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Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
stickman said:
Thanks G! You've also done well for your first season from seed. I hope to see some pics of the plants in your MILs allotment soon...
the fun bit is just starting for me. temps are cooling off a little now, highs just below 30 next week! :)
Stefan_W said:
Sounds like really good sauce. I really like the ones that taste good, and sometimes if you have insane heat the flavours are lost. This is especially true with sauces make with smoked peppers.
Yeah, smoking can overpower other flavors easily, and too much Capsaicin as well... put the two together in sufficient quantity and you often don't taste anything else. Jamie did a great job with that sauce.

Devv said:
Jamie's sauce looks great!
30's and 40's already? I've been here so long...but I do remember Halloween was never really cold when I was a kid in NY.
Being in the shallow water of Long Island Sound and nearly 3 degrees of latitude further south, your old stomping grounds are a bit warmer than here. As I type this, it's 40 degrees here and 57 degrees in Queens. Out in Coram on Long Island it's still 57 degrees, but it's cooled off to 50 degrees by the time you get out to Montauk Point.
As a kid growing up in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts, I remember Halloween nights as being pretty cold. We got hard frost by the middle of the month and night-time lows at the end of the month were in the 20s.

romy6 said:
 Glad you like it brother man . I am not a fan of sauce so thick you cant poor it on. I went very sparing on the reapers so you can enjoy the sauce and not find yourself on the loo in the middle of the night  :rofl:
Agreed brother Jamie, I like to taste everything else too when I pour on a sauce... great job! Did you add any other chiles to it, or was it only the Reapers?
georgej said:
the fun bit is just starting for me. temps are cooling off a little now, highs just below 30 next week! :)
Good on ya G! But you're getting to the time of the season when the night-time lows are more of a determining factor. Looking at the weather plat for Tokyo I see your Night-time low temperatures are about like it is right now in Jacksonville on the Atlantic side of Florida. It's 77 degrees (25 degrees C) there.
stickman said:
… Thanks Ramon, see above for the answers to most of your questions... ;)  I haven't tried the Peruvian Purples for taste yet. I thought they were just ornamental. Do you know if they're edible?
Apologies for the delayed response, I’ve been running around like a chicken with his head cut off. Even though I’m only working till noon today the rest of the day is booked, drive kids here, pick up kids there, go to Costco for food, run to post office, check on mama, check on plants, mow grass, etc. etc Funny how at the end of the day your ready to pass out by 8, lol …
I don’t know anything about her other than what I’ve read, I did have an Uncle down in Peru that was going to bring me seeds many years ago but he passed before he came up here.
I’ve read that they are used in fresh salsa and salads down there. They also dry them for later consumption. I’m not sure that they pickle them but I’ve read that peeps do that here.
Capsicum frutescens 'Peruvian Purple
Family: Solanaceae
Genus: Capsicum
Species: frutescens
Dat's all I know and it ain't much, hehehe
Have a great weekend brethren and keep up the great grow and work :)
FreeportBum said:
Morning Rick- I see it was chilly at your house as well this morning. 39°F here this morning when I first woke, now we are up to 41°F.. :censored:
Courage brother... you know it's coming, and you'll deal with it like you always have... I just got back from the garden and everything's still green... even the Basil, and that will go before the Tomatoes and Peppers.

WalkGood said:
Apologies for the delayed response, I’ve been running around like a chicken with his head cut off.

I’ve read that they are used in fresh salsa and salads down there. They also dry them for later consumption. I’m not sure that they pickle them but I’ve read that peeps do that here.
I understand Ramon... your dance card is pretty full these days since you're dancing attendance... ;)
Nice to know the Peruvian Purples are edible. I saved some seeds from one of the earlier pods to ripen, so I got a whiff of the aroma but didn't taste one. Now that I know they're edible I'll give one a try. The Fish peppers and Guajillos are starting to ripen now too, so there'll be more to report on later this week or next.
   The Hot Chocolate pods are getting a lot smaller in the cool weather... some are only dime-sized. 4 more pods on the Douglah and it's done for the season. The more I think about it, the  more I think I might just try to OW the Butch T as well as the Douglah and Manzano. That would sure kick-start next year's grow in a hurry! It would also free up more space for other things since I'd be assured of a good harvest from those 3 plants... assuming I can carry them through the winter.
 Wow it is super chilly in your parts Rick. Haven't seen temps like that in years in my region .
That sounds like an excellent group to over winter too!!!
Here are the ingredients I put in the sauce. I added 1/2 an onion after the pic.

