• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Hi all, and time once again for the Dawn Patrol...
Things are beginning to really slow down here, it's a good thing the Chinense varieties are all at least beginning to ripen... The jury's still out on how many of the pods on the plants will ripen.
More Scotch Bonnets...

The last three varieties that haven't ripened yet are the Aji Panca, Red Rocoto and the Manzano.
The Red Rocoto is flowering, but hasn't set any pods. Considering that, and the space it'll take up if I over-winter it, I think I'm gonna make a command decision to discontinue it after this season.
The Manzano has about a dozen good-sized pods on it... all currently unripe, but I hope will ripen in the next couple of weeks. It's a good thing it's an Alpine variety that can take some cold and even a little light frost. I'll probably leave it out until around Columbus Day weekend, and then it'll be time to make the hard decision about whether or not to over-winter it.

The Aji Panca is a gorgeous plant! The largest of the two I have planted is about 4 feet tall, and the smaller one is about 3 foot 6 inches.

They've both started to blossom this week even though it's late summer here.

They've also started setting a few pods, I have no idea if any will ripen before frost, so I'm not gonna plant these again here.

Rather than just pull them up and throw them on the compost pile though... if any of you New Englanders want the Red Rocoto or Aji Panca plants as an over-wintering project, I'd be happy to offer them to you.
MGOLD86 said:
What do you mean? It is an actuall $100 dollar bill.  Just print it out and take it to the bank.  They will definitely let you deposit it! :whistle:
Shouldn't it be an electronic transfer?   ;)  Thanks for the chuckle Matt!
I've gotta pick up a quart of milk today because I'm thinking of sampling the Butch T. pod tonight...
stickman said:
Shouldn't it be an electronic transfer?   ;)  Thanks for the chuckle Matt!
I've gotta pick up a quart of milk today because I'm thinking of sampling the Butch T. pod tonight...
 I would recommend a shot of Don Julio to mask the bitterness and a big bowl of chocolate ice cream to ease the throat  for that pod test  :rofl:
romy6 said:
 I would recommend a shot of Don Julio to mask the bitterness and a big bowl of chocolate ice cream to ease the throat  for that pod test  :rofl:
I don't have any Tequila in the house Jamie... will Cruzan Rum do?
When I got home from work this afternoon I cut the pod in half first for this pic...

and then cut off a slice about as wide as a wooden matchstick, and 2 inches long from up near the stem so I'd get a good piece of placenta attached. It definitely had that spicy-citrus aroma that said this one would be hot, and I could see some orange smears of oil on the blade after I cut the pod. The taste wasn't at all bitter... and the heat took a good 30 seconds to hit, but when it did, it kept building to the point when I threw in the towel after about 3 minutes. It felt like that :censored: thing was trying to do ink work on my tongue and throat! As a precaution, I'd set out some sharp cheddar cheese and a sleeve of crackers before I got started, and I was glad I did! There's no way in #@%$ I'm ever gonna put one of these in a pot of food! Sauces and powders only, and then sparingly. :mouthonfire:
Hi Rick,

Nice description of your experience. You should have eaten a bigger piece :-) My colleague used to say that it does not matter if you put a tiny pieace or a bigger one into your mouth... at the end they hurt in the same way. :-)

Devv said:
Sounds like that baby was a hot one!
I've found having a nice strong Rum&coke on hand is wonderful :D
Makes ya wonder how some people can eat the whole pod doesn't it?
Oh yeah... I don't know how Matt and Shane walk with balls that big... Lol! I just cut 4 matchsticks off the pod and minced them up to put on my egg n' Cheese breakfast sandwich and it was plenty! I'll probably have to put the rest of the pod in the dehydrator. I've been picking and saving as many Maya Red Habs and Cheiro Recife pods as possible so I can make another batch, and so far I've only collected about 14 ounces. I'll have to stem and seed the pods and freeze them until I get enough together I guess.
   I've got nearly a pound and a half of Chocolate Hab and Douglah pods collected. Definitely gonna make sauce with them tonight because there won't be time this weekend.
HabaneroHead said:
Hi Rick,

Nice description of your experience. You should have eaten a bigger piece :-) My colleague used to say that it does not matter if you put a tiny pieace or a bigger one into your mouth... at the end they hurt in the same way. :-)

True Balázs... but if you put the bigger piece in your mouth the burn lasts longer... One thing that surprised me about the Butch T. is no hiccups. Either that or my stomach is getting a little more used to the capsaicin... I still have to sample the SB and Not Yellow Bhut pods, but those shouldn't be as hot.
Cheers all... TGIF!
The hiccups are always coming for me. The only thing which is different pepper by pepper is the stomach discomfort. The worst was with a green Bhut Jolokia this week, but that pod at least did not cause anything on the output side (if you know what I am referring to... :P ) We ate a whole ripe Naga Morich pod together with my colleague this week (1/3 of it both), well, that was pure pain...even in the following morning. :crazy:
HabaneroHead said:
The hiccups are always coming for me. The only thing which is different pepper by pepper is the stomach discomfort. The worst was with a green Bhut Jolokia this week, but that pod at least did not cause anything on the output side (if you know what I am referring to... :P ) We ate a whole ripe Naga Morich pod together with my colleague this week (1/3 of it both), well, that was pure pain...even in the following morning. :crazy:
I've always been told I was odd, and now I find that I'm odd in another way... I don't seem to get ringburn when I eat hot chiles. Of course I don't do anything like eat a whole Butch T. pod either... coincidence... not! :)
RocketMan said:
DAWN PATROL, Pod Scouts Out!!
Loving it Rick! Pods and Plants are looking good. Hopefully you'll get a few more good pulls before frost starts to kick in up there. 
Hey brother Bill! Glad to see you around... with what was going on with your house closing and everything else, I didn't want to pester ya. Congrats on the new launch pad guy... we were pulling for ya! It's the time of year for sauce making again, and I've got my sights on a sauce using my Chocolate Habs and Douglahs, tomato, onion, garlic, either maple syrup or molasses and blueberries. Kind of a Caribbean meets New England sorta fing. I'll let you know how it goes, and will probably post pics. Cheers!
Whoa your glog moves at lightning speed brethren ... I fell pages behind but just caught up now, my apologies mon. Great review on da Douglah, sorry to read your choco scorp I sent went bad :/  and I’m loving all da colors I’m seeing, great pod porn!
Your lightbox pics keep getting better and enjoyed seeing da Urfa Biber (Isot Pepper), orange cross, Scotch Bonnet (looks like a little hab ;)) and Butch T … plus another nice review to boot … wow it’s moving fast here  :)
The pod sounds like it was a hot one. There are definitely pods that I would not put directly into meals and that are just for sauces IMO. 

Great pod shots brother...I think all the scorpions have a nice sweet fruity base, and when taken in moderation those notes can be allowed to come out. That's why they make a decent tasting sauce or powder...because you sprinkle it on and its not too overbearing. Most of the 7s are the same. Chocolates being the exception in both cases. Large huevos or not...the right way to sample for flavor is just as you're doing. When eaten whole the flavor is so overpowered by the cap oil that after the first few seconds...taste is out the window. I still sample pods with meals when I really want to get a sense of their flavor I will take a nice chunk of the pod and chew it for a while before eating anything else to get a sample like you do, then navigate the rest of the pod with the meal...and sometimes even leave quite a bit of pod on the plate. The object being to ENJOY the pod AND the meal. I really like the idea of crackers or bagels with a complimentary spread of some sort that will not mask the flavor but dull the heat a bit. 
The Pancas were pretty quick to produce for me last year...the flavor wasn't all that great though, and are really kind of a pigeon hole pod...used for that paste. Powdered they'd be OK...grilled and used sort of as a Numex would be used they're alright...but they don't shine in either of those aspects either, and aren't nearly as good as a true Numex IMHO. They should grow and ripen for you pretty quickly though...so don't give up yet. Maybe not fully ripe by first frost, but probably close enough to get the general idea.
You did yourself proud with the Manzano brotha! Looking lush and green...that one is WORTH the wait. Overwintering would be a good bet...but starting some REAL early if you can get some seeds to pop may be better if space is an issue??? Hmmm...maybe cut that one back and prep it to OW while starting about 200 seeds...if some pop you could toss the old girl!!! The trick with them is to have them in full bloom mode when the night time temps are in the 58-65 degree range and daytime temps in the 75-80 range. Keeping them a little on the rootbound side until they're blooming helps too. As long as the roots and plant have room to grow...that's all they want to do. I learned that last year when I had a 6' tall tree with no pods, but went to the nursery and bought 3 plants in 6" containers with pods on them. I put them into 5# nurserys and they continued to produce the rest of the season.
Sorry for the book brotha...wait, speaking of books. 101 pages??? Wow man! I thought I was an over achiever!!! :rofl:
Great stuff as always Rickster...always a fun time over here!!!
WalkGood said:
Whoa your glog moves at lightning speed brethren ... I fell pages behind but just caught up now, my apologies mon. Great review on da Douglah, sorry to read your choco scorp I sent went bad :/  and I’m loving all da colors I’m seeing, great pod porn!
Your lightbox pics keep getting better and enjoyed seeing da Urfa Biber (Isot Pepper), orange cross, Scotch Bonnet (looks like a little hab ;)) and Butch T … plus another nice review to boot … wow it’s moving fast here  :)
You'd be amazed Ramon... or maybe not... you're a family man too  ;) .  Things certainly are moving at a good clip ATM, and it's hard to find time to cruise the glogs and post pics of my own. In between working at my job yesterday morning, and driving out to my Mom's yesterday afternoon, I managed to squeeze in 2 and a half quarts of peach-serrano jam...

