• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2012 Gochu Pepper Glog

Well, here we go... Started about 35 Korean Gochu Peppers and a few Korean salad peppers, jalapenos and orange habs. All are mostly up today but the habs. I started them early last week in my heated grow tent down in my cellar on top of a grow mat, but didn't have the thermostat quite dialed in. When I left it it was 70 degrees f. in the tent. When I checked again the next morning it was 85 degrees, and I was afraid I'd cooked the seeds, so I moved them onto my kitchen windowsill on the grow mat and awaited developments. Looking much better now. I'll give the Habs until the weekend to pop, then move the flat down to the grow tent.
Rick, I will have plenty more powder to keep you warm during the winter :fireball: . When are you gonna start the CLOG :rofl:
Hi Jamie... I Dunnit... Hope you like! Thanks for the offer of powder. If you're looking for a good home for it, I'm your man. Any luck getting your MILs recipe for Mole? Cheers
Thanks Shane!
No worries... my package was probably routed through the mail processing facility in New Jersey, and they're inconsistent at best. They're still better than the one we used to have in Hartford though... Those guys were notorious for being incredibly slow and having sticky fingers...

Well, I do live about 1,500 miles closer to Shane, so it will probably take an extra day or two to reach the east coast.
OK...on yours all the orange/yellow chinense pods across the middle are Scotch Bonnets, the Chocolates are Bhuts, lower left are Aji Omnicolor, to their right are some Tri-colored Variagata, to the right of the Manzanos are some Hot Cherry, The Goat's Weeds are directly above the Pequin/Goat's Weed Powder, upper leftJamaican Hot Yellow, upper right are Bishop's Crown...the reds in the lower right contains at least 3 and maybe 4 types of pods??? I know there are Red Lantern Habs in there (the least enlongated), I think most of the ones you placed directly above the (not) Douglah powder are (not) Douglas, The other pods in that group are (not) Scorpions and maybe some Red 7 Pots??? Have fun! If you take a closer pic of that group of reds I may be able to ID them better???

The small container contains Wild Brazils...
Thanks Shane... I hope this clarifies things...

Thanks so much for sharing your harvest! I'm looking forward to trying some peppers I've heard about but never come across until now. I started a harvest meals thread in Cooking With Fire, and I'll try to do them up proud. Cheers!
Ok...A closer look and your getting warmer! :rofl: The top three groups are only 2 types of pods. The far left group's center column of 6 pods are Red Lantern Habs, the upper right group the 5 farthest right are also Red Lanterns, and the group below that has two Red Lanterns in it second two from upper right, the remainder of all those goups are NOT Scorpions. Lower right group are NOT Douglahs. The four groups in the lower left are L to R T to B...Hot Cherry, Goat's Weed, Aji Omnicolor, Tri-Color Variagata...

You're welcome Rick! I have more than I need, and enjoy sharing!
Wow Rick awesome package Shane sent you they all look amazing. What is going to be first on the pepper review?
Hi Fernando
I think the Manzano... I've been wanting to try these for a long time!

Ok...A closer look and your getting warmer! :rofl: The top three groups are only 2 types of pods. The far left group's center column of 6 pods are Red Lantern Habs, the upper right group the 5 farthest right are also Red Lanterns, and the group below that has two Red Lanterns in it second two from upper right, the remainder of all those goups are NOT Scorpions. Lower right group are NOT Douglahs. The four groups in the lower left are L to R T to B...Hot Cherry, Goat's Weed, Aji Omnicolor, Tri-Color Variagata...

You're welcome Rick! I have more than I need, and enjoy sharing!
Thanks Shane! I'm definitely going to wade into them today. The Queso Fundido I made for my in-laws when they came to visit yesterday was very restrained for me... I'll punch up the leftovers with a Manzano. Cheers!
The weather forecast for this week is fairly decent, with overnight temperatures in the 50s, but then they're supposed to drop after that. The Fall Foliage season is upon us here... The peak of the color show this past weekend was about 140 miles (225 kilometers) north of here, but it'll move down to us in the next week or so. Massive leaf drop will quickly follow. This is about it for here folks. I had a great season, and I hope you all did too. Good luck to our friends in the southern hemisphere, it's on to you now.
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It's been a fantastic glog Rick :)
I've been following since i joined back in March.....apologies for lack of posting, but as it's my first year i was more keen to learn than post...and anything worth posting had already been said!
Will be following the next one for sure, and look forward to the harvest meals thread for ideas :)
Rick, awesome care package from the Shanster!! Gotta love that guy.