Looks like 3 reapers, 1 giant peruvian serlano, one madballz, 1 giant Naga, and a handfull of aji lemons. 
Smoked it all for about an hour at 200 degrees. 
Then blended ,simmered  and jarred. PH was 3.8
 Very basic but I enjoyed the sauce immensly

romy6 said:
 Wow it is super chilly in your parts Rick. Haven't seen temps like that in years in my region .
That sounds like an excellent group to over winter too!!!
Here are the ingredients I put in the sauce. I added 1/2 an onion after the pic.

Looks like 3 reapers, 1 giant peruvian serlano, one madballz, 1 giant Naga, and a handfull of aji lemons. 
Smoked it all for about an hour at 200 degrees. 
Then blended ,simmered  and jarred. PH was 3.8
 Very basic but I enjoyed the sauce immensly

Thanks for the references Brother Jamie... you got some nice product there!
scratchzilla said:
We got down to 38f last night here in VT.
We're likin' you stopping by Zack... the weather is gonna come regardless. Are you up in the Green Mountains or down on either side?
Just a comment about the peruvian purples. I grew them two years ago, and yes they are definitely edible. They have a wonderful smokey type flavour if you let them ripen the entire way. The heat level ramps up at the end just as they are ripening. 
scratchzilla said:
Nice! If you ever find yourself up this way, let me know, I'll buy you a beer.
I've got a question for you Zack... do you think you'd be interested in a Red Rocoto plant? I have one I started from seed this past February. It grew slowly at first... didn't start blossoming until July, and by then the weather was too hot for it to set pods. It finally set its first pod last week, but I've decided to let it go as far as growing it myself next year, and wondered if you'd be interested in taking it on as an OW project. Now that it's properly established it should put out a good amount of pods next year. The Rocotos can take a light frost they tell me, so you should be able to get it in the ground early for a good start if you take it on. I can meet you halfway if you can't/don't have the time to make it down here. What do you say?
Stefan_W said:
Just a comment about the peruvian purples. I grew them two years ago, and yes they are definitely edible. They have a wonderful smokey type flavour if you let them ripen the entire way. The heat level ramps up at the end just as they are ripening. 
Thanks Stefan, all the more reason to give them their own audition...
Came to check out da Chocho, hehehe ... some awesome looking sauce there Mr. James Jamie and Rick I'm sure you'll make some killer sauce with them mango's and Chocho :) Have a great weekend \o/
As much as I would love to take on that project, Rick, between my not being a licensed driver, and the Chet's schedule I work, even meetingyu halfway would be tough for me... Shame, rocottos been on my bucket list since I started growing peppers.
scratchzilla said:
As much as I would love to take on that project, Rick, between my not being a licensed driver, and the Chet's schedule I work, even meetingyu halfway would be tough for me... Shame, rocottos been on my bucket list since I started growing peppers.
Well dangit... we gotta make it happen then. If you could drop me a pm, we'll see if we can't find a way to make it work. Cheers!
Got a nice amount of pods the last few days. I've been saving up to make a couple more batches of sauce this weekend. I'll use the red pods from this pull to make a fermented sauce. Clockwise from the left in the top pic are the Maya Red Habs, Magnum Orange Habs, Not Yellow Bhuts and Not Scotch Bonnets. Bottom pic is Cheiro Recife pods.


And I'll use the Orange Habs to make a sauce like Ramon's most recent one with Mango and Chayote.