... and sampled my Yellow Bhut cross.

After I picked it, it darkened to a deep reddish-orange. It had a fruity-citrus aroma similar to the Butch T. but not as intense. The flavor was not as pleasant though, and seemed to come in waves. My first impression of the taste was similar to the smell... fruity-citrus, followed after a few seconds by a mildly acidic tang, and a few seconds after that by a floral, perfume-like note. Then the heat came after about 10 seconds and turned the flavor bitter. Had mild hiccups... 12 to 15, and the burn continued to build for about 5 minutes, concentrated on the middle of the tongue initially, and it spread to the back of the throat after a couple of minutes. Probably about an 8 minute burn overall, plateauing for a minute and fading to a mild one that lasted about a half an hour on the lips, tongue and the back of the throat.
Still a busy day here with in-laws coming to visit this afternoon, and giving the place a scrubbing this morning. It looks like sauce-making will be at the beginning of the week rather than today. Have a great rest of the weekend all!
stc3248 said:

Thanks for the chuckle Shane... who's that on the face of the bill?... the pic is a little blurry. :P
Great pod shots brother...I think all the scorpions have a nice sweet fruity base, and when taken in moderation those notes can be allowed to come out. That's why they make a decent tasting sauce or powder...because you sprinkle it on and its not too overbearing. Most of the 7s are the same. Chocolates being the exception in both cases. Large huevos or not...the right way to sample for flavor is just as you're doing. When eaten whole the flavor is so overpowered by the cap oil that after the first few seconds...taste is out the window. I still sample pods with meals when I really want to get a sense of their flavor I will take a nice chunk of the pod and chew it for a while before eating anything else to get a sample like you do, then navigate the rest of the pod with the meal...and sometimes even leave quite a bit of pod on the plate. The object being to ENJOY the pod AND the meal. I really like the idea of crackers or bagels with a complimentary spread of some sort that will not mask the flavor but dull the heat a bit. 
True, that... Cheese and crackers are my method of choice for dulling the heat a bit when I'm overwhelmed... a half a tsp of sugar or a hard candy if I'm really overwhelmed, but both mask the flavors in their own way, so I try to avoid them if I can when doing a review.
The Pancas were pretty quick to produce for me last year...the flavor wasn't all that great though, and are really kind of a pigeon hole pod...used for that paste. Powdered they'd be OK...grilled and used sort of as a Numex would be used they're alright...but they don't shine in either of those aspects either, and aren't nearly as good as a true Numex IMHO. They should grow and ripen for you pretty quickly though...so don't give up yet. Maybe not fully ripe by first frost, but probably close enough to get the general idea.
Thanks for the info Chief... I know what the dried pods of the Aji Panca taste like since I bought a package of them at a local Bodega... (Yes, we have them in Massachusetts too... Lol) figuring they would be good to have on hand when the family comes to visit. My wife and my kid sister and her family are the only ones who can take some heat. The rest are typical Yankees that think even garlic is too strong. Do you know if the AP chiles can take a light freeze like the Manzanos? If so, that would push the "must act" date back to around Columbus Day weekend.
You did yourself proud with the Manzano brotha! Looking lush and green...that one is WORTH the wait. Overwintering would be a good bet...but starting some REAL early if you can get some seeds to pop may be better if space is an issue??? Hmmm...maybe cut that one back and prep it to OW while starting about 200 seeds...if some pop you could toss the old girl!!! The trick with them is to have them in full bloom mode when the night time temps are in the 58-65 degree range and daytime temps in the 75-80 range. Keeping them a little on the rootbound side until they're blooming helps too. As long as the roots and plant have room to grow...that's all they want to do. I learned that last year when I had a 6' tall tree with no pods, but went to the nursery and bought 3 plants in 6" containers with pods on them. I put them into 5# nurserys and they continued to produce the rest of the season.
I know my wife's not gonna be happy with my OW plans since money is so tight here, but I think I'll point out that while she got a dental implant and took a week and a half of paid vacation to see her Mom up in Canada, I've been scrounging for work, and the solar panels will help underwrite the cost of lighting the plants through the winter. We won't be going up to my MIL's place this Christmas, and if I have OW plants down cellar anyway, maybe starting some Manzano plants from this year's seeds after Thanksgiving would be do-able. Will have to see.
Sorry for the book brotha...wait, speaking of books. 101 pages??? Wow man! I thought I was an over achiever!!! :rofl:
Never a problem big guy... I can talk the hind leg off a Donkey myself... ;)
Great stuff as always Rickster...always a fun time over here!!!
Well it ain't Mamacita Blanco in a necktie!
Like the way you're tasting/reviewing the peppers, Rick. Flavor is everything and speaking of flavor, hope some those manzanos turn for you!