• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stetto's First Winter Grow ('16-'17)

Well, here we gro, October 14 and the setup has begun.

My heat mat is unregulated, no thermostat, but measures (without sunlight) @ 87.5F. As can be seen, the 20+ inch deep mat is folded up at the window sill, which should help in deflecting any winter chill getting through the glass. This window will one day be a garden window extending around 9 inches out from the house, to facilitate all manner of horticultural misdeeds...But that's another story...
The lil' ziplock box in the photo is the start of my winter experiment, some Trinidad Moruga Scorpion seed obtained through the good graces of Jeff Contonio. My other seed is in transit from Australia:
Aji Amarillo
Jalapeno Tormenta
Bert the Chilli
I've been trying to grow Aji Amarillo for some years but have never been able to get seed to germinate. I've blamed the seed (innocuous Amazon purchases) up till now, but I have a lot more faith this time around since finding a reputable vendor. Note that only one superhot is being planted----For now.
After germination I intend on sowing into Solo cups (I've heard a wive's tale that you use the red ones for more than just the song), and eventually into 1.5 gallon pots. Even though I brag about the growing strength of the local soil (primordial ooze), I think I'll either hybrid it with non-soil potting mix or not use dirt from the garden at all.
I expect to do quite a bit of pruning, hopefully to encourage bushyness and to promote production in smaller accomodations. I'm sure I can find plety of input on that subject in these pages...
This is my first inside grow, let's see what happens. Any advice/pointers/warnings/pokes/prods/words of encouragement are welcome....But ya doesn't has to call me Johnson....
Gawd, I hate to say it 'cause it's SO lowbrow, but my favorite is

"So there I was, wit' my toungue up some chicks ass, and I'm thinkin' Geeze, these bank lines are long!!"
A-l-l-l-l-l-l-righty, then....
I planted the rest of my pepper starts today, all in Jiffy pellets, more varieties than I'd ever have started before finding the THP family. Thank you all. In addition to this "map", I have 13-15 aji amarillos started, some flowering, seed from PaulG and the Hippy Seed Company. Then there's me solo aji lemon drop for competition purposes and two Trinidad Moruga Scorpions from JeffContonio. I also have an accidental aji mango out of the ground thanks to geonerd and an aji pacay from geonerd that's the slowest rise from dirt I've ever seen. It's also a helmet head, crossing fingers as I type. 
Here they are, in a very particular order...

Bert the Chilli is a proclivity of the Hippy Seed guys. It intrigued me. I'm not growing anaheims this year, but thought Bert might be cool.

P Dready, do a search mang, I'm pretty sure it's a Scotch Bonnet strain coveted by members.

Madballz? Wouldn't you grow one?
Good job doc!
I too tend to let them try. Like Greg said, if you see the part of the plant where the coty's split, and the seed cap is at the top they will do OK. It's when 100% of the coty's are stuck in the seed casing that is a bad situation. I've even put wet soil on the helmet as it was just emerging to let it handle it on it's own. I was 3 for 3 with that choice this season. I will say using the pellets the last 2-3 seasons resulted in far more helmets versus the way I did things this year.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled program......
For better or worse, here we go!


This is giving a good timeline estimate for future plantings. Instead of December I think I should be safe with a March 1st planting, they'll be ready to begin the art of pod production on or about dirt day....
Ain't this more fun than a poke in the eye? Hael yeah, it is!!