My favorite steak for a long time was this 28 oz filet at a steakhouse, with a bleu cheese wedge. When you get that butter consistency of the steak on the inside, red from top to bottom for 2 inches, with a perfect sear, you don't care about ribeye, marbling, or fat. You taste the meat and it's like butter... like heaven. It's simple and it's good. The fat has a different flavor, but it is not where the
actual flavor is, the
meat has flavor. Some steaks need the marbling to be tender and juicy so yes you look for a well marbled shell or ribeye. So sure some people seek the fat, but that creates the myth that the filet doesn't have flavor. Excuse me? The filet doesn't
need fat.
My restaurant steak was most always the filet au poivre. A fattier steak I really don't dig with that sauce. Also the filet is definitely the smoothest in texture, no grain present. Silky.
I like fattier steaks more informal. A home grilling with a baked potato. And yes I like ribeyes and shells and fatty steaks too.
In fact. My favorite may be skirt.

Skirt cooked with a hard sear, red center, is also like butter! And very versatile. On its own. With Mexican. Etc.
I can actually see a division here. My favorite restaurant steak is probably filet. Home cooked, skirt. I like eating out to be a bit more refined when it comes to steak. And at home, a fast grilling of fatty juicy goodness. But also this depends on mood and can change.
So there!
However if this is a ranking, I rate filet on top of ribeye. Cooked by a professional not me.
And skirt is up there too so poo poo on you!