• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Nice Rick,

Big progress with the lower level plants. The cooler temps will send out the flowers. I'm seeing that with my two grow area's also.

I can see "Spring" is here in your neck of the woods. Some green grass blades poking through the thatch...
Nice Rick,

Big progress with the lower level plants. The cooler temps will send out the flowers. I'm seeing that with my two grow area's also.

I can see "Spring" is here in your neck of the woods. Some green grass blades poking through the thatch...
Thanks for the input Greg... I thought they were a bit small to be flowering, it's nice to understand what's going on. Cheers!
You and me going to chat about growing indoors my friend. You seem to have that skill down to a T too!

Have a great Easter weekend. I'm going to the farm this morning!
:dance: It has begun!!! Pods for everyone! Well soon anyway!
Woo Hoo! Stuff is finally starting to grow! :woohoo: This spring definitely came later than the last... not unseasonably late really, but with the chiles and eggplants started the anticipation is ratcheting up bigtime! The first part of the week was grey and drizzly, and a lot of people had the "shack nasties"... seeing the sun out and things growing has lightened the mood a lot!

You and me going to chat about growing indoors my friend. You seem to have that skill down to a T too!

Have a great Easter weekend. I'm going to the farm this morning!
Thanks Lourens, I'm still learning too! And you're welcome to whatever help I can give. You also have mad skills my friend... evidenced by the monsters you have growing out at your farm.

Have a great Easter weekend all!
NICE Rick, those plants are responding well to whatever your doing. Get them in the ground and they're going to take off like crazy :)

I have your sauce boxed up now, just need to find the time to get to the Post Office.

Happy Easter.
Looks like spring is definitely springing out your way!

Great pics of all of the seedlings. I had some issues with yellow leaves on a few of my plants as well. I noticed that the leaves that started touching the plants next to them were more likely to turn yellow, I wonder if there is a connection. Anyway, love the aji criolla sella! Maybe there are some pod baby pictures looming in your horizon.
Woo Hoo! Stuff is finally starting to grow! :woohoo: This spring definitely came later than the last... not unseasonably late really, but with the chiles and eggplants started the anticipation is ratcheting up bigtime! The first part of the week was grey and drizzly, and a lot of people had the "shack nasties"... seeing the sun out and things growing has lightened the mood a lot!

Thanks Lourens, I'm still learning too! And you're welcome to whatever help I can give. You also have mad skills my friend... evidenced by the monsters you have growing out at your farm.

Have a great Easter weekend all!
You too Stickman! Mother nature... ain't got nothin' to do with me lol
NICE Rick, those plants are responding well to whatever your doing. Get them in the ground and they're going to take off like crazy :)

I have your sauce boxed up now, just need to find the time to get to the Post Office.

Happy Easter.
Thanks Bill, I'll be looking forward to it! You and your family have a happy Easter as well!

Looks like spring is definitely springing out your way!

Great pics of all of the seedlings. I had some issues with yellow leaves on a few of my plants as well. I noticed that the leaves that started touching the plants next to them were more likely to turn yellow, I wonder if there is a connection. Anyway, love the aji criolla sella! Maybe there are some pod baby pictures looming in your horizon.
Hi Stefan, the thaw should be getting to you in force in a couple of weeks or so, then the work really starts...

I don't see how putting the plants in contact with each other could cause leaf yellowing unless friction was damaging them. I assume they're in different pots? Do you have a fan blowing on them some of the time?

The largest Criolla Sella is still only about 20cm high so I'm not going to encourage them to set fruit. No fan or "finger flicking" in the grow box. If they do set fruit I'll snip it off so they can concentrate on getting bigger. I'd like them to be at least 30cm tall before allowing them to fruit, and if it's too cold to plant out by then, I'll up-pot to a 6 liter size first.

Hope you and your family have a happy Easter!

I'm having good germination of the 2 varieties of Eggplants I sowed...

The Black Beauty is a traditional large Italian-type that's been a favorite for many years. I also love Thai veggie curries, so I decided to plant one of their firm-fleshed, green and white varieties this year as well... http://www.kitazawas...eed_325-33.html
From their website: "Kitazawa Seed Company is the oldest seed company in America specializing in Asian vegetable seeds."
Never heard of them before. Thanks for posting.
Woohoo! Blossoms are in the house.

Looking good and healthy there. Do you like the airpots? Do they tip much? I have been thinking of trying them out. Most likely next year as this years budget is going into making the raised beds.

Man Rick, you have some crazy varieties growing. I love it! They're all looking healthy, to boot. Love the flowers on the baccatums. They look so cool. And budding supers already...nice!
From their website: "Kitazawa Seed Company is the oldest seed company in America specializing in Asian vegetable seeds."
Never heard of them before. Thanks for posting.
No problem Buzz... glad to spread the word! ;)

Woohoo! Blossoms are in the house.

Looking good and healthy there. Do you like the airpots? Do they tip much? I have been thinking of trying them out. Most likely next year as this years budget is going into making the raised beds.

Hi Michelle
I do like the airpots... If I don't put them in a place where they're likely to be tipped over (like a folding card table), they aren't. I think the plants I've put in them are happier to have the roots well aerated, but since the soil surface area is more than doubled, they need to be watered more frequently. Drip irrigation would be perfect for them, especially in midsummer, though I won't be able to afford it this year. I think I'll improvise by setting small blocks of ice on top of the soil in the pot before going to work and letting them slowly melt and soak into the soil. It's a trick I learned from some folks who grow Bonsai in Brooklyn, NY. I figure one or two blocks of ice the size of a solo cup should be about right.

Man Rick, you have some crazy varieties growing. I love it! They're all looking healthy, to boot. Love the flowers on the baccatums. They look so cool. And budding supers already...nice!
Thanks Doc, you're not doing too shabby yourself since you're already picking pods! If you're planning on buying a house and moving this summer it's probably as well you have all your babies planted in root pouches so they'll be relatively easy to move when you do.

Have a happy Easter all!
Rick, I was thinking about them outside. We get lots of high winds unless the bottom is heavy enough they will tip. I guess it is one of those touchy feely/trial & error things. Thanks for the input.

Rick, I was thinking about them outside. We get lots of high winds unless the bottom is heavy enough they will tip. I guess it is one of those touchy feely/trial & error things. Thanks for the input.

True... now that you mention it, I do remember the wind along the front range... What I'd do is put the pots on the south-facing side of a windbreak like a row of shrubbery or a low stone wall. That'll protect it from the prevailing northwest wind when it's small. You'd have to stake up the peppers when they get bigger. The stone wall would absorb sunlight during the day and radiate heat to make a warmer micro-climate. Again, you'd have to water more often, but a drip irrigation system on a timer, like Shane's, would take care of that without further input once it had been programmed.
Well folks, things are finally beginning to move here. I checked out the outdoor garden plot yesterday and found that the soil had completely thawed and the scallion tops I overwintered are beginning to grow, so it's time to rake out all the thatch and spade in the humus/nutes before planting the cold-hardy vegetables like Onions, Mache' and Claytonia. The Tomatoes haven't popped yet, but the Tomatillos are starting...

I'm hoping that by starting from seed earlier in the season I get bigger Tomatillo plants than I did last year. They take up a lot of space though, so I think I'll enlarge the Annual Herb garden to make room for them and more Asian herbs like Thai Basil.
Herbs are always good to have, especially fresh! Got some Tomatillo de Verde going here also, they tend to get leggy real quick. Happy Easter, Rick!
Thanks for the input Stefan! This is my first year growing them from seed so it's much appreciated. Guess I'll have to put them in a large air pruning pot until conditions are right for planting them outside... Hope you and your family have a good Easter yourselves!