• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Much better thank goodness. My plants love the bottom feeding of fish crap. They get sad and witty if I don't do it at least twice a week. Two table spoons of fish crap two a gallon of water and in my last batch I had a sprinkle of myccos.
Interesting... by "fish crap" do you mean liquid fish fertilizer?

I don't think the peppers need a lot of Nitrogen right now... to build healthy roots and stems they need more Phosphate, Calcium and Magnesium without overdoing it. I get Mycorhyzaea fortified growing medium like ProMix for that, and add bone meal, rock phosphate and dolomitic lime for the minerals the Nightshades need.

Found another Korean hook, and another Chinese 5-color hook as well. The Almapaprika I thought I'd lost turns out to be a helmet-head. If I can get the seed coat off without damaging the cotys I'll have 2 after all.
Going by how well things grow along old riverbeds that are underwater for part of the year, I'm sure actual fish crap would be great for plants. But seaweed works in a pinch ;)
S'right... what you said... ;) You've got me rethinking my choices for tomatoes this year Stefan. In addition to the Sungold cherry tomatoes I think I'm going to try a few purple varieties... Cherokee Purple, Black From Tula and Japanese Trifele. We'll see how they do and taste...

I wish my plants looked half as good as yours bro. Awesome!
Thanks for the good word G, but mostly I think it's just that I started 3 weeks earlier than you did. Don't sell yourself short!

Came home for lunch and found another Korean and another Holy Mole Hybrid hook. Before I left for work this morning I up-potted the biggest of my Annuums to the last of my Solo cups...

It's not very distinct in the pic, but the snow in the back yard is mostly gone. Just a few inches deep along the fence, and it'll probably be gone in a day or two. :dance:

Have a good "Hump Day" all...
Whew...was worried about that little dude! Glad he made it! If you caught a scent from the box...it was an empty box of "urinal mints" from our store room... :rofl: Looks to have made it through no worse for the wear...huh. Who'da thunk it???
Whew...was worried about that little dude! Glad he made it! If you caught a scent from the box...it was an empty box of "urinal mints" from our store room... :rofl: Looks to have made it through no worse for the wear...huh. Who'da thunk it???
I did catch the smell when I opened the box... I thought it was the nutes you're using. Maybe we were both right?... ;)
Thanks for the good word G, but mostly I think it's just that I started 3 weeks earlier than you did. Don't sell yourself short!
Yeah, I'm not unhappy with my grow. Might get better lights next year tho. Just did a glog with the numbers, happy with that :)

Thanks for the good word G, but mostly I think it's just that I started 3 weeks earlier than you did. Don't sell yourself short!
Yeah, I'm not unhappy with my grow. Might get better lights next year tho. Just did a glog with the numbers, happy with that :)
Shhh...we'll have everyone throwing urinal mints in their plants! Wait...maybe I should spread that rumor on the growdown thread!!!

Yeah, I'm not unhappy with my grow. Might get better lights next year tho. Just did a glog with the numbers, happy with that :)

Yeah, I'm not unhappy with my grow. Might get better lights next year tho. Just did a glog with the numbers, happy with that :)
Hmmm... I think there's an echo in here...

I think you touched on it G... having enough of the right sort of light is crucial.
That was my phone saying the message didn't send ;)

Yep, they've done good considering I set up the whole thing unemployed. Made do with whatever I had or stuff I could get in the dollar store. Time to crank up next year!

They've been in the sun on my chilli bench today, gonna be cold again tonight so gonna move them back to the box for this evening.
That was my phone saying the message didn't send ;)

Yep, they've done good considering I set up the whole thing unemployed. Made do with whatever I had or stuff I could get in the dollar store. Time to crank up next year!

They've been in the sun on my chilli bench today, gonna be cold again tonight so gonna move them back to the box for this evening.
I'd say you've done well for starting with little else than the seeds themselves. Keep up the good work!

Simply smacks of smexyness! Looks perfect compared to other shipments I've seen, how was it packed?
Shoot, I guess I should have taken a pic of that too before I tore the box apart to get at the goodies... He had it taped down so well I had to pull it apart to extract the plant. Without fastening anything to the leaves and stalk he restricted then into a column about 5 cm wide, and he taped a cover over the soil in the pot and taped the pot to every available surface with "100 mile an hour tape" (mil spec duct tape)... Pure genius! :dance:

Don't forget, though - fresh "mints" are too strong, you have to get ones that have been used for a while, they have a better balance for the soil, that way
Heh-heh... You heard it first here folks... :liar:

In honor of San Diego's Chiefest denizen, I made Fish Tacos with beer batter fried fish, cabbage slaw and salsa last night. We had the leftovers for lunch today. This one's for you Shane!

The dressing on the cabbage was minced Jalapenos, Lime juice, Mexican Oregano, dill, cumin, plain Greek yogurt and a spoonful of Shane's smoked Manzano powder.
Rick. Didn't I say you'll get you your manzano ?! Glad to see it made it safely. Shane rocks.

Annuums are looking nice
D@#% straight DeNNiZ! :onfire: The Dude abides! I'm really pumped because I definitely wanted to try to grow a Manzano out and overwinter it. Who knows if the 3rd round of Manzano seeds and the 2nd round of Annuums will grow, but there's no sign of mold under the dome, so I think I eliminated that problem at least.
Ooooh man that looks tasty! Niiice!!
Thanks Lourens! What are you and Caroline cooking up with your bounty?

The longer days and melting snow must have inspired the Annuums today... I had a mini-flurry of hooks this afternoon. Another Hungarian Sweet Paprika hook, a Korean, an Almapaprika, a Holy Mole' Hybrid and a Chinese 5-Color too. Close comparison between the leaves on one of the seedlings and Shane's Manzano convinces me that the seedling is a Red Rocoto after all, so out of about 25 seeds planted, I actually got one Pubiscens to germ in the first round. I wanted at least one fuzzy plant this year, so before Shane sent the Manzano I planted some seeds from a Goat Weed pod he sent me last year, and those are starting to hook now too.

There are more varieties in the second round of Annuum seeds and I'll add them as they come up.
Rick...be careful with those Goat's Weed seeds if you got them from a pod I sent. I don't know if they're virus free. Would hate them to be the source of your grow going the way mine did last season. If you do decide to grow them I would keep them well clear of the other plants until you're certain they're clean. If my virus was in fact PMMoV then the seeds are likely infected, if it was Mottle Virus I don't think it is seed bourne...good luck. By season's end both of my Goat's Weeds were infected although the two GW plants held out the longest before becoming symptomatic and even then never really slowed production.