• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2012 Gochu Pepper Glog

Well, here we go... Started about 35 Korean Gochu Peppers and a few Korean salad peppers, jalapenos and orange habs. All are mostly up today but the habs. I started them early last week in my heated grow tent down in my cellar on top of a grow mat, but didn't have the thermostat quite dialed in. When I left it it was 70 degrees f. in the tent. When I checked again the next morning it was 85 degrees, and I was afraid I'd cooked the seeds, so I moved them onto my kitchen windowsill on the grow mat and awaited developments. Looking much better now. I'll give the Habs until the weekend to pop, then move the flat down to the grow tent.
Dang roper you are really missing out. The beauty with Mole is that you either make it taste awesome or crap that is due to all the different type of ingredients. I told my grandmother but since my mother is from a different part of Mexico they have two different types I will pm you my grandmother recipe when I get back not sure if she knows the exact measurements, but I don't think its meant to be condense down because you will end up with the same experience Roper had. Once I get the opportunity to make some I will send some out to you one regular and the other extra spicey.

If you get the recipe, I may try it.
Well I was able to get the ingredients, but not the recipe she said had to learn it if I want to know it. Once I get a free day then I will be in the kitchen with her making it. The list is long but amazing how you can combine so many thangs to make an awesome sauce I can not wait to make some with some chocolate thunder powder (all my brown pods I dried up). Sorry I couldn't get the full recipe.

Chihualces chile, pasilla chile, mulato chile, chipotle chile, corn tortilla, white onion, garlic cloves, lard, sesame seeds, peanuts, almonds
chicken broth, tomatoes, tomatillos, bolillo, cloves, black pepper, cinnamon, oregano, thyme, banana, abuelita chocolate
Hi folks
Would you mind if we moved this discussion about Mole to my harvest cooking thread in the cooking with fire forum? Cheers!
Well I was able to get the ingredients, but not the recipe she said had to learn it if I want to know it. Once I get a free day then I will be in the kitchen with her making it. The list is long but amazing how you can combine so many thangs to make an awesome sauce I can not wait to make some with some chocolate thunder powder (all my brown pods I dried up). Sorry I couldn't get the full recipe.

Chihualces chile, pasilla chile, mulato chile, chipotle chile, corn tortilla, white onion, garlic cloves, lard, sesame seeds, peanuts, almonds
chicken broth, tomatoes, tomatillos, bolillo, cloves, black pepper, cinnamon, oregano, thyme, banana, abuelita chocolate

Sorry Rick... When you make it, please post in Rick's cooking thread. Wow, that is a lot of ingredients! Keep us updated!
Sorry Rick we do mind if we move it to the other thread ;) :rofl:

So that looks alot like what my inlaws use. :shh: Oh sorry I mean very nice grow you had . Still trying to get that forbidden recipe. :ast time I talk about it. I swear.
Sorry Rick we do mind if we move it to the other thread ;) :rofl:

So that looks alot like what my inlaws use. :shh: Oh sorry I mean very nice grow you had . Still trying to get that forbidden recipe. :ast time I talk about it. I swear.
S'ok Jamie, thanks for trying... Probably not a good idea to push too hard anyway. Cheers
Sorry Rick for the hijacking the thread we should be making it in two weeks just need to find time to have a full day open, but will post on your cooking thread. How is the garden doing?
Sorry Rick for the hijacking the thread we should be making it in two weeks just need to find time to have a full day open, but will post on your cooking thread. How is the garden doing?
Hi Fernando
No worries mate, just winding down the glog along with the garden. I've pulled up the anaheims, poblanos, frigitellos, gwaris and pasillas because they've given their all. I'm getting a handful a day of the ripe gochus, but will be pulling them up this weekend since they're about done too. Still lots of green chimayos and serranos. I'll let them go until frost or they ripen, but they're the last holdouts. Not surprising because they were developed in mountainous regions at high elevation, so they can take a bit more cold. I was surprised to see how well the sweet peppers are taking present conditions. The king of the north bell peppers I planted would have done much better if I'd started them along with the others, but the Korean salad peppers are still kicking right along.

Overnight temps are supposed to drop down into the 30's overnight beginning next week, so I may just end up pulling everything out next week anyway. I think the fall foliage will peak here the middle of next week, and the majority of the leaf drop will have happened by the end of the month... right on schedule.
Overwintering anything, or starting fresh for 2013?
Well, I wanted to OW my Orange Habs for practice this winter because I'm going to grow Orange Manzanos and TS Yellow next year, but I couldn't convince my wife to let me do it. We only have 2 windows and a sliding glass door on the south side of the house, and she has quite a few houseplants and tender perennials she wants to park behind them. We'll see if we can work it out by next year, So no OW plants... I'm going to start fresh right after Christmas.
Well, I wanted to OW my Orange Habs for practice this winter because I'm going to grow Orange Manzanos and TS Yellow next year, but I couldn't convince my wife to let me do it. We only have 2 windows and a sliding glass door on the south side of the house, and she has quite a few houseplants and tender perennials she wants to park behind them. We'll see if we can work it out by next year, So no OW plants... I'm going to start fresh right after Christmas.
Hi Rick,
It is good to see that the THP guys supplied a lot of heat to you, and finally you could try out some superhot! I was giving fresh pods to my friends, and I warned them to be careful with them. Well, it was a bad idea... Everybody was afraid of them, and they did not even try the Naga Morich or the Bhut... If you never try...you never know... The ones who tried them were happy with the flavour and the scent of them, and realized, that these are not really fruits, or vegetables, but spices, which they should use sparingly.
I am sorry to hear that you will not OW your habs. The most successful ones were those Red Habs for me last year, which were not getting any direct sunlight, only filtered one, which means practically dark during the wintertime.
Now I am trying to OW 12 of my plants, so hopefully I can have a head start. :P
Congratulation for your season, and keep us posted about your recipes, and foods you are preparing!

