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Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Hi Rick.
Things are looking great overthere :)

Congrats on Manzanos, it payed off to be stubborn. I'm using same approach for Aji Cubanelle. I had 0/10 last year, so those are probably bad seeds, but never the less, I'm trying again :D

Those chinensis are already big, real monsters, you could be up for some early pods :)
Thanks for the kind words Robert... From your mouth to God's ear, eh? ;) I grew some Corno de Toro sweet peppers last year and let them get red-ripe before picking them... A very nice frying pepper but with some fairly thin flesh. I got them in mid-June from a local greenhouse, and it was so late in the season when I planted them that they never amounted to much. I think they tasted as good as (or even a little better than) the Cubanelles. I'm taking some Marconi Rosso peppers for a test drive this year, and the Hungarians and Kapias too of course...

Rick every time I come here you gotz more & more popping, you are going to have one huge season ... hat's off mon \o_
Thanks Ramon! You know I've gotta have my Mexican pepper fix! And Hungarian, and Korean, and Caribbean, and Andean...
Stickman, it's looking mighty fine there my friend! Unfortunately for me, the sun here in the south is getting weaker by the day and our days are getting shorter... which can only mean one thing... :dance:
Stickman, it's looking mighty fine there my friend! Unfortunately for me, the sun here in the south is getting weaker by the day and our days are getting shorter... which can only mean one thing... :dance:
Party time, right? :beer: As many chiles as you've been processing, I can imagine you're looking forward to a break. It's been an inspiration though Lourens... I'll be looking forward to your grow next year to get my fix until I can start my own again. :cheers:

Looking good!
Man those chinense are looking awesome!
Thanks G, You're doing great yourself! Definitely want to see how your babies do in your MIL's garden plot.

Checked in on the new Annuums before getting ready for bed and find that 100% of the Guajillo and Big Jim Anaheim seeds sprouted, so I'm at 3/3 for both of those.
Uurgh enough already... I'm longing for the end of the season already lol! :) Thanks Stickman and I thank you for all your positive feedback and contributions from your vast wealth of knowledge. Without this and the help from other fellow Chilliheads I know I would have seen my derriere! The North / South globe thing works beautifully and I do look forward to this symbiotic relationship of keeping one anothers home fires burning during those incandescent, cold winter nights! I made a lamb curry last night... was winging it... and added a Douglah and a Naga King Jolokia... man I just had to have two helpings... it was "sweet like a lemon" as they say here in approval lol Not sure why, but they do!
I'm planning to grow half stuck to the side of my house and half in the allotment. Should be interesting to see how they differ!

I have a feeling that japanese summer means that the ones at home might do better, as I plan to buy fans for home.. The humid air doesn't move here, so it could be an interesting glog! :)
Man, it is feast or famine, isn't it? First no Manzanos, then you get one from Shane, then they start popping for you. Awesome, and so glad to hear it. Really looking forward to seeing the plants in their new homes outside. Keep it up, my friend!
Thanks Doc
Boy, I've gotta say winter is getting really old about now... The snow had almost completely melted away, and yesterday we got another 12 cm of snow...

I've got chiles that really want to go into the ground too. Like this guy!

He's the Maya Red Habanero in the 1 gal. Dirt Pot with a leaf canopy that's about 10 inches across. The rest of the Chinense are comparable. More second round Annuums are starting to pop... I had a Vesena hook up today.
Things are looking great Rick. Do you start your onions on the heat mat? How many seeds to you put in one hole? I am planting celery and the seeds are extra small. Small seeds should be put in one hole with numerous seeds right? Thanks for your input and keep up the great grow.
The Claytonia also has very small seeds. I started them in a 72-cell tray that was filled to within an eighth of an inch of the top with pre-moistened soil, tried to pinch out about 5 seeds per cell and covered them with about another sixteenth of an inch of soil and misted the tops of the cells, fitted the dome lid and put them on the seed heat mat. I leave 2 sprouts in each cell and trim the others with scissors so they don't get too crowded. Hope that helps... I've never grown celery. It takes too long for it to grow to harvest size for my taste, but good luck with yours!
wow... your winters are getting really old ehh... im planning on tilling my garden area in a week or two so i can have a plant out by april 1st.. i want to make sure them grubs are gone

btw.. i gave my friend one of the gochus and she beat me to the punch

told her it needs a new home aside the SOLO cup...
Rick only clicked "Like This" cause of the great photo of the Maya Red Habanero, while the snow picture is nice I hear you on it getting old for you :/
wow... your winters are getting really old ehh... im planning on tilling my garden area in a week or two so i can have a plant out by april 1st.. i want to make sure them grubs are gone

btw.. i gave my friend one of the gochus and she beat me to the punch

told her it needs a new home aside the SOLO cup...
Good luck with getting rid of the grubs after you till... are you going to put down milky spore to deal with them?

Your friend did darned well if she's getting flowers and pods with the gochu still in a Solo cup!

Dang Rick, sucks about the snow but that Red Hab is looking great!

Amazing Hab Rick :)

Snow sucks big time this year...
Thanks Guys... You should see the pepper jungle I have going with the Chinense plants from the first sowing back in January.

Rick only clicked "Like This" cause of the great photo of the Maya Red Habanero, while the snow picture is nice I hear you on it getting old for you :/
Thanks Ramon... I guess we all have our trials... I'll have to stop by your glog and see how your "convalescent" is doing. If it isn't the weather it's some boneheaded mistake I made out of ignorance... the leaves on the Douglahs looked a bit yellow, so I did a foliar spray with Epsom Salts and water that greened them up nice. I probably should have left it at that, but I figured that if I sprinkled Dolomitic Lime on top of the soil in the pot then I would have solved the problem permanently...I think I only added a couple of teaspoons per pot, but the pots were only about a liter in size, so I ended up kicking the pH up above 7.5 and locking out the Iron and/or Magnesium and ended up with very yellow leaves with green veins...

I took the pots outside and scraped away as much of the lime as I could, then watered with a dilute solution of white vinegar and water to try to balance the pH again. I may have to add some Iron, but I want to see if correcting the pH will take care of the problem without further meddling. The plants look healthy otherwise.