• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stetto's First Winter Grow ('16-'17)

Well, here we gro, October 14 and the setup has begun.

My heat mat is unregulated, no thermostat, but measures (without sunlight) @ 87.5F. As can be seen, the 20+ inch deep mat is folded up at the window sill, which should help in deflecting any winter chill getting through the glass. This window will one day be a garden window extending around 9 inches out from the house, to facilitate all manner of horticultural misdeeds...But that's another story...
The lil' ziplock box in the photo is the start of my winter experiment, some Trinidad Moruga Scorpion seed obtained through the good graces of Jeff Contonio. My other seed is in transit from Australia:
Aji Amarillo
Jalapeno Tormenta
Bert the Chilli
I've been trying to grow Aji Amarillo for some years but have never been able to get seed to germinate. I've blamed the seed (innocuous Amazon purchases) up till now, but I have a lot more faith this time around since finding a reputable vendor. Note that only one superhot is being planted----For now.
After germination I intend on sowing into Solo cups (I've heard a wive's tale that you use the red ones for more than just the song), and eventually into 1.5 gallon pots. Even though I brag about the growing strength of the local soil (primordial ooze), I think I'll either hybrid it with non-soil potting mix or not use dirt from the garden at all.
I expect to do quite a bit of pruning, hopefully to encourage bushyness and to promote production in smaller accomodations. I'm sure I can find plety of input on that subject in these pages...
This is my first inside grow, let's see what happens. Any advice/pointers/warnings/pokes/prods/words of encouragement are welcome....But ya doesn't has to call me Johnson....
PaulG said:
That Aji in the back is awesome!  
When did you plant the seed?
For tomatoes, but peppers and tomatoes share the same
diseases since both are solanacae(sp?):
Here's a former THP thread:

Thanks for the links, Paul. It's strange, all the Hippy Seed ajis grew with purple veins and trunks and stems. Even when hooks they were purple. I thought it was natural to the breed. Both above popped the same day in mid-to-late December. YOUR ajis had no such veining, though a couple are now starting to show some. I will research.

By the way, your Peruvians are going crazy with secondary growth. They're going to be dense with lush bushyness!!!!

tctenten said:
Wow!!!   Your plants will be giants when you put them outside.  What is your last frost date?  Mid to late May?
Yeah, I am very afraid for living space as they grow. We have had frosts here as late as the 1st week of June. I pray for global warming!
Glad to hear everything is on course, Eric.  It's great the
peruvian Aji Amarillos are showing their bushy genes!
The peruvians I've grown have had no trouble hitting 
seven feet here   :eek:
In the environment I'm growing these in the only reasonable conclusion I can make is a phosphorus deficiency. I've found no pests, temp and humidity varies between 65° and 70°, 35 to 40% humidity, with a constant light breeze from a fan across the room. Light is led, 2 5000k t8 bulbs and an Apollo 300 watt full spectrum box, timing (roughly) 16 on, 8 off, though a few times I have gone to bed without shutting the lights out.

Soil is out of a store bought bag, Burpee coco coir seed start mix with fractions of a % for nutrients.

I think a soil tester might be in order....
stettoman said:
In the environment I'm growing these in the only reasonable conclusion I can make is a phosphorus deficiency. I've found no pests, temp and humidity varies between 65° and 70°, 35 to 40% humidity, with a constant light breeze from a fan across the room. Light is led, 2 5000k t8 bulbs and an Apollo 300 watt full spectrum box, timing (roughly) 16 on, 8 off, though a few times I have gone to bed without shutting the lights out.

Soil is out of a store bought bag, Burpee coco coir seed start mix with fractions of a % for nutrients.

I think a soil tester might be in order....
You're feeding them Fish Soup, right?  AFAIK, 5-1-1 is perhaps a tad lean on the P, but it 'should' be enough.  I understand that the goop does take a bit of time to break down, so some nutes may be available sooner than others.
If you're looking for an organic phosphorus boost, bat poop should do the trick; particularly if you look for Caribbean fruit bats.  
If you can wait a few more days, I'll include some WallyWorld 'Blue Crystals' type chemical ferts that score 15-30-15 (std Miracle Grow is 24-8-16) when I send the second box of Amarillo pods.  (Those pods are looking mighty tasty, and our recent 80F 'winter' weather has them rapidly approaching orange ripeness. :) )
Welllllll, geo, I was told to water weekly, weakly, more than once. 15-30-15 sounds a lot more stout than the CNS17 3-1-2 solid7 suggested. The weird thing is that some plants act finicky, others are thriving, in what is THE SAME DIRT. Don't have no fish goo either (head scratcher, that--I live amidst 10,000 lakes!). Right now I'm not supplementing at all besides an 8th teaspoon of CNS17 per gallon of rainwater.

Can't wait for those pods, man!

Got any fruit bat poo on ya?
stettoman said:
Welllllll, geo, I was told to water weekly, weakly, more than once. 15-30-15 sounds a lot more stout than the CNS17 3-1-2 solid7 suggested. The weird thing is that some plants act finicky, others are thriving, in what is THE SAME DIRT. Don't have no fish goo either (head scratcher, that--I live amidst 10,000 lakes!). Right now I'm not supplementing at all besides an 8th teaspoon of CNS17 per gallon of rainwater.

Can't wait for those pods, man!

Got any fruit bat poo on ya?
Got no poop until the buggers come back to nest under the area's bridges. (I go out and 'harvest' my own!  There's a thread on here somewhere...)
Don't be skeerd of the chem ferts, just use a lot less of them.
I wish I could add something here about the plant you're worried about. I hope it's not a disease. Good luck with it!
looks like something from a old creature feature show !
stettoman said:
I do believe I will be dipped in shit.

What manner of deformation/mutation can this be? My first blood-rushing-to-my-brain assumption was flower node. Now, after a healthy breath or two, I think confirmation from one who has grown the aji amarillos might be in order. The plant isn't more than 7 inches tall, I haven't even thought about topping yet....
From a few inches farther back...

Being as I've never paid this close attention to peppers growing, I give y'all, especially geonerd, who obviously takes much glee in such things, permission to give me all manner of shit for what may simply be Capsicum Wartus Genitalium....
now thats funny sh!t !  sry.    :rofl:
stettoman said:
I'm slowly getting that, Paul. My older ajis are showing some pretty severe cupping out of the new growth, I think I'm mother-henning them to death.

The PaulG amarillo P plants are looking great, probably because of neglect....
Yah, Frank, and it continues to. I've held back on topping this one because of the anomaly. Will post another pic shortly to provide continuation....
stettoman said:
Yah, Frank, and it continues to. I've held back on topping this one because of the anomaly. Will post another pic shortly to provide continuation....
Why not forgo 'whacking' that poor plant altogether?  See how he grows, compared to his 'Jewish' brothers?  ;)
Geonerd said:
Why not forgo 'whacking' that poor plant altogether?  See how he grows, compared to his 'Jewish' brothers?   ;)
Well, you tell me...Why not?

Spontaneous "something". Maybe a trans, dunno. Definitely a Gentile...I've topped all the others, this started before then.

Sure looks like mutant leaf matter and a couple really really really small flower buds.
...but hey, geo say let 'er go, who am I to deny his botanical curiosity...? :high: