• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
PeriPeri said:
I'm suffering from Capsicuminvidia my friend! There is no cure apparently :D
...Except for getting your own grow on, eh? ;)  I'm feeling a bit jealous of your greenhouse, but as I'm getting good results, not all that much. Cheers!
MisterNo said:
Hey Rick, everything looks great over there.

Lot of ripening going on, beautiful colors cpming out
Thanks Robert... I'm so pumped that the Kapia peppers are finally starting to color up! My plan is to use them all for Ajvar, so as they ripen, I'll freeze the pods whole. When I've collected all of them I'll process the whole lot. Cheers!
Playin Catch up on the glog browsing- I forget how it fires up the enthusiasm for MORE!
You've definitely got the air grow thing down, those are some beautiful plants(packed full of poddage!)...what is it about glistening pods and water droplets?LOL- maybe its the fire/water thing, but I alwasys love to see that. My annum starts are still waiting on some attention, might wait till the end of August so the it be cool enough at night for em to flower nicely.
stickman said:
Thanks Robert... I'm so pumped that the Kapia peppers are finally starting to color up! My plan is to use them all for Ajvar, so as they ripen, I'll freeze the pods whole. When I've collected all of them I'll process the whole lot. Cheers!
Told you they'll be coming up soon :)

you should try one ripe pod fresh, they are great!
gnslngr said:
Playin Catch up on the glog browsing- I forget how it fires up the enthusiasm for MORE!
You've definitely got the air grow thing down, those are some beautiful plants(packed full of poddage!)...what is it about glistening pods and water droplets?LOL- maybe its the fire/water thing, but I alwasys love to see that. My annum starts are still waiting on some attention, might wait till the end of August so the it be cool enough at night for em to flower nicely.
Thanks for stopping in and the good vibe Dave! I know, right? I love that kind of composition too... didn't plan it, but dig the results.
Don't work too hard buddy, cheers!

MisterNo said:
Told you they'll be coming up soon :)

you should try one ripe pod fresh, they are great!
Oh yeah... gotta try one fresh!
It's pretty chilly this morning... around 55 degrees (12 C). I actually had to put on  a fleece vest before I went out this morning to weed and harvest. I'm sure the ripening slows down in the cool weather, but it'll warm up again in a couple of days.
It was a nice harvest too! Mostly peppers, but by no means all...

Top left is at least 4 quarts of Green Tomatillos. Moving clockwise are Korean Radish thinnings, Chimayo' chiles, Almapaprika, Peruvian Purple, 6-4 Anaheim, Ochsenhorn and Gochu peppers. In the middle are Criolla Sella and Omnicolor pods. Not a bad haul! Tonight I think I'll make kimchi with the radishes, and Tomatillo salsa to freeze for later. Cheers all!
WOw, I've been slacking on my visits here but your plants have really loaded up, Rick. Great job, man! Love all the pictures and non peppers pictures also of course. Very soon your gonna have monster harvest my friend  :party:
Wow, that Friday cool front really brought you some cool weather! It may not have hit you then, but I was in Ohio and it brought some major relief to the 90+ we had there. It dropped them to the 70's, I was in heaven:) I'm not built for humidity..
I don't think it will phase your grow, but wow that kind of weather change is scarey!
Okay, I'm like 5 pages behind, but wanted to stop by and say, "Hi!"   Today while I was making zucchini bread, I was rummaging through the spice cabinet looking for nutmeg, and found the baggie of chili powder you sent me last fall.  Somehow it had gotten buried at the back of the cabinet.  Made bbq chicken (in the oven, short on time tonight) and ranch beans and corn.  Used a generous portion on the meat and beans, and it was very tasty.  My middle child asked for some, and he ended up drinking a lot of milk and water with his meal.   :rofl:   It wasn't hot, but hot enough for a 10 year old.  Thank you for sharing that, and sorry it took me so long to use it!
BTW, sweet harvest pic from today!
I'll be back to catch up soon ...
meatfreak said:
WOw, I've been slacking on my visits here but your plants have really loaded up, Rick. Great job, man! Love all the pictures and non peppers pictures also of course. Very soon your gonna have monster harvest my friend  :party:
Devv said:
Wow, that Friday cool front really brought you some cool weather! It may not have hit you then, but I was in Ohio and it brought some major relief to the 90+ we had there. It dropped them to the 70's, I was in heaven:) I'm not built for humidity..
I don't think it will phase your grow, but wow that kind of weather change is scarey!
Thanks guys! Stefan... come when you can, you're always welcome.
Scott, it made a huge difference here! For about  a month it was too hot or too buggy to work in the garden for long, but I've nearly caught up with the weeding and thinning since it cooled off.
Finally got a fairly decent pic of the JA Hot Chocolate pods just beginning to ripen... hopefully that means that I'll be starting to pull them in a couple of weeks.

Yellow Bhut pods are sizing up quick

And the Maya Reds

Got another Chilhuacle Negro pod tonight.

And a shot of whimsy... I came across this Green June Beetle in among the leaves on my in-ground Yellow 7-pot. It's pretty good size... about an inch long by 3/4 of an inch wide. The grubs are turf root pests that get to an inch and a half long. The adults like to chew on thin-skinned fruit, so I think this one was casing the pepper pods... glad I got to it first. http://ento.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/green-june-beetle

highalt said:
Okay, I'm like 5 pages behind, but wanted to stop by and say, "Hi!"   Today while I was making zucchini bread, I was rummaging through the spice cabinet looking for nutmeg, and found the baggie of chili powder you sent me last fall.  Somehow it had gotten buried at the back of the cabinet.  Made bbq chicken (in the oven, short on time tonight) and ranch beans and corn.  Used a generous portion on the meat and beans, and it was very tasty.  My middle child asked for some, and he ended up drinking a lot of milk and water with his meal.   :rofl:   It wasn't hot, but hot enough for a 10 year old.  Thank you for sharing that, and sorry it took me so long to use it!
BTW, sweet harvest pic from today!
I'll be back to catch up soon ...
Cheers Bonnie... Glad it was there for you when you needed it, and the family liked it... even if your son needed something to cool down with afterwards. ;)
Wow - beautiful plants and pods(and so many)!
I love your assortment of sweets.  I'm growing Orange Bell and Corno di Toro this year but will add at least a few other sweets next season.  Generous THP members have loaded me up with many from which to choose.
I have some Chehuacle Negro seed (thanks to smokemaster).  What's the taste like fresh?
If those are the thinnings from the Korean radishes I can just imagine what they will be like they are full grown!
Our temps are slightly cooler than yours (we went down to about 8 or 9 the past 3 nights), but you're right about the weather getting better soon. I was worried about the plants losing tons of pods, but when they are established they can handle it.
The yellow bhuts seem to be on the wide side, almost like a yellow 7.  I've never grown yellow bhuts so I can't speak to whether this is just the way they are. 
Looking good, Rick.  I just learned something here.  I've been calling those green June beetles Japanese beetles.  I looked up Japanese beetles on the same site you linked above and yep, I've got those, too.  Actually haven't seen many of either this year.  I put out milky spore several times and that seems to be working on the Japanese beetles and I trapped the heck out of the green beetles a couple of years ago and that put a big dent in their population.
I've got some yellow bhuts, but it's a toss-up as to whether I'll get any pods before frost.
cone9 said:
Wow - beautiful plants and pods(and so many)!
I love your assortment of sweets.  I'm growing Orange Bell and Corno di Toro this year but will add at least a few other sweets next season.  Generous THP members have loaded me up with many from which to choose.
I have some Chehuacle Negro seed (thanks to smokemaster).  What's the taste like fresh?
Hi Dave, and welcome to the zoo! How are things in Ohio?
Trippa said:
:dance: sweet ripening pods all round!!
I am curious about the Chilhuacle Negro as well Rick!! 
Thanks Trippa and Dave... no time today, but will do a review of the Chilhuacle Negro this weekend. Cheers!
Stefan_W said:
If those are the thinnings from the Korean radishes I can just imagine what they will be like they are full grown!
Our temps are slightly cooler than yours (we went down to about 8 or 9 the past 3 nights), but you're right about the weather getting better soon. I was worried about the plants losing tons of pods, but when they are established they can handle it.
The yellow bhuts seem to be on the wide side, almost like a yellow 7.  I've never grown yellow bhuts so I can't speak to whether this is just the way they are. 
Hi Stefan,
 They are a subcategory of Daikon Radish, so they get about as big around as my fist and a foot to a foot and a half long. They differ from the Daikon in having green shoulders and are much more firm... that last makes them especially suited for pickling as they don't get soft like Daikons.
Cool weather is such a relief for the gardener, and maybe it'll mean more pods set... we'll see.
My first year growing Bhuts, so I have no experience with them. I got the plant from a nursery and it was labeled Yellow Bhut, but I guess we'll see what we've got when the pods ripen. Cheers!

Sawyer said:
Looking good, Rick.  I just learned something here.  I've been calling those green June beetles Japanese beetles.  I looked up Japanese beetles on the same site you linked above and yep, I've got those, too.  Actually haven't seen many of either this year.  I put out milky spore several times and that seems to be working on the Japanese beetles and I trapped the heck out of the green beetles a couple of years ago and that put a big dent in their population.
I've got some yellow bhuts, but it's a toss-up as to whether I'll get any pods before frost.
Y'know, you're right... As bad as the beetles have been this year, I should put down some milky spore when I pull up the garden this fall, and maybe again just before I plant next year. I was thinking about beneficial Nemetodes, but our soil is so sandy that I don't trust them to survive long enough to be a help. It's just too dry. The Nightshades love it though.
How close to the Ozarks are you Buzz? As far south as you are, I'd think you'd get more warm weather than I do unless you're up in the hills. Good luck in any case, I hope we all get as many pods as we can handle, and maybe even a little more... ;)

Trippa said:
I will be waiting  ;)  :party:
A slightly better shot of the other side of the JA Hot Chocolate... I hope they just go orange before they go brown...

Have a great weekend all... TGIF!
Hmmm ... Anything I have grown that has had chocolate coloured pods has never gone that colour first ... usually just from a green to a darker green then to browns ... certainly no orange in the mix ... I hope in this case I am mistaken though Rick!!
Trippa said:
Hmmm ... Anything I have grown that has had chocolate coloured pods has never gone that colour first ... usually just from a green to a darker green then to browns ... certainly no orange in the mix ... I hope in this case I am mistaken though Rick!!
Well the seeds came from some JA Hot Chocolate pods I bought at a local farmstand last year, and all the plants they grew there were open pollinated. I wouldn't be that disappointed if it turned out to be a red Habanero cross... I'd just make another batch of "Rick's Red" using my own chile pods this time. ;)