• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
For the most part everything still looks really good, Rick. I agree with Trippa that once you up-pot the chinenses, they will green up again. The older growth may not, but the newer growth will. Pretty sure that Douglah will bounce back with undergrowth. Pork chops look tasty!
Well I hope you get some to pop this round Rick!! To be honest I had not tested the viability of those hot fish seeds I saved but I always tend to make sure the pods are almost past ripe to ensure the seeds are mature. Sorry about that Rick :( Best of luck with this round of seeds I hope you get at least one out of them.
Thanks Guys! We'll do well enough, Inshallah...

The Baccatums are doing quite well. Here are some pics from this weekend of the Aji Criolla Sella and Aji Omnicolor...

and the Aji Panca that I sowed a month after the other two...

So far, only 4 varieties have popped from the second round of Annuum seeds, but they seem to be healthy and vigorously growing. I think the pre-soak in seaweed extract solution gave 'em a big kick in the pants...
All looks good from here!

I too have been afraid to hit the plants too hard with ferts. Been using 1TB per gallon of epsom salts diluted down to 25% in a spray and 50% mix rate for Calmag and Hasta Gro.

They still are not nearly as dark green as what I see above. So at what point do you hit them harder? Mine are at the 3rd to 5th set of true leaves and get plenty of sun.

Keep up the good work, you're gonna have a great year!

All looks good from here!

I too have been afraid to hit the plants too hard with ferts. Been using 1TB per gallon of epsom salts diluted down to 25% in a spray and 50% mix rate for Calmag and Hasta Gro.

They still are not nearly as dark green as what I see above. So at what point do you hit them harder? Mine are at the 3rd to 5th set of true leaves and get plenty of sun.

Keep up the good work, you're gonna have a great year!

Hi Scott
I don't have any experience with CalMag or Hasta (Hosta?) grow so I can't help you there... up to now I've only planted in the ground, so most of my experience is with the kinds of nutes you spade into the soil before planting or side-dress after. I'm only misting with Epsom Salts when it seems called for (leaves are yellowing). I've been feeding once a week on alternating weeks with Neptune's Harvest seaweed extract and General Hydroponics RapidStart, but will stop feeding the more mature seedlings until plant-out. (plant-out is still at least 3-4 weeks away and I only have so much grow space under lights) I prep the pepper bed with amendments before planting (organic equivalent of 10-10-10), and side-dress with organic equivalent of 5-10-10 at flowering and when the pods get to be about an inch long. Hope this helps...
Hi Scott
I don't have any experience with CalMag or Hasta (Hosta?) grow so I can't help you there... up to now I've only planted in the ground, so most of my experience is with the kinds of nutes you spade into the soil before planting or side-dress after. I'm only misting with Epsom Salts when it seems called for (leaves are yellowing). I've been feeding once a week on alternating weeks with Neptune's Harvest seaweed extract and General Hydroponics RapidStart, but will stop feeding the more mature seedlings until plant-out. (plant-out is still at least 3-4 weeks away and I only have so much grow space under lights) I prep the pepper bed with amendments before planting (organic equivalent of 10-10-10), and side-dress with organic equivalent of 5-10-10 at flowering and when the pods get to be about an inch long. Hope this helps...

Hasta Gro is local to us, it's produced in the next town. It's a liquid 6-12-6 and organic, I water with it, but you can spray with it reduced by 50%. Due to BER I'm trying to introduce some calcium.

I guess my main question is at what point in the plants life do you hit them with full strength Epsom?

Thanks for the quick response!

The only time I've ever used full-strength Epsom Salts is when I spade them in before planting. At that point I use about a half a cup for 100 sq. ft. Here's a great resource from the Maryland Extension Service that's a great general primer on the different fertilizers and how to use them properly... http://www.hgic.umd....ts/hg42_002.pdf

Got out the package of Ghost Peppers from the freezer and made a batch of Pork Vindaloo with curried Cauliflower and Basmati Rice for lunch today...
Mighty Baccatums Rick.

I see majority of your plants is still looking great, hope it stays that way.
Few casualties are expected even with ideal conditions.
Thanks for your input today!


Sho' 'nuff, ain't no thang bro... ;)

Plants are looking good. Hopefully less than two months from planting.
Hi Bodeen
Thanks for the kind words... Hopefully less than 2 months on this end too. Snow is melting fast today and may be gone entirely by mid-week. I've gotta get over and check out your glog...

Mighty Baccatums Rick.

I see majority of your plants is still looking great, hope it stays that way.
Few casualties are expected even with ideal conditions.
Thanks Robert... I guess it's good to keep reminding ourselves that growing plants is always a group effort... whether or not more than one person is involved...
I'm really happy with the way the Baccatums are growing. They don't seem very fussy about growing conditions, and they seem able to take a bit of cold as well. If I like the flavor, I'll definitely be growing them again.
I'm really happy with the way the Baccatums are growing. They don't seem very fussy about growing conditions, and they seem able to take a bit of cold as well. If I like the flavor, I'll definitely be growing them again.

Baccatuums are good fast and undemanding growers. Aji Habanero was the first plant that gave me ripe pods last season. I started Bishops Crown late in April last year, and got ripe pods in September!

About the taste.. I didn't like it much, both Aji Habanero and Bishops Crown got little heat in general, and I didn't feel their taste much. This year I'm growing Aji Yellow and Inca Berry just to be sure. Maybe I had bad Baccatum seeds last year.
I tried some Aji Omnicolor pods I got last year from PaulG, Bishop's Crown I got from stc 3248 and Aji Amarillo I got from a local farmstand. The Ajis certainly had a different flavor than the Annuums I'd been growing up to then, but I didn't think unpleasant. The Omnicolors had a heat level similar to the Serranos I grew the same year, the Bishop's Crown was sweet and juicy with a bit of zing when you got to the placenta and the Aji Amarillo (Aji Yellow) had a smell and taste that was vaguely citrusy... In the end it comes down to what tastes good to you if you're going to grow it. Life would be pretty boring if we were all the same, eh? If I get enough pods to make powder from them, I'll send you some from the Aji Criolla Sella and Aji Panca to try if you'd like... Both are supposed to have good flavor and be good for drying.
Rick, sad to read that you shocked the Douglah and Jamaican hot Chocolate but I doubt they could be in better hands offering them a speedy recovery than yours … I’m sure you’ll “Keep 'Em Straight” mon! I really love cooking with red Douglah and I find the taste awesome! While I didn’t cook with the chocolate hab I had, it was super good in a cracker spread. Maybe I’ll have pods later this year, for now mine remains a dwarf in comparison to yours, hehe.

Since I read yours and others measurements for Epsom salt, thought I’d throw in my mix ratio. I hit mine with 2 TBS per gallon once a month or when I fist see flowers forming, never seen a negative reaction but then it’s possible that indoor growing is different. I stop once the flower development progresses. Love your foodies, great stuff mon! Dat Cajun Blackened Pork Chops looks awesome and so does the Pork Vindaloo with curried Cauliflower and Basmati Rice, yum!

Keep up all your great works!

»» Foobar2k ::: Balkan Beat Box - Nu Med (2007) - 01 - Keep 'Em Straight (Intro) ::: 0:41/1:15 (••••••••••) ::: 492 kbps ««
I tried some Aji Omnicolor pods I got last year from PaulG, Bishop's Crown I got from stc 3248 and Aji Amarillo I got from a local farmstand. The Ajis certainly had a different flavor than the Annuums I'd been growing up to then, but I didn't think unpleasant. The Omnicolors had a heat level similar to the Serranos I grew the same year, the Bishop's Crown was sweet and juicy with a bit of zing when you got to the placenta and the Aji Amarillo (Aji Yellow) had a smell and taste that was vaguely citrusy... In the end it comes down to what tastes good to you if you're going to grow it. Life would be pretty boring if we were all the same, eh? If I get enough pods to make powder from them, I'll send you some from the Aji Criolla Sella and Aji Panca to try if you'd like... Both are supposed to have good flavor and be good for drying.

