• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
My wife took the camera to a shaped-note singing convention, so no pics, but I had one Chimayo that twisted itself into a pretzel while it was germinating and the Cascabel hook came up with its cotys rotted. I'm glad I started more seed yesterday by pre-soaking in Hydrogen Peroxide solution...
The Chimayo is no big deal because I already have two healthy seedlings.

I have been hearing a lot about them tricky Manzanos... I'll give you 20/10 for trying Rick. I had a quick look on the internet and it tells me these are the same as Rocoto's. Looks interesting... will have to try these next year. I am holding thumbs for you my friend!
If the Mazano's don't end up working Rick throw some of those Hot Fish into the mix ... they have a great flavour and heat for an annum not to mention they look great in the garden (maybe another one to appease the wife?? ;) ) You seem to have plenty hooking up now rick ... not long to go and you'll be rolling in both chilli's and plants !!
Thanks for the good words guys! I did start some Fish Pepper seeds Trippa... and for just the reason you describe! It must be working, because a couple of the singers we hosted for the weekend told me that she's getting excited about it. :dance:

I've heard the Black from Tula is a good black tomato. I have the seeds, but it's on for next year. Let me know how they do for you?
Sure Linda, I'll probably start a thread in the "growing other" section again this year. We've had another relatively warm winter here, so I have hopes that this summer will be as good as the last for garden veggies. Cheers!
Those guys are looking great, Rick. You must be counting the days until the last frost! Regarding the Manzanos, I'm pretty much sold it is all about the seed quality. As you know, I had some from one vendor that completely flopped. I got some from PaulG (orange) and from peppergal.com (yellow and red) and they came up pretty easily. All I did before sowing was to soak them overnight in a dilution of H2O2 and chamomile tea. You're determined, so you'll get them. Good luck!
I saved some hungarian hot wax seeds from last year, so if you want a re-start from a different seed batch just let me know. I'm happy to send them over to you.
Thanks for the offer Stefan... I had a variety of hot wax that Habanerohead sent me originally that I planted in this wave. It was a hybrid with seed treated with thiram, so I think it should do better.

Awesome! Looking good!
Thanks G, good wishes are always appreciated!

Hey Shane, I was rooting around in the cells I had planted my earlier Manzano seeds in with an eye to clearing out the duds and making room for more potential seedlings, and I found a Manzano hook. It had a pretty long tail, and still had a helmet head, but I took it off carefully and the cotys were pale, but intact. I replanted it and set it in the sun... hopefully it'll make it. I also sowed 18 more Manzano seeds that I'd pre-soaked in peroxide solution and then seaweed extract solution. Who knows... I may have a few Manzanos to find homes for in a week or two....
Great score on the 5 gallon airpots!
I never went above a 3.4 gallon last season.
The results I got from 1.5 gallon airpots were equal to that of my peppers in 5 gallon depot buckets(with holes drilled in sides).
Can't imagine what you'll get from a 5 gallon airpot except a tree.
Plan space accordingly!

The one line I heard regarding airpots in comparison to "regular" containers that still rings true in my mind..
" Containers contain, Airpots grow happy roots."
Your plants are gonna be happy campers!
Thanks John, that's what I'm hoping!

Checking on the seedlings before putting them to bed, I saw a hook in the Holy Mole' section... guess I didn't need to start more of them, but better safe than sorry. There's another Aji Panca hook as well.
Great updates Rick! Maybe loaning wife the camera is the perfect excuse to get a new high end toy, I might have to borrow that idea one of these days ;)
Hey Rick, things are looking good up there. Hopefully you'll start warming up some here soon and can get those babies out for some fresh air and sunlught. I should have a package on it's way to you Thursday or Friday so hang in there bro :)
Great updates Rick! Maybe loaning wife the camera is the perfect excuse to get a new high end toy, I might have to borrow that idea one of these days ;)
Thanks Ramon
Good luck with that ploy... :P Just remember... if Mama's not happy, nobody's happy...

Hey Rick, things are looking good up there. Hopefully you'll start warming up some here soon and can get those babies out for some fresh air and sunlught. I should have a package on it's way to you Thursday or Friday so hang in there bro :)
Thanks Bill, I'll be looking forward to it!

Arian (Persianninja) sent me some seeds for some great-looking tomatoes, and it got me thinking... maybe I should shift outside of my comfort zone a little and see what's out there. I picked up a packet of Cherokee Purple seeds today to go with the Tomatillos, Russians and Sungold cherry tomatoes.

Peppers are still popping up at the rate of 2-a-day... had a Mulato Isleno and another Korean hook up today.
Thanks for the kind words folks! I've got 3 Fish Pepper seeds planted Trippa...

Unfortunately, the second Almapaprika didn't make it... the hook rotted before fully extending. I think I had a bad mold in the growing medium. The second round of Annuum seedlings are in new Promix medium and new seed trays so hopefully things go well there.

The good news is the Chinense and Baccatum varieties! 1st up are the Baccatums. The Criolla Sella is branching and budding like crazy...

Maya Red Habanero...

Yellow 7...

Jamaican Hot Chocolate...


The roots of the Douglah in the solo cup...

The roots of the Douglah in the Airpot just beginning to show at the bottom of the pot. Can you find the 3 root tips?

Some of the Annuums from the first sowing have their second set of true leaves, and it's time to move them into Solo cups. Cheers all!
Looking good, Rick. I see 2 Aji Panca's have sprouted, looking forward to how you like them. It's gonna be one I'm putting on my growlist for next season, my last seed started to get some mold. The seeds I had were just bad.
Hi Rick,

Despite of any issues you had this season, looking at the pictures you posted so far, all I can say: amazing!
Those superhots are looking great!
Hopefully the Hungarian varieties will perform better.
Keep us posted! :-)

Looking good, Rick. I see 2 Aji Panca's have sprouted, looking forward to how you like them. It's gonna be one I'm putting on my growlist for next season, my last seed started to get some mold. The seeds I had were just bad.
I hear ya Stefan... I think that's what happened with my Manzano seeds. I have no idea what the Aji Panca pods will taste like, but I hear good things from people who dry and powder them, so I thought I'd plant some and see.

Hi Rick,

Despite of any issues you had this season, looking at the pictures you posted so far, all I can say: amazing!
Those superhots are looking great!
Hopefully the Hungarian varieties will perform better.
Keep us posted! :-)

Hi Balázs
Have you left for your trip yet? The Hungarians you sent are actually doing extremely well considering I started them in a batch of moldy grow mix. The Hungarian Hot Wax seeds I started were from here in the states. The only ones I couldn't get started from the seeds you sent were the Taltos stuffing peppers. I got more and cleaner growing medium, pre-soaked first in hydrogen peroxide and then in seaweed extract the seeds that weren't treated with Thiram, and I've started the Rapires F1 seeds in place of the Hot Wax, and the Keszethelyi Rezisztens in place of the Taltos stuffing peppers. Hopefully that gets the ball rolling. I'm almost out of Solo cups, but I scored about 50 half kilo square plastic pots to transplant the Annuums to when they need new shoes. I just have to brush them out with a scrub brush and some mild detergent and soak for a bit in bleach and water to sterilize them before filling and planting in them.
I also scored a bunch of 1 inch oak stakes to stake up my indeterminate tomatoes and the most top-heavy peppers. The wind here in the spring is "vigorous" to say the least, and I need to protect my chiles by staking them all before the hoophouse comes down later in the spring.
Much better thank goodness. My plants love the bottom feeding of fish crap. They get sad and witty if I don't do it at least twice a week. Two table spoons of fish crap two a gallon of water and in my last batch I had a sprinkle of myccos.