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stc3248's 2014 small wild grow

Well...after much debate between mama and I, WE (she) have come to the conclusion that I may have grown a few too many plants the past few seasons??? :whistle:  :crazy:
2012 I grew out about 70 plants not including the huge number of ornamental peppers which about doubled that number. I didn't regularly harvest the ornamental plants so I ain't counting those...and in spite of some virus issues I was able to put together an epic season. So epic in fact that I had to purchase a chest freezer to store all the excess pods for future processing. 

Here is one 2012 pull...I had numbers like this EVERY weekend! My season started (too) early and lasted until Christmas that year. I finally finished processing them just before I started pulling pods from my 2013 plants...
2013 was a "smaller" grow and in spite of my best efforts to keep the target of 20 keepers I promised the wife...I still ended up with over 50 plants. The "problem" in 2013 was...I really had no problems. My plants stayed healthy which meant...even more and bigger pulls...

A 2013 pull...

and another...
The hits once again kept on coming. Every weekend...thousands of pods. Which is a great freaking problem to have, but not according to mama. :stop:
So this year is gonna be a real deal small grow. I have talked her into letting me grow out 5 plants all of which are awesome wilds that I am super excited about. All 5 varieties are from John (Pr0digal_son) I have so many cool varieties left in the seed bank, but they'll have to wait until I have more time to dedicate to my garden and family. 
For the past two years I have been a "geobachelor" which is a military term for folks that are stationed away from their families. I am only home on weekends...so dedicating so much of my few days home for the past two years to my grow has really been kinda selfish. 
All that being said, I am still a grow addict...so I have talked her into allowing a few more "must have" varieties. So to my 5 wilds I will be adding a couple staple varieties...oh and wait, I am overwintering 7 plants...well really 11 but 4 are just ornamentals for Bonchi plants. :rofl:
One overwinter is my growdown winner Birgit's Locoto...

Official measurement for the contest was just over 11' tall. Seeds started on Valentines Day and final measurement on Halloween...fun contest. Haven't seen a growdown posted for this season??? Keep your eyes peeled folks, tons of fun!!!
Here is the list for 2014...

Well not really a list as much as a photo...started 4 seeds each.

Soaked overnight...

Into peat pellets...

and set in the magic temp zone on the heat mat...

I verify temps using a meat thermometer and will monitor until It stays in the right temp area. 

Temps slowly climbing for now...and there won't be much to report on for a while. These varieties are notorious for slow germination.
C. Tovarii 0/4
C. Exile Chacoense 0/4
C. Eximium 0/4
C. Galapagoense 0/4
Huge Rocopica 0/4
To those awesome varieties add the overwinters:
Birgits Locoto (3)
Romy Mystery Plant (2)
Pequin (1)
Goat's Weed (1)
Manzano (2) (still alive, but not attempting to overwinter...not gonna kill them on purpose though!!!)
I will also be sarting some Jals (Mucho Nacho) and Numex Big Jim's a bit later.
Here are links to my past two season's glogs...in case you're bored and have about a week to try to get through them both.
2012: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27268-stc3248-just-another-grow-log-holiday-harvest/?hl=%20stc3248%20%202012
2013: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/36599-stc3248-2013-grow-log-seasons-greetings-and-seasons-end/
It for now folks...welcome to 2014!!! I will update when I can and show my growroom and the progress of the rest of the overwinter plants...Thanks for looking in, there are a ton of glogs this year! 
Devv said:
Glad to see more babies popping Shane.
I hear the Bonchi's calling my name...I will resist for a while longer..
Have a great week!
Had a few more 22792's pop today!!! That puts me at 6 "volunteers!" Bonchis are great to start at the end of the season as you're deciding which you will overwinter, which you'll toss on the compost pile...and those few maybies can be bonchi candidates. You may have your eye on a couple early on to start giving some character. 
JJJessee said:
I've already got my Bolivian Rainbow seeds.
I'm a goner.
Haha...his Bolivian Rainbow Bonchis are freakin stunning aren't they?
As I mentioned a few more babies out there, but that's not the best news!

Been remiss on the powders from Jericson (Pinoy) had them about a week...the two amazing sauces came in from Bill (Rocketman) today!!! Thank you both so much!
Hi Shane, It looks like things are crankin' along with you ATM. Love the pics of the wilds and Annuums. I had a plant with fused cotys last year that didn't make it, Hope yours does better. It looks like the veggie garden has started to take off too with greens and onion tops growing out. Continued success brother!
Good to see the wilds popping. No tovarii??? They can be pricks. I'm sure they will pop for you,the seed is good. I had good germ rates for them so far(5 out of 9). It can be frustrating trying to plan out a wild grow,the germ times vary so much that you are better off sowing in single containers like you have done. I did mine in 36 cell trays,some need potted up,while others are just hooking,seeds of same species from the same pods to boot.

The exile is C.ch(a)coense just to let you know. I might have spelled it wrong on the packaging,my writing can get messy.
Took a look at the links last night. I love what he's node with the Bolivian Rainbow. I've started some of them and some Numex Twilight and i think I'll start with a couple of them. 
It's a very interesting read and he explains it some, the first cut, when your making the big plant smaller, do you cut them down with a saw? The cuts look too clean to be done with snips so something like that.
Looks like you got a truckload of bonchi converts Shane. Good job!
Just got some bolivian rainbow seeds as a replacement for some seeds that didn't sprout. Tempted to start a new bonchi generation, but I think I'm tapped out. May just wait till the fall. Unless... wonder if they do good in the shade?
Trippa said:
Nice Haul Shane!!!  
Thanks Trippa!!! Thanks for stopping by buddy!
RocketMan said:
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the sauces Shane. Only way to make them better is with good feedback.

Haha Bill, can't wait to try them! Don't expect to have any feedback for you besides make more and send it though! Your stuff is in the mail brudda.
stickman said:
Hi Shane, It looks like things are crankin' along with you ATM. Love the pics of the wilds and Annuums. I had a plant with fused cotys last year that didn't make it, Hope yours does better. It looks like the veggie garden has started to take off too with greens and onion tops growing out. Continued success brother!
Thanks Rick! I have had them go either way...this one looks a bit more tricky than most too. The cone-head coty is getting a bit bigger though...so maybe??? Slugs mowed down a good portion of the young lettuce, but I gave them something else to chew on that won't agree with their digestive system and replanted in the mowed down areas. Onions are cranking along. I also planted some chives around all the pepper sites. Plan to add some cilantro and nasturtiums here and there as companions as well. Hopefully some companions will help keep the bad guys at bay this season.
Pr0digal_son said:
Good to see the wilds popping. No tovarii??? They can be pricks. I'm sure they will pop for you,the seed is good. I had good germ rates for them so far(5 out of 9). It can be frustrating trying to plan out a wild grow,the germ times vary so much that you are better off sowing in single containers like you have done. I did mine in 36 cell trays,some need potted up,while others are just hooking,seeds of same species from the same pods to boot.

The exile is C.ch(a)coense just to let you know. I might have spelled it wrong on the packaging,my writing can get messy.
Them damn Tovarii and Eximium are holding out...but I'll be patient. Haha...you got the Ch(a)coense right...as did I for the first page or so...but by the time they finally sprouted I forgot how to spell it I guess??? :rofl: I hedged my bets by planting in my usual peat pellets and then direct sowing some into containers filled with potting soil then topped with seed starting mix. The pellets are usually faster, but I usually get better rates direct sowing. I have no problem waiting for them to pop...as long as the POP!  :whistle:  :pray:
PIC 1 said:
Once those Bonchi's get into full throttle theres probably very little maintaince just some pruning and training, right ?
My wilds are slow to germ, but I have faith...The more growlights I turn on the warmer the "Dungeon" gets.
Yeah...they will be a little high maintenance...but not too bad. They will need food often and regular haircuts. I haven't been this excited about growing in a while. The added challenge of germing such crazy rare stuff makes them that much more fun. The more challenging the more rewarding right??? Lol...your "dungeon" is a grow palace buddy...
PaulG said:
The bonchis just keep getting better, Shane.  
They will be awesome this Spring!
I sure hope so Paul...they'll be either awesome or dead...I give them a 50/50 shot!
RocketMan said:
Took a look at the links last night. I love what he's node with the Bolivian Rainbow. I've started some of them and some Numex Twilight and i think I'll start with a couple of them. 
It's a very interesting read and he explains it some, the first cut, when your making the big plant smaller, do you cut them down with a saw? The cuts look too clean to be done with snips so something like that.
He's got some amazing stuff huh??? Bolivian Rainbow and Numex Twilights are both great choices. The both grow very fast and are very forgiving. They'll do you proud! I use loppers for my large cuts then small snips for the little stuff.
maximumcapsicum said:
Looks like you got a truckload of bonchi converts Shane. Good job!
Just got some bolivian rainbow seeds as a replacement for some seeds that didn't sprout. Tempted to start a new bonchi generation, but I think I'm tapped out. May just wait till the fall. Unless... wonder if they do good in the shade?
Haha...yeah, but it's a REALLY small truck! If you have a window sill that gets good sun they'll do fine in there. PLANT THEM ITS WHAT WE DO!!!  :dance:
Aight so...I may get in trouble for this...AGAIN...but.