Sorry about not getting back with you on the Mole. It seems nobody wnats to help a gringo out :confused: Apparently it is tabu to write down the recipe. Not sure how true that . is but I will contiue to try and get it. The main issue is the mother in law speaks very little english( or so she lets on ) . My wife is stubborn and isn't helping me at all. :mope:

Gonna be making another batch of powder soon with your name all over it. :dance:

Keep your gochu on bro :fireball:
It's been a fantastic glog Rick :)
I've been following since i joined back in March.....apologies for lack of posting, but as it's my first year i was more keen to learn than post...and anything worth posting had already been said!
Will be following the next one for sure, and look forward to the harvest meals thread for ideas :)
Hi Nee
Thanks for the kind words. I'll definitely be watching out for your glog to get my chile growing fix while planning next year's garden.

Rick, awesome care package from the Shanster!! Gotta love that guy.

Sorry about not getting back with you on the Mole. It seems nobody wnats to help a gringo out :confused: Apparently it is tabu to write down the recipe. Not sure how true that . is but I will contiue to try and get it. The main issue is the mother in law speaks very little english( or so she lets on ) . My wife is stubborn and isn't helping me at all. :mope:

Gonna be making another batch of powder soon with your name all over it. :dance:

Keep your gochu on bro :fireball:
Hi Jamie
That's cool man... no worries. I just thought it would be great to get an authentic mole recipe from someone born to the culture.
Man, if your next batch of powder is as hot as the last, I won't have to shovel snow this winter to clear the driveway... I'll just take a stroll outside and melt it by radiant heat! ;)

Definitely got my gochu on! I made cubed radish kimchi (kakduki) this past weekend. I'm planning ajvar this weekend and probably napa cabbage kimchi after that.
Great job on the season buddy are we talking about Mole and I am not invited in this conversation my grandmother and mother have an awesome version I don't know if they would be willing to share or know the measurements but I will ask, as they go by how they feel with all their cooking. I trying to use their recipe and add a mixture of brown pod powder should be good and killer. Are you doing a thread of your winter garden or post it here?
Great job on the season buddy are we talking about Mole and I am not invited in this conversation my grandmother and mother have an awesome version I don't know if they would be willing to share or know the measurements but I will ask, as they go by how they feel with all their cooking. I trying to use their recipe and add a mixture of brown pod powder should be good and killer. Are you doing a thread of your winter garden or post it here?
Hi Fernando!
I think I'll be starting another thread for next year's grow. Nobody should have to wade through 40+ pages to get to the good stuff... Sure, we'd be happy to hear what you have to say about Mole! Heck, you definitely know more about it than this poor gringo.. you grew up with it! Celebrity chefs are all very well, but I think they're a little bit contrived. Home cooking just is...
O aight I will ask tomorrow to see what they say, but the thing they told last time they tried to teach me is that every mole is different based on the different cultural environments around Mexico, but the Mexican swap meet also has some great varieties that are either sweet or a bit spicey.
O aight I will ask tomorrow to see what they say, but the thing they told last time they tried to teach me is that every mole is different based on the different cultural environments around Mexico, but the Mexican swap meet also has some great varieties that are either sweet or a bit spicey.
Thanks Fernando!
I'd appreciate it. Most of the Mole recipes I've seen tend to be too "busy" with the ingredients. What I'm looking for is a recipe that condenses them down to just what you need to get the best flavor. Cheers!
I grew up in Whittier and never tasted mole. I did taste some when I lived in Dallas that was homemade and
yuk! I may have had a bad version. Never tried it again.
I grew up in Whittier and never tasted mole. I did taste some when I lived in Dallas that was homemade and
yuk! I may have had a bad version. Never tried it again.
Dang roper you are really missing out. The beauty with Mole is that you either make it taste awesome or crap that is due to all the different type of ingredients. I told my grandmother but since my mother is from a different part of Mexico they have two different types I will pm you my grandmother recipe when I get back not sure if she knows the exact measurements, but I don't think its meant to be condense down because you will end up with the same experience Roper had. Once I get the opportunity to make some I will send some out to you one regular and the other extra spicey.
Dang roper you are really missing out. The beauty with Mole is that you either make it taste awesome or crap that is due to all the different type of ingredients. I told my grandmother but since my mother is from a different part of Mexico they have two different types I will pm you my grandmother recipe when I get back not sure if she knows the exact measurements, but I don't think its meant to be condense down because you will end up with the same experience Roper had. Once I get the opportunity to make some I will send some out to you one regular and the other extra spicey.
Thanks Fernando, I really appreciate it!