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Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
stickman said:
I don't have any Tequila in the house Jamie... will Cruzan Rum do?
When I got home from work this afternoon I cut the pod in half first for this pic...

and then cut off a slice about as wide as a wooden matchstick, and 2 inches long from up near the stem so I'd get a good piece of placenta attached. It definitely had that spicy-citrus aroma that said this one would be hot, and I could see some orange smears of oil on the blade after I cut the pod. The taste wasn't at all bitter... and the heat took a good 30 seconds to hit, but when it did, it kept building to the point when I threw in the towel after about 3 minutes. It felt like that :censored: thing was trying to do ink work on my tongue and throat! As a precaution, I'd set out some sharp cheddar cheese and a sleeve of crackers before I got started, and I was glad I did! There's no way in #@%$ I'm ever gonna put one of these in a pot of food! Sauces and powders only, and then sparingly. :mouthonfire:
Hey, I'm a wimp with the super hots.  Could never eat them fresh.  As a powder I can use it sparingly.  I keep telling myself, don't grow the super hots, but I always grow some
anyway.   They are just so attractive looking.  Next year I'm going to try to mostly grow sweet peppers, jalapeno's, scotch bonnets, tabasco types, and a few super hots if I can
control myself.
annie57 said:
Well  ^  it ain't Mamacita Blanco in a necktie!    :think:
Like the way you're tasting/reviewing the peppers, Rick. Flavor is everything and speaking of flavor, hope some those manzanos turn for you!
Hi Annie,
   I didn't catch the reference, but that's not an unusual experience... :)
I'm looking forward to the Manzanos too... if Shane's number of days between flowering and ripening hold true here, I should see ripe pods in another 3-4 weeks. They're half again larger than a golfball, so pretty good size I think.

Devv said:
Nice review on the yellow bhut cross, so far I think bhuts are powder or sauce peppers. I haven't been real impressed with their flavor.
Jam looks wonderful!
Bodeen said:
Nice looking pods and morning pics.  I don't really care to sample supers solo.  I need to get them in some food first lol.
roper2008 said:
Hey, I'm a wimp with the super hots.  Could never eat them fresh.  As a powder I can use it sparingly.  I keep telling myself, don't grow the super hots, but I always grow some
anyway.   They are just so attractive looking.  Next year I'm going to try to mostly grow sweet peppers, jalapeno's, scotch bonnets, tabasco types, and a few super hots if I can
control myself.
Thanks folks! The method in my madness is to sample just enough of any given pod to get a good idea of its flavor and heat profile unmasked by other flavors, without ending up in extreme discomfort. Not that I'm a wuss or anything, but we have brains for a reason, right? The rest of the pod will go into food, powders and sauces... each according to its merits.
When I checked the number of woozies I have on hand, I see I'm gonna need a couple more cases to deal with my next batch of sauce. Unfortunately, the beer and winemaking supply shop where I get mine won't open until tomorrow, so I'll have to wait another day to get that show on the road...
The tops on the onions are falling down and drying out, so it's time to start pulling and drying them for storage. Today's pull, including from left to right... My first ripe Magnum Orange Hab pod, 3 more Not Yellow Bhuts, a Yellow 7 and a few Scotch Bonnets. I think when I get enough SB pods, I'm gonna make another batch of Jerk base.

Have a good week all!
MGOLD86 said:
How do u dry the onions??
Pretty easy Matt... You don't want to leave them out in the sun where it could "burn" the onions and leave soft spots that are prone to rot,  but at the same time, you want them to lose some of their water content so they're nice and hard for storage. I spread them out on the steps under our hatchway... The sun shining on the sheet metal warms the space underneath it to help them dry, but doesn't shine directly on them.

How are you on Crickets Pia? :P
Stefan_W said:
You could also run a low fan on them as they sit there to help the air circulation and speed up the drying process.
Lot's of ways really, my grandmother taught me to air dry out side, no direct sun but only if the weather permits. Here's some spanish and walla walla's air drying that I grew  :P .   Onions look great Rick, what variety do you have there? 
Nice haul Rick!
I dry them on a table in the shade, then we try and eat them before they spoil. We're still eating on the June harvest.
Have a great week!
Nice idea with the fan Stefan... that would actually work in my case, because I have an outlet next to the door at the bottom of the hatchway stairs.
Those sweet Onions look great Devan... I planted Patterson Onions from seed because I wanted a yellow "storage type". I got the seeds from Johnny's Selected Seeds in Maine.
You must grow short-day Onions in Tejas Scott... Which variety do you plant?
stickman said:
Nice idea with the fan Stefan... that would actually work in my case, because I have an outlet next to the door at the bottom of the hatchway stairs.
Those sweet Onions look great Devan... I planted Patterson Onions from seed because I wanted a yellow "storage type". I got the seeds from Johnny's Selected Seeds in Maine.
You must grow short-day Onions in Tejas Scott... Which variety do you plant?
That's awesome you grew those from seed Rick- I know what a pita that can be. the onions I posted were grown from spring dug plants from johnny's  :)
almost forgot did you get the chili salt today? 
Yes I do, I plant Jan 15th and pull in June.
The reds do well and really keep well, and we like them as well. We also grew some 1015's, they ripen sooner but don't keep as well.
Got a package from Devan (FreeportBum) yesterday with a bottle of his hot salt made with smoked chiles and his home-extracted sea salt. It's great stuff... I had some on my "morning eye-opener"... an egg n' cheese sandwich on toast with half a not Yellow Bhut chopped into the eggs.

I bought 3 cases of woozies this morning, and some spare caps so I can re-use some of my empties. They're in the dishwasher now on the "sani-wash" and "heated dry" options. When I get home from work I'll sterilize the caps and start the blueberry-smoked chocolate hab sauce.
Cheers all!
meatfreak said:
Nice harvest, Rick. Your onions got a good size to them, mine were smaller. How are your Urfa Biber doing btw? Mine have podded up but I got some different shaped pods on each of the plants :lol: But very big pods.
Me too  Stefan... only one of the two plants I put in the ground did well, and I got 3 big pods off of it. All were at least 13 cm long by 4 cm wide. I haven't cut any open yet because I'm sampling the Chinense pods ATM, but I'll get to it a little later in the week. I gave 2 plants to SeanW as well, so you might want to check in with him to see how they're doing for him. Cheers!
Hi All... I've got my sauce-making hat on tonight. I started by smoking about 10% of the Chocolate Habanero pods with charcoal and cherry wood.


then made a mash in the food processor with the pods...

added onions , garlic, carrots and tomatoes and processed them as well. Stirred them all together with salt, white vinegar, coconut sugar, molasses and blueberries. Now to let them simmer (with an occasional stir) for at least an hour to get everything nice and soft.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Looking good Rick! Chocolate pods are awesome smoked!
Thanks Chris, here's the rest of it...
After simmering the sauce I ran it through first the blender...

and second the food mill...

Adjusted the flavor with a bit of maple syrup and half a can of coconut milk, and bottled. Only one woozie short of two cases. pH came in at 3.4 on Precision Labs test strips I got at the local Beer and Winemaking Supply shop.