Look what I am doing with my barracks room desk and lamp... :shh:  Replaced the puny little cfl in there with a 23w 5000k bulb and they're liking it!

Brought up a couple spare green numex green chiles...left is a Joe E. Parker and right is a Big Jim. 

Oh...and a couple Jals first is the Jalafuego....

next is the Mucho Nacho...

and the center piece...a bubblegum 7 that has been on deaths doorstep several times. I test germinated some seeds late last season and I brought a couple up here and just left them out in the cold. The combination of cold nights and a couple weeks with no water over Christmas break should have killed them...and I though it did. I gave them some water and they came back...the other one still has a couple green nodes, but I am losing faith in that one. I brought them inside last Thursday and this one really took off. Huh...

The funny thing is...this plant is about 5 months old now and the two week old annuum starts that I gave the usual treatment are almost as big...the branching is fantastic though. 
These will all be planted in large containers for use by all barracks residents along with some Tomatoes...maybe that'll keep them off my back about growing in my room???
Haha...Thanks for stopping by everyone! Hope your weeks are going well!
Ok thanks, actually thinking about it now a few of my plant from last year actually survived the winter. Since I wasn't planning on keeping any of them they might make some good initial victims um, er I mean some really good test plants to learn with, yeah, that's what I meant :) Now to put together a tool kit, where do you get your wire and pots? 
Edit: I was thinking that a Black Pearl would make a really cool bonchi. Especially if I could find one that gets the kind of silvery black pods.
Haha...thanks Pinoy! Bill that's exactly where to start...old plants with no other planned future sound like perfect candidates! Just be careful with pest control and proximity to your new starts...can lead to a disaster. The tools I get from a local nursery. You may have to do some searching, but I am certain there are some that carry some bonsai supplies in your area. 
Growing Crazy???
Love the barracks starts Shane. "Just growing peppers Officer, really...." I've been very happy with those 23w CFL's. Lots of kick for just a couple of bucks. One was actually giving my bonchis too much light... Top leaves burned a bit.

Happy growin'!
I could have sworn I posted here the other day, congrats on the powder and hot sauces.
Like what you're doing in the barracks, can't keep a good man down.
So what are a few plants anyway?
You cook for them, now you're out of fresh ingrediants, yeah that's it! Good story anyways ;)
maximumcapsicum said:
Love the barracks starts Shane. "Just growing peppers Officer, really...." I've been very happy with those 23w CFL's. Lots of kick for just a couple of bucks. One was actually giving my bonchis too much light... Top leaves burned a bit.

Happy growin'!
Haha...Thanks! I use those CFLs every year with great success. A little goes a long way too! The ones under that light are loving it. I treat them like T5s and give the plants at least 4" of clearance. With T8s you can sit the light right on them without burning them.
RocketMan said:
"You dare me to eat what Master Chief?"


"I will if you will, just a little pepper..." As he reaches for a Bubblegum 7 pod

With today's strict military anti-hazing laws I don't dare or encourage anyone to eat anything...ever! I do bring them in, but leave them in the break room for them to use or not. All my folks know to handle anything I bring in with care and they fully respect the power of the pepper! Ha!
Devv said:
I could have sworn I posted here the other day, congrats on the powder and hot sauces.
Like what you're doing in the barracks, can't keep a good man down.
So what are a few plants anyway?
You cook for them, now you're out of fresh ingrediants, yeah that's it! Good story anyways ;)
Ahhh...You did toward the top of the page Scott, you know me nothing for a few days then machine gun updates! I often start plants for the base CO and his wife...so I imagine they'll cut me a little slack!
Speaking of Machine-Guns...here are some of my Sailors doing what they do best this week....My Sailors were part of both sides of this exercise. The hostage takers and security forces...