• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Took the time for a Dawn Patrol this morning, and you can see things starting to feel the effects of the cooling temperatures and shorter days...
potted Chocolate Habs

The potted Criolla Sella looks almost as rough

Douglah and Yellow 7's leaves are beginning to yellow and drop in ones and twos

Still ripening up pods though...

This is the best the Peruvian Purple has looked all season. I had to pinch it back severely to get it to bush out.

The Cheiro Recife is still looking happy and pumping out pods like crazy, but no longer blooming.

Omnicolors... well...

Aji Pancas are looking more photogenic now

Stefan, the Urfa Biber plants were kind of short. Was this your experience also? They were fairly close to the Tomatillos and they might have gotten shaded. They still made some nice pods though... like this one.

And today's pull... including quite a lot of Big Jim Anaheims to roast!

Have a great week all!
Great harvest Rick … sad to see things getting affected by mama nature’s night time temps :/ But I’m betting you’ll keep pulling long after da fat pod sings uncle :D
Any make the OW list? BTW I love the look of the Peruvian Purple pods, how do dem taste mon?
stc3248 said:
Sweet Rick...can't believe its almost time to call it a season. Last year a couple of my Aji varieties bloomed and set all the way to frost...then kept kicking through several frosts. Killer season...and it ain't quite over yet!
Hi Shane, I have no doubt the Omnicolors will continue to produce until the first hard freeze. At the other end of the season they took 28 degree overnight temperatures with no trouble. The rest I expect to peter out before that.
 Just tried the smoked hab sauce. Rickster it is right on the money. I got a slight sweet kick at first from the berries followed by a nice steady chinense flavor. Not the earthy chinense but the pure flavor   of a hab without an bitter aftertaste. I can see this sauce only lasting a few days at the romy6 pavilion.
 Thank you sir
Excellent! Glad you liked it brother Jamie... I don't think it'll last very long here either... ;)
I'm planning on overwintering the Manzano and the Douglah, but will let nature take it's course with the rest. I'm actually looking forward to the change of seasons. :)

WalkGood said:
Great harvest Rick … sad to see things getting affected by mama nature’s night time temps :/ But I’m betting you’ll keep pulling long after da fat pod sings uncle :D
Any make the OW list? BTW I love the look of the Peruvian Purple pods, how do dem taste mon?
Thanks Ramon, see above for the answers to most of your questions... ;)  I haven't tried the Peruvian Purples for taste yet. I thought they were just ornamental. Do you know if they're edible?
Devv said:
The puree looks great Rick!
Glad you had such a successful season, it aint over yet! You're still pullin'
Puree boo-boo?
Naw... I cut a sixteenth of an inch off the end of my little finger cutting up roasted peppers for supper last night... I'll get better...
I definitely share your pain with days getting shorter and nights getting colder. It seems like it is pretty much time to start thinking about wrapping it up, unless the cold snap is quick and there are nice days following it. Glad to see your pods still ripening!
Stefan_W said:
I definitely share your pain with days getting shorter and nights getting colder. It seems like it is pretty much time to start thinking about wrapping it up, unless the cold snap is quick and there are nice days following it. Glad to see your pods still ripening!
Thanks Stefan,
   Here's hoping we both continue to pull in a good harvest, but as you well know, what will be will be...
Finally got around to roasting and peeling the last of my Kapia and Big Jim Anaheim peppers yesterday.

Since I had the grill stoked I also roasted a couple of Eggplants and an Onion from the garden.

chopping up an Onion that's been softened by roasting is a real PITA, but the flavor is totally worth it. Once the Eggplant was done I took off the grate and put the Onion down in the coals to finish roasting. I only had to peel off the 2 charred outer layers... then I made up a couple of quarts of Tex-Mex spaghetti sauce with the roasted Anaheims and other vegetables, and grated Parmagiana cheese. It was the first time I'd tried the Big Jims, and I found they had a lot more zip than the usual run of Anaheims. I'll grow them again for sure!
Still looking good. Hope you had a good season. I've got more yellow leaves as well, but we've got a bonus week of hot weather here, which is nice.
Nice work with the pepper processing, the puree looks like a good one. Roasting peppers are one of my favorite ways to use up the "Hatch.Jim's or other Anaheim varieties".  One year I'll have somebody weld me up a roasting cage, custom for my grill.
Are you going to overwinter or take cuttings from any of your favorite plants? 
I love roasted peppers, onions, and almost anything else for that matter. That looks delicious! 

I hope your grow survives the next couple of nights. You are usually in a similar weather pattern, and it is getting brutal cold here tonight and tomorrow.
wahlee76 said:
Still looking good. Hope you had a good season. I've got more yellow leaves as well, but we've got a bonus week of hot weather here, which is nice.
Thanks Wally! it's supposed to go the other way here tonight... they predict temperatures in the upper 30s that will warm up into the low 40s for the rest of the weekend. The overall trend is downward though. I'll cover the peppers and eggplants tonight, and then we'll see...
PIC 1 said:
Nice work with the pepper processing, the puree looks like a good one. Roasting peppers are one of my favorite ways to use up the "Hatch.Jim's or other Anaheim varieties".  One year I'll have somebody weld me up a roasting cage, custom for my grill.
Are you going to overwinter or take cuttings from any of your favorite plants? 
Thanks Greg, I love roasted vegetables too... they have a depth of flavor that can't be beat!
I'm psyched about that puree of Yellow 7s too! The sweet, fruity taste and heat of this variety really pairs up well with the other ingredients in a Jerk marinade, so  I'll probably use it that way through the winter. The puree is pretty concentrated, so I figure a heaping tablespoon is about equivalent to 3 pods, which aught to be enough heat for anybody... ;)
I'm planning on overwintering the Manzano and Douglah. If  I had more room down cellar I might try for the Yellow 7 too, but it grew so big this year I figure it will next year too, so no need.
Stefan_W said:
I love roasted peppers, onions, and almost anything else for that matter. That looks delicious! 

I hope your grow survives the next couple of nights. You are usually in a similar weather pattern, and it is getting brutal cold here tonight and tomorrow.
 You too Stefan! It looks like time to batten down the hatches again. I've  only got a few more pods on the Douglah ripening up, but more on the Butch T and much more on the Yellow 7. I'll cover those with some Agribon 19 fabric tonight and see how it goes.
a short but mindblowing season there Rick! i know it ain't quite over, but i'm sure i'm not alone in saying i'm looking forward to seeing your next one!
georgej said:
a short but mindblowing season there Rick! i know it ain't quite over, but i'm sure i'm not alone in saying i'm looking forward to seeing your next one!
Thanks G! You've also done well for your first season from seed. I hope to see some pics of the plants in your MILs allotment soon...
Came home for lunch and found a package in the mail from brother Jamie... Thanks guy! I fired up a couple veggie burgers and put a spoonful of your smoked Reaper sauce on each one.


I caught the pleasant aromas of woodsmoke, tangy tomatoes and chiles right away. Texture was a little loose for me, but not at all bad, just easier to pour. Taste impressions came in the same order as the aromas... smoke, followed by tomatoes, followed by the chiles. Either you pulled its fangs Jamie, or you got ahold of a batch of Reapers that I definitely wouldn't fear... Good chile flavor, and a slow creeping heat that would satisfy most folks, and enhance the flavors of the food it's added to without over-amping taste buds and wiping out all other flavors. I wouldn't hesitate to grab a bottle of this if it was on the table!
Sounds like really good sauce. I really like the ones that taste good, and sometimes if you have insane heat the flavours are lost. This is especially true with sauces make with smoked peppers.