St. Lucia Pepper seed give away (CLOSED!!)

Okay PM's sent out for those participating so far.

Here is the list so far as accurate as I can figure it out.

1. Dia Atton
2. Vegas_chili
3. laynlow
4. Barley_pop57

Okay Only 4 spots taken. 6 more available!
Okay List is as follows!

1. Dia Atton
2. Vegas_chili
3. laynlow
4. Barley_pop57
5. Chaosbites
6. Nightshade
7. capehog
8. scrufy

That leaves two more spots available!

Also everyone in so far should have PM.

As of today, I have received 6 SASBE's. I will wait for tomorrow to see what else I get and then they are all going out tomorrow. On Wednesday morning, I am flying to St. Lucia for a week and will be back the following Wednesday on May 1st. If there is an interest in bonda ma jaque seeds or seasoning pepper seeds, please post on this thread and I will visit the market and pick up some pods this week to harvest seeds for you guys. Please let me know asap as I do not have much time in St. Lucia this time around.

All SASBE's received after tomorrow will be shipped out next week Thursday.

Just updating you all.


Daniel K
Thank you! The SASBE arrived here this afternoon.

Have a great trip!!! Hope you find many peppers at the market in St. Lucia.

Okay well since I got back, I have only had 1 more sasbe... That means that I have 3 sets of seeds waiting to send out. Please have your sasbe's in the mail soon everyone!
Hey just checking if mine was one of the ones you got? I had sent out a bunch of stuff the last couple weeks and can't remember if yours was in there or not.. :/.. If not I'll toss out a new envelope on monday.
Everything I got, I sent out. So I would wait 2 days and if you don't get anything on Tuesday, then I would assume you didn't send it my way as yet. Intact if you haven't gotten it yet then I would assume you didn't send it as I am pretty sure that the two I got since I got back from St. Lucia on Wednesday was definitely not from you as I know who those two belong to. They were sent out already also.
KK will drop off a new envelope on monday when I drop off a few more things. Sorry for the delay must have just lost it with all the chaos going on over here.

Thanks again for the offer.