Hi Rick,
It is good to see that the THP guys supplied a lot of heat to you, and finally you could try out some superhot! I was giving fresh pods to my friends, and I warned them to be careful with them. Well, it was a bad idea... Everybody was afraid of them, and they did not even try the Naga Morich or the Bhut... If you never try...you never know... The ones who tried them were happy with the flavour and the scent of them, and realized, that these are not really fruits, or vegetables, but spices, which they should use sparingly.
I am sorry to hear that you will not OW your habs. The most successful ones were those Red Habs for me last year, which were not getting any direct sunlight, only filtered one, which means practically dark during the wintertime.
Now I am trying to OW 12 of my plants, so hopefully I can have a head start. :P
Congratulation for your season, and keep us posted about your recipes, and foods you are preparing!

Hi Balázs
Good luck with OW your dozen chile plants! I'll be watching with interest to see how you do it and how your plants do.

Did you ever make that pork stew with the gochu powder? I'm curious to see how you think it matches up against hot paprika. Highalt sent me some seeds from her Alma paprika, and I'm going to grow a couple next year to make pickled, stuffed peppers with. I started a harvest cooking thread in the cooking with fire forum, and will be posting my food adventures there. Cheers!
Well, I wanted to OW my Orange Habs for practice this winter because I'm going to grow Orange Manzanos and TS Yellow next year, but I couldn't convince my wife to let me do it. We only have 2 windows and a sliding glass door on the south side of the house, and she has quite a few houseplants and tender perennials she wants to park behind them. We'll see if we can work it out by next year, So no OW plants... I'm going to start fresh right after Christmas.

Sorry to hear it, but on the other hand fresh plants from fresh seed herald a new adventure. I think I decided my overwinter will be making small clones in cups, When (if) their root systems get established, and they start new leaf growth, I'll let them go dormant then. If this goes according to plan (when does it ever?), it should require very little space.
Sorry to hear it, but on the other hand fresh plants from fresh seed herald a new adventure. I think I decided my overwinter will be making small clones in cups, When (if) their root systems get established, and they start new leaf growth, I'll let them go dormant then. If this goes according to plan (when does it ever?), it should require very little space.
Good luck Doc! I'll be watching with interest...
Hi Balázs
Good luck with OW your dozen chile plants! I'll be watching with interest to see how you do it and how your plants do.

Did you ever make that pork stew with the gochu powder? I'm curious to see how you think it matches up against hot paprika. Highalt sent me some seeds from her Alma paprika, and I'm going to grow a couple next year to make pickled, stuffed peppers with. I started a harvest cooking thread in the cooking with fire forum, and will be posting my food adventures there. Cheers!
Hi Rick,
Last week I tried out your Gochu powder, when I was making pörkölt. It was really good! The taste (just like the scent) was awesome, and it was not so hot. I am curious how you are making this powder, because it was not really powder-like, it was rather like fine pepper flakes. Our paprika is more fine, and sweeter, the Gochu powder had some woody scent, which makes it interesting.
Rick! Been great traveling with you this season, brother! I have
enjoyed every minute of your grow log and seeing your great
culinary talents on display. Your list of products you made from
your peppers is awesome, indeed. I feel like a piker because
all I'm doing is drying mine for flakes and powder :lol:

Thanks for the powder and seeds you sent my way, my friend.
I will continue to enjoy it a lot this Fall and Winter.



Take care, my friend! See you in your 2013 glog!
Rick! Been great traveling with you this season, brother! I have
enjoyed every minute of your grow log and seeing your great
culinary talents on display. Your list of products you made from
your peppers is awesome, indeed. I feel like a piker because
all I'm doing is drying mine for flakes and powder :lol:

Thanks for the powder and seeds you sent my way, my friend.
I will continue to enjoy it a lot this Fall and Winter.



Take care, my friend! See you in your 2013 glog!
Hey Paul
Ura! Spacibo! Thanks for travelling along... I learned a lot about propagating chiles from watching your glog too... looking forward to next year! Cheers
Rick - again, great Glog. When my Jalapeno produce I plan to make some Chipolte for sure. Thanks for the effort! Looking forward to 2013.
Rick - again, great Glog. When my Jalapeno produce I plan to make some Chipolte for sure. Thanks for the effort! Looking forward to 2013.
Hi Clayton
Thanks for stopping by at the finish! I'm happy with my grow this year, and hope you are with your indoor grow this winter. Three weeks have done some really nice things for you in the blossom department!