Thanks, send me some powder but ONLY if you will have enoguh pods. I'm growing 2 Baccatum varieties just to see the difference from last season.

Maybe I'm just not into Baccatums, so I can cut down growing lists :D
Rick, your baccatums look picture perfect. Glad to see the Aji Panca popped and is growing well for you. I'll be interested to see how it produces for you. I had one plant last year that never made a single flower. I'm trying it again this year, both clones from the original plant and from seed obtained elsewhere.

The vindaloo looks awesome. Curried cauliflower is good, too. Of course, the basmati rice authenicates the entire dish, as does using the local pepper, the Bhut Jolokia. Well done! Looks great.
Rick, sad to read that you shocked the Douglah and Jamaican hot Chocolate but I doubt they could be in better hands offering them a speedy recovery than yours … I’m sure you’ll “Keep 'Em Straight” mon! I really love cooking with red Douglah and I find the taste awesome! While I didn’t cook with the chocolate hab I had, it was super good in a cracker spread. Maybe I’ll have pods later this year.

»» Foobar2k ::: Balkan Beat Box - Nu Med (2007) - 01 - Keep 'Em Straight (Intro) ::: 0:41/1:15 (••••••••••) ::: 492 kbps ««
Eh well...ya can't win 'em all, but ya can sure try! I really liked the Jamaican Hot Chocolate for making Jerk Chicken, but it seemed like it wasn't as hot as the Orange Habs, so I just doubled up on the peppers in the marinade.

love the Nu Med album... I don't have the others yet but it'll happen. You might be interested in checking out the Serbian trumpeter Boban Markovic who they tip their hat to in the song $20 for Boban

Thanks, send me some powder but ONLY if you will have enough pods. I'm growing 2 Baccatum varieties just to see the difference from last season.

Maybe I'm just not into Baccatums, so I can cut down growing lists :D
PaulG sent me a few Inca Red Drops last year too... I think you'll like them, but if not, more space for other things as you say. ;)

Rick, your baccatums look picture perfect. Glad to see the Aji Panca popped and is growing well for you. I'll be interested to see how it produces for you. I had one plant last year that never made a single flower. I'm trying it again this year, both clones from the original plant and from seed obtained elsewhere.

The vindaloo looks awesome. Curried cauliflower is good, too. Of course, the basmati rice authenicates the entire dish, as does using the local pepper, the Bhut Jolokia. Well done! Looks great.
Sure thing Doc... I got the seeds from Pepperlover so I'm sure they'll be productive if I can get them to sprout. I bought a bag of dried Aji Panca chiles from a Latin market nearby so I try them out and I'll be making Pollo de Seco with them later this week.

The Vindaloo tasted great! Better than I've gotten in restaurants, but much hotter as well... Fortunately I had the rice and cauliflower to alternate with and an "oil can" of Foster's to wash it down with....

Best tasting Baccatums personally I think are Dedo de Moca and Aji Lemon. Kids loved the bishop crowns
I'll have to give 'em a try Trippa... they're kind of hard to find around here in fresh form, maybe I'll try to grow them next year.
Up-potted the chiles in root pruning pots tonight, but first the side-by-side comparison...
Yellow 7s

Maya Red Habaneros


The one in the airpot has greened up nicely after neutralizing the soil and misting with epsom salts solution. The other one... eep! At least it's still alive, but dormant for now.

The roots on the Yellow 7 before up-potting...

The Chinense chiles that were upstairs had a big growth spurt this past week and I was running out of room in the grow shelves upstairs, so I sent them down into the cellar where it's a bit cooler but there's more space. Here they are in their new digs wearing 1 gallon sized shoes...
christ Rick, what are you feeding those things!? they look gorgeous!

really hoping i can get my leaves a bit greener, they dont need watering yet and i cant find any epsom salts to take care of the immediate mag issues.