seeds-germination Starting seeds

I just ordered about 100 seeds of different varieties and I'm going to attempt to germinate them. I do not have any grow lights or a heating mat.

I'd appreciate any help on the best way to get the highest germination rate.

Are heating pads and lights necessary?

Thanks for any advice! :)
Well, here's my anecdotal account: this is my first year growing peppers, and I had two plantings, one in early February, and one in mid-March. I decided to use the heat mat (actually, an old bottom-heated reptile tank) for the March peppers to help them move along, keeping the tank around 80-85 degrees. My heat mat seeds sprouted in 4-6 days, whereas some of the seeds from February are just now starting to sprout. To their credit, most of the seeds I started in February sprouted within two weeks at an ambient temperature of about 70. So, heat mats are only necessary if you're on a timetable, or if you're growing some of the more finicky varieties.

As for lighting, just from my experience seed-starting in general, only the sunniest of windows can produce anything close to the results of a grow light. A simple shop light setup works wonders, and they can be relatively cheap. If, however, you are blessed with a large, south-facing window, you should be okay.

Another important consideration with windows is if they are poorly insulated or drafty, it could potentially stunt your peppers' growth.
You don't need any light to germinate the seeds, but when they sprout you will. You can find a lot of info on the THP "Growing Hot Peppers" and "Grow Tech" links.

I have never done it without the lights and grow mats…just afraid I guess!!

Good luck!!
Up until this year, I had never had an official growlight set-up. I relied on sunny windowsills, medical heating pads and a crappy old desk lamp. I always had great success germinating and had more peppers than I could ever eat. Start simple, stick to the basics, and above all ENJOY GROWING!!!
I germinate most of my seeds using the paper towel method and I use the top of my floro light as a heat source. Some people use the top of their frigde or water heater. You don't need light for germination but a warm place will certainly speed things up and give you better germination.
I'd recommend picking up a cheap shop light to get things started. They are very affordable and very affective
I start mine on top of the clothes dryer, because I don't have any other place thats better.
So they still get some heat every once in a while and I get an excellent germination rates.
Then after they germinate I get them some light through a window.
But its really a balancing act for me to get good light, a lot depends on our local weather and evening temps( which pretty much stinks so far this season).
I live in an older house that seems to have little to no insulation, particularly in some rooms, and life in N.E. Ohio (we've had snow the last couple days, so you know it's usually not warm here.) I have germinated seeds between paper towels and between coffee filters a) on top of the fridge, and b) in a small room with a space heater. Both have worked well. The thing about the heating mats you need to know is that they can get too hot and scorch your little darlings. Because of this, if you're going to go the heat mat route, you also need to get a thermostat. I purchased a heat mat, then purchased a thermostat, but never used it because the thermostat has a 3-prong plug, and the outlets in this house only accept 2-prong plugs. Gave away the thermostat since the space heater was working fine.
I stole your graph AJ :)


I was a first time grower this year and i bought a 36 pellet jiffy greenhouse for 4 bucks got it wet stuck 3 seeds in each pellet and put the lid on it left it in my kitchen on the counter where the temps were about 75 and once a day i wiped the moisture off the inside of the lid i had close to 100% germ rate by the 12th day guess i got beginners luck.:lol:
I never use any heat...they always still sprout just take a lot longer.

Yeah, I've never used any heat either and as long as the seeds are good they all (well, more than 80% at least) germinate within a week or so using the paper towel in a baggie/cup method and usually two to three weeks in soil (which I don't do anymore).
No light to germinate but necessary once they do. Heat isn't necessary, just speeds up the process. When you're talking about superhot peppers and grow seasons less than five months anytime you can speed things up go for it.
Thanks for all the advice. Now I've got a few ideas and options floating around in my head. I'll probably head to Lowes this weekend and get some supplies. :cool:
I stole your graph AJ :)

All is good Derek...

I stole the graph from the University of Florida...extension service in Imokolee, Fl...I don't think it is available online any bookmark doesn't work but I did save the photo to my hard drive...

for just starting a few seeds, this looks like it would work pretty's a simple mini-greenhouse...
I start mine on top of the clothes dryer, because I don't have any other place thats better.
So they still get some heat every once in a while and I get an excellent germination rates.
Then after they germinate I get them some light through a window.
But its really a balancing act for me to get good light, a lot depends on our local weather and evening temps( which pretty much stinks so far this season).

Ever tried inside the oven? works great...turn the light on and its a constant 80+ degrees
The red neck way, light bulb in a box not touching to start a fire and your tray on top. keep an eye on the temp, starts to get to hot lower the wattage or cut holes in the side. Ttest without seeds first, give it some time and make sure the tray is not to hot, it not like a 40 or 60 watt bulb is going to bake a cake :)
Bulb should be 10 12 inches away min. easy simple but affective.
