hours. Strain. Do not dilute. Spray on plants, no more than twice a week, to get rid of aphids, spider mites and scale mites.

Boil 500 g (2 cups) of rhubarb leaves in 1 litre of water for 30 minutes. Let cool and strain. Useful against aphids, leaf miners and spider mites

Plants belonging to the nightshade family (tomatoes, potatoes etc.) have large amounts of compounds called "alkaloids" in their leaves. These compounds are water soluble and can be extracted by soaking chopped leaves then using as a spray. The toxicity of the alkaloids may account for only part of their effectiveness. The sprays may also attract beneficial insects that follow the chemicals in these plants as a cue in searching for their prey.
To make: Soak 2 cups of chopped tomato leaves in 1 pint of water overnight. Strain this mixture then add another pint of water and 1/4 teaspoon of castille soap a sticker. Spray foliage and soil as needed.

I'm sure our original one was green, I dunno if it's changed colour though. I buy the perfumed one (NOT TO USE ON MY PLANTS) just something that smells nice while doing dishes.
Omri said:
neem? killer ladybugs?

I'd try Neem. It sounded to me like Grumpy suggested it might not be a great idea cause my plants are so little. But I don't know if Lowes or Home Depot carry it.

Ladybugs are a no-go. These little guys are growing in my basement. Can't introduce predatory bugs, as much as I'd like to.
wordwiz said:
Some homemade remedies:

Steep 2 garlic cloves in 1 litre of water for 24 hours. Strain. Do not dilute. Spray on plants, no more than twice a week, to get rid of aphids, spider mites and scale mites.

Boil 500 g (2 cups) of rhubarb leaves in 1 litre of water for 30 minutes. Let cool and strain. Useful against aphids, leaf miners and spider mites


I'll try one of these if I can't find any of those soap products. Thank you Mike.
Use the soap Klyth. Obviously because places are shut you can't do what I did when I had Spidermites, I used a powerful bug killer (suitable for peppers) and they were gone after two applications. It was probably full of chemicals but it was that or lose my plants at the time.
Why can't you use ladybugs?

Because I don't want to share my house with a thousand ladybugs, even though they're kinda cute. My girlfriend would NOT approve.

rainbowberry said:
Use the soap Klyth. Obviously because places are shut you can't do what I did when I had Spidermites, I used a powerful bug killer (suitable for peppers) and they were gone after two applications. It was probably full of chemicals but it was that or lose my plants at the time.

Ok RBB. Thank you for your help everyone. I'm off to the store to see what I can find!!! I'll report back later!
Omri said:
I use vermicompost, it can't be chemical. any type of chemicals will kill the worms, so no chemicals.
I'm not eating my plates and it's washable with dishes. the plants absorb it.

Ha, ha. Fairy's meant to be the liquid that gives you super-soft hands. Maybe when its moisturising benefits soak into your skin the chemicals do too ;) I have super-soft hands though.
rainbowberry said:
Ha, ha. Fairy's meant to be the liquid that gives you super-soft hands. Maybe when its moisturising benefits soak into your skin the chemicals do too ;) I have super-soft hands though.
Tease... ;)
Ok. This is what I could find:

Method: Go Naked

The other thing I found is a product by GardenSafe that contains pyrethrin (from chrysanthemum flowers) and canola oil. Apparently pyrethrin is one of the safest insecticides for vegetables because it breaks down so quickly and is inert towards mammals.

That said, I'm going to use the hand soap. If after a few weeks its getting worse or killing my plants, I'll use the stronger stuff.

Thanks for the help everyone!

... I need to start a blog to keep track of this crap...