• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Yeah the Parent plant is still going (but in desperate need of a pot up or root trim and bonchi) and actually currently setting pods again.  Its into its third season now so I am reluctant to let it go (but then again most of my plants are into their third seasons) so I have to be ruthless!! 
That's excellent news! You've got a treasure there Trippa, and I hope you keep it going as long as possible for the pods and seeds.
I went out to water the garden before the heat of the day and spotted the first of my Chinense varieties beginning to ripen. It's one of the JA Hot Chocolate pods. No surprise there since it was also the first plant to set fruit outside. I couldn't get a pic because it's too low to the ground, and the rows are a bit too close together, but in a few days I'll get one when I pull it. Some of the smaller pods on the Almapaprika that I left to grow bigger are instead beginning to blush with color, so I guess I'll have some ripe pods from them to sample soon.
I'm not sure if it means the pods are ripening, but I notice the pods on the Kapia peppers are taking on a bit of a yellowish cast. The plants look healthy, so I suppose that's the explaination. I hope so anyway.
Nice to hear you are getting some chinense ripening Rick ... Nice work!!
The big thing with the douglah is that in my experience it produced much better in the second season (if you choose to over winter which is a little...scratch that... MUCH tougher where you are I know) so you could have a real monster on your hands there!!
One other thing I have found is that they do take a little longer then any other variety of Chinense I have grown to get fully ripe so be prepared to wait a little while 
Lots of douglah's.  Hear they are really hot.  The only super's I have is primo's and carolina reapers.  I'm going to 
experiment and make jelly with them, and give some away.
Trippa said:
Nice to hear you are getting some chinense ripening Rick ... Nice work!!
The big thing with the douglah is that in my experience it produced much better in the second season (if you choose to over winter which is a little...scratch that... MUCH tougher where you are I know) so you could have a real monster on your hands there!!
One other thing I have found is that they do take a little longer then any other variety of Chinense I have grown to get fully ripe so be prepared to wait a little while 
OK, got it... this must be a bit of a suntan then. I'm starting to see a little color on the pods that get a bit of sun.

Looking at the Yellow Bhuts, I'm thinking the shape of the pods is a little irregular... maybe a Bhut cross?

This one's for you Jamie...

I've got the chicken marinating in the 'fridge with the Jerk seasoning. A few days of letting the Jerk base set has blended all the flavors and done marvelous things with it! I put a half a cup of the base in the food processor with another onion, 2 scallions, tbsp of fresh Thyme leaves and processed it up to slather on a cut-up 3.5 pound chicken. I'm thinking rice and peas, and callaloo for side dishes. Thanks to Bigoledude's seeds I have the callaloo.

roper2008 said:
Lots of douglah's.  Hear they are really hot.  The only super's I have is primo's and carolina reapers.  I'm going to 
experiment and make jelly with them, and give some away.
That's gonna be some really hot jelly Linda! I haven't tried a reaper, but have some seeds on the way, so maybe next season.
Cheers All!
Well Rick they well could be starting to ripen that was just my experience (and it was hardly a large survey group ;) ) but what I meant was not only did I experience show them to be relatively slow to start to ripen but once they started they took quite some time time to fully ripen. Again I hope in your case (and plant) I am wrong !! Whatever the case its a great plant !! Cheers
stickman said:
Thanks Balázs, I tried a taste of the brine after I filled the jar, and it definitely had a hint of sulfur from the potassium metabisulfate... your directions didn't say whether to leave the top off the pickling jar for a while before fastening it down tight, so as to allow the sulfur dioxide gas to bleed off first, so I didn't. Hopefully, when the jar is opened, it'll bleed off then. Your comments?
Hi Rick,
The sulfur will disappear. Wait a couple of weeks, and you will like the result, I am sure.
Trippa said:
Well Rick they well could be starting to ripen that was just my experience (and it was hardly a large survey group ;) ) but what I meant was not only did I experience show them to be relatively slow to start to ripen but once they started they took quite some time time to fully ripen. Again I hope in your case (and plant) I am wrong !! Whatever the case its a great plant !! Cheers
No worries Trippa... inshallah...

PaulG said:
Rick, your grow is a veritable botanical garden of peppery delights.  
These latest pod pics are absolutely s-i-c-k  :fireball:
Whatever you are doin', keep it up!
Thanks for stopping by and the good vibe Paul! You should see these Omnicolors... Are you sure they're South American and not Sicilian? They're trying to muscle in on the whole raised bed... ;)

Supper tonight was Jerk Chicken made with the Jerk paste I made up last weekend, and boy, it'll light up your life! :mouthonfire:  I used half the paste on a 3.5 pound chicken, and the paste had 2 of Vince's Bahamian Goat peppers, 2 of Jamie's Madballz, 1 of Jamie's Douglahs and 1 of his Not Douglahs.

Accompaniments were Callaloo

and JA Rice and Peas

Plate pic

Have a good night all!
Holy Greenfield, MA … I had to go far back … I’m gone for a few days and you’re place is on fire and dem flames don’t even need any fanning, excellent job mon!
  • Great giftage from coheed \o/
  • Nice harvests
  • Incredible poddage - Love dem full plant shots you took for Greg and the in-grounds are all kicking azz … podding & flowering nicely!
  • Awesome salsa verde, pickled peppers and WOOT on jerk chicken with rice peas & Callaloo … hats off mon \o_
Thanks Ramon... I thought you'd like it. :onfire:

GA Growhead said:
I'm hungry now!
Scarecrw said:
Awesome looking dinner plate, I hope you put some TP in the freezer for the AM. 
Not sure why, but I very rarely have that particular reaction... not that I'm complaining. ;)
The Jerk marinade was almost everything I hoped it would be. The heat level was spot on. For me, 3 Scotch Bonnet pods for a 3.5 pound chicken is about right. The meat was juicy and flavorful, but not at all sweet. Without the sugar to mellow the smoke taste from the Apple wood it was also slightly astringent, so next time I'll add vegetable oil and some brown sugar to the marinade.
The weather forecast here says that today will be the last day of a 6-day heat wave, and it'll be hotter than it's been throughout. The grass is brown and brittle, and the air is oppressive until the sun goes down. I hope we get some rain tomorrow, but I'll continue to water as needed until that happens.
Cheers all!
Plants look great and so does the food. Glad to hear you're growing Callaloo. Like Ramon said, hat's off to the Jerk Chicken. The presentation is one of the better ones here. Only the use of Pimento Wood, Scotch Bonnets and a Red Stripe for a finisher would have taking that over the top.
PIC 1 said:
Plants look great and so does the food. Glad to hear you're growing Callaloo. Like Ramon said, hat's off to the Jerk Chicken. The presentation is one of the better ones here. Only the use of Pimento Wood, Scotch Bonnets and a Red Stripe for a finisher would have taking that over the top.
Thanks Greg, I appreciate the good word from a master! I suppose I could have dug up some Red Stripe, but for the rest, I did the best I could. Pimento wood is kind of scarce around here for some reason... Apple was the closest substitute. I'm growing Scotch Bonnets, and they've set pods, so that will be a future reality barring misfortune.
Thanks guys, but to tell the truth, it's so d@%& hot here we don't have much appetite ATM. The lawn is completely fried, and the garden would be too if I wasn't watering every morning at dawn. The drip irrigation setup for the potted plants and the raised bed in back has been a godsend! Today's high was 98 degrees (36 C) and it felt like 104 (40 C). it's still 88 degrees outside (31 C) and will likely only get down to the mid 70's (around 23 C) by morning... I'm looking forward to a break from the heat!