• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2012 Gochu Pepper Glog

Well, here we go... Started about 35 Korean Gochu Peppers and a few Korean salad peppers, jalapenos and orange habs. All are mostly up today but the habs. I started them early last week in my heated grow tent down in my cellar on top of a grow mat, but didn't have the thermostat quite dialed in. When I left it it was 70 degrees f. in the tent. When I checked again the next morning it was 85 degrees, and I was afraid I'd cooked the seeds, so I moved them onto my kitchen windowsill on the grow mat and awaited developments. Looking much better now. I'll give the Habs until the weekend to pop, then move the flat down to the grow tent.
Rick, I'm sorry to hear that your growing season is coming to an end, hope you can squeeze a little bit more in nextfew weeks. I hope you are satisfied.
Your glog was very inspiring (both peppers and cooking food wise :)) and I learned a lot coming here, reading your posts.
Now it's time for you to enjoy fruits of your hard work :)

As about pickled jalapenos, this year I put a few bay (laurel) leaves in the jar for the same reason (didn't try them yet).
Nice looking pepper slices there Bro. I got the Ground Cherries this weekend. Thanks, I'm looking forward to getting them in the ground.
Thanks Bill
Glad to know you got them OK. Enjoy!

Rick, I'm sorry to hear that your growing season is coming to an end, hope you can squeeze a little bit more in nextfew weeks. I hope you are satisfied.
Your glog was very inspiring (both peppers and cooking food wise :)) and I learned a lot coming here, reading your posts.
Now it's time for you to enjoy fruits of your hard work :)

As about pickled jalapenos, this year I put a few bay (laurel) leaves in the jar for the same reason (didn't try them yet).
Hi Robert
Thanks for the kind words! I'm definitely satisfied with the harvest I got this year. Starting and planting the nightshades early made a huge difference. I suppose I could put the hoophouse up over the remaining chiles to extend the season further, but the harvest would be miniscule, so I don't think it'd be worth it. I think I'd rather plant cold weather greens like Claytonia and Mache to provide us with salads through the winter, so as I strip the ripe peppers from the chiles this week, I'll pull them up and prepare the bed for planting. I'll try to plant the greens this weekend, and when the frosts come I'll put the hoophouse up over them.
Thanks for the tip on the Bay leaves. I wanted the pepper flavor to dominate this time, so I used the Oak leaves instead. The only flavor I put in the brine was a little sugar to iron out the rough spots and a crushed clove of garlic in each jar.
Good luck with the rest of your season, I hope you have a great harvest with enough to carry you over 'til next year. Cheers!
Great grow Rick. Sad to see mother nature is shutting yet another of my favorite grows to :confused: Hopefully you can get an early start on those Chinese next year. Oh and just beacuse your peppers are not growing , you can still delight us with your amazing cullinary abilities through out the winter months( whatever that is :rofl: ).

Keep your gochu on :party:
*Tip your hats to a great season and wonderful Glog everyone and pour out a little powder for our homies with low zone numbers!*
Great grow Rick. Sad to see mother nature is shutting yet another of my favorite grows to :confused: Hopefully you can get an early start on those Chinese next year. Oh and just beacuse your peppers are not growing , you can still delight us with your amazing cullinary abilities through out the winter months( whatever that is :rofl: ).

Keep your gochu on :party:
Thanks Jamie,
It's almost time for kimchi so you bet I'll be getting my Gochu on then!

Congrats on a great season!!!!
Thanks Bodeen... You're no slouch either! It's been really cool stopping by your glog and foodie site to see what was happening. No doubt we'll be seeing each other around the campus. Cheers!

*Tip your hats to a great season and wonderful Glog everyone and pour out a little powder for our homies with low zone numbers!*
:woohoo: Party Time! :dance: :dance: :dance: :beer:
Nice work Stickman. I enjoyed the food porn and the way you incorporated superhots in recipes. I bet the sauces are ridiculously tasty too. Have you ever tried Buffalo Wild Wings Mango Habanero chicken wings? (my favorite)

I've been inspired by your grow log. As a newbie, planning my grow for next year, I am definitely including korean peppers for kimchi and orange habaneros for sauces come February.
Enjoyed your glog Rick. It's time for most of the garden to rest now. It would be cool to start Stickman's cooking
glog over the winter.
Nice work Stickman. I enjoyed the food porn and the way you incorporated superhots in recipes. I bet the sauces are ridiculously tasty too. Have you ever tried Buffalo Wild Wings Mango Habanero chicken wings? (my favorite)

I've been inspired by your grow log. As a newbie, planning my grow for next year, I am definitely including korean peppers for kimchi and orange habaneros for sauces come February.
Hi Nuk, and welcome to the zoo! I hope you got something useful out of it after reading through 40+ pages....

Sorry, I haven't heard of Buffalo Wild Wings... is it a franchise out your way? SocalChilehead and I are going to put together a group purchase from a Korean seed company soon. I'll post a thread when I get all the ducks in a row. I was pretty impressed with the Maya Red Habaneros I got at our county fair this year. They're sold by High Mowing Seed co. of Vermont and they are supposed to have a 90 day season rather than the 100 days the Orange Hab needs. The ones I tried weren't quite as hot as the Orange Habs and the flavor had a smoother finish.

Enjoyed your glog Rick. It's time for most of the garden to rest now. It would be cool to start Stickman's cooking
glog over the winter.
Thanks Linda! I'm on it...

Or would it be a "Clog:? :rofl:
Oh no... not bathroom humor from you Bonnie! ;) I'm looking forward to comparing notes with all the folks here who like to cook with what they grow. It's at least as fun as growing it.
Thanks Fernando, I think I'm all set. I have a pint of mixed chile powder with a little bit of everything I grew in it, plus the superhots I dried and ground. It doesn't quite have the kick that Jamie's has, but there's always next year. I also have a quart of my chili powder blend that's a mix of the Mexican Annuums I grew this year, some of my smoked Jalapenos, garlic powder, toasted cumin and a little Mexican oregano. I've been chopping up and freezing the Serranos left over after making Serrano-Peach jam... I chopped up 3 or 4 Serranos at a time and put them into snack-sized ziplok bags and put all the smaller bags into a gallon-sized bag in the freezer. I made 5 and a half quarts of pickled Jalapenos, 2 quarts of smoked Jalapeno sauce concentrate that will thin out at a ratio of 4:1, 6 quarts of Apple-Habanero butter, 6 quarts of the Peach-Serrano jam, 4 quarts of Yucatan Habanero sauce, a half gallon of Gochu pepper ferment to make sauce with and at least 3 quarts of Gochu pepper powder. Not bad for a 6 by 30 foot plot.
Chile Powder Blend Review:

As soon as I opened the baggie, I could smell the toasted cumin. I did the fingertip taste test. Tasted the cumin, and then the smokiness of the jalapenos came through. After that the heat built for a few seconds, but stayed relatively mild. Very nice flavor! I like it better than the Gochu powder. The garlic powder, and Mexican oregano flavors are not noticeable. I sprinkled it all over my dinner tonight, and was enjoying it, but once I started eating one of Shane's Manzano pods, my lips started burning and I couldn't taste the other flavors anymore. I'd say this is a great everyday blend for cooking for the family. It adds flavor without too much heat.

Well done!
I mailed your package same day I mailed Bonnies...so dunno why you have yet to receive it???? Anywho, be on the lookout!
I mailed your package same day I mailed Bonnies...so dunno why you have yet to receive it???? Anywho, be on the lookout!
Thanks Shane!
No worries... my package was probably routed through the mail processing facility in New Jersey, and they're inconsistent at best. They're still better than the one we used to have in Hartford though... Those guys were notorious for being incredibly slow and having sticky fingers...
Rick, I will have plenty more powder to keep you warm during the winter :fireball: . When are you gonna start the CLOG :rofl: