• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Thanks for the vote of confidence Chief! Have a great day out with the family.
I spent the morning staking up the chiles so the wind wouldn't beat 'em up too badly. I'll be putting the fabric on the plants tonight around sundown, or when the wind dies down... whichever comes first.
Devv said:
Everything's looking good Rick!
Hope that Manzano sticks some pods for you this time around.
Sorry to hear cooler weather is coming, is it ever going to stop this year?
One thing I know is you'll handle it.
Oh... the cold weather's been here for a few days already, Lol! Tonight'll be the coldest though. I think putting my chiles down cellar where it's pretty cool is a useful thing when starting them during the winter. By the time I put them outside they're already halfway to being hardened off and can take the cold a little better.
Thanks Moo! We aim to please... :)
We got through the night OK here... 34 degrees at 5am. I went out at sunup and checked in on the eggplant and chiles... all in fine shape. I covered the long rows of peppers with agricultural fabric and the smaller individual plants with 2 gal. black plastic pots. The weather people have extended frost warnings to tonight as well, but I think we have things well in hand here.
Hey Balázs, a friend of my wife's just came back from Bratislava where she was volunteering for Habitat for Humanity, and she brought me a packet of pepper seeds she got there. Can you tell me anything about them?

Cheers All!
Wow dem plants & dat weather is really working you, on with the fabric, off with the fabric only to put it back on and off again ... ... I agree with Shane if other northern growers aren’t paying attention that frost might just bite them :/  Everything looking great at tu Casa and have a great memorial day Rick & family!!!
PS: nice score on dem seeds, let us know what she says ...
WalkGood said:
Wow dem plants & dat weather is really working you, on with the fabric, off with the fabric only to put it back on and off again ... ... I agree with Shane if other northern growers aren’t paying attention that frost might just bite them :/  Everything looking great at tu Casa and have a great memorial day Rick & family!!!
PS: nice score on dem seeds, let us know what she says ...
Hi Ramon
   Yeah, well... I've gotta dance close attendance for one more day and night and then they should be able to look out for themselves. :dance:
I gave the runts a shot of fish emulsion a couple of days ago, and some of them started to green up almost immediately. Between that and warm temps starting tomorrow, things should take off quickly. Taking the fabric off of the chiles I noticed the sole pod on the in-ground 7-pot is starting to color up. It's only the size of a dime, but it'll be a foretaste of things to come I hope. My Mom's coming to visit today, so no time for pics, but I'll try to get some in later today or as a dawn patrol report tomorrow.

Trippa said:
Thanks for the info Trippa. I had seen it, but was hoping for more of an idea of what they looked/tasted like. From the verbal description it sounds like they look kinda like a Hungarian Wax pepper in size and shape, but go from dark green to deep red instead of yellow to orange to soft red. The description didn't say how pungent the peppers were either, so if nobody knows, I'll just have to grow them next year to find out.

DocNrock said:
Rick, your drip irrigation system inspired me.  I just got back from Home Depot.  Hopefully mine will work as well as it seems yours does.  :)
Good on ya Doc! I think it's a smart move for a guy as busy as you who lives in a place as hot and dry. Once you get the system dialed in you'll be in "fire and forget" mode and will just have to monitor the size of the root ball, nutes, pests, harvest... ;)
stickman said:
Thanks Moo! We aim to please... :)
We got through the night OK here... 34 degrees at 5am. I went out at sunup and checked in on the eggplant and chiles... all in fine shape. I covered the long rows of peppers with agricultural fabric and the smaller individual plants with 2 gal. black plastic pots. The weather people have extended frost warnings to tonight as well, but I think we have things well in hand here.
Hey Balázs, a friend of my wife's just came back from Bratislava where she was volunteering for Habitat for Humanity, and she brought me a packet of pepper seeds she got there. Can you tell me anything about them?

Cheers All!
Hi Rick,
I haven't really heard about this type, but it seems to be quite similar to the Rapires F1 I sent to you.
The description says, its pungency is reliable (I guess they mean, it is quite standard among the peppers grown in different growing conditions), ripening from medium-green to red hybrid. Remarkably good yields of 17-20 cm long, 25-30 grams pods. It can give 10-15 peppers in one wave. They are offering it farmers supplying to Romania and Balkan countries.
Reference to the Rapires:
Rapires F1: well known hybrid from the markets of Hungary, we just simply call it 'Pointed Hot'.
Info on the back: 'Continious growing variety. Fast growing, it is not resistant to lack of light. The pods are sagging, weight to 40-50 grams. Resistant to the latest versions of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus. Can be grown in every season.


HabaneroHead said:
Hi Rick,
I haven't really heard about this type, but it seems to be quite similar to the Rapires F1 I sent to you.
The description says, its pungency is reliable (I guess they mean, it is quite standard among the peppers grown in different growing conditions), ripening from medium-green to red hybrid. Remarkably good yields of 17-20 cm long, 25-30 grams pods. It can give 10-15 peppers in one wave. They are offering it farmers supplying to Romania and Balkan countries.
Reference to the Rapires:
Rapires F1: well known hybrid from the markets of Hungary, we just simply call it 'Pointed Hot'.
Info on the back: 'Continious growing variety. Fast growing, it is not resistant to lack of light. The pods are sagging, weight to 40-50 grams. Resistant to the latest versions of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus. Can be grown in every season.

Many thanks my friend... I knew you'd be able to make more sense of it than I did!

Ausmith said:
Rick glad to see you got some action from the Austrian seeds. I've got a round of the seeds you gave my dad going now.

All the best
Most excellent Clayton! Do you have them going out your way, or in his garden in FL? In either case, I hope they do well for you. Don't forget to post pics! :D

Devv said:
Wow 34? Did it frost?
Glad your babies made it!
This weather this year is insane!
I didn't see any frost myself, but one of my neighbors said he did. He lives in a shaded corner, so that may explain his different experience.
You're right about strange weather this spring. The last time I saw a chilly spring like this was back about 1964.  I was 4 years old, and I remember having to wear a jacket into mid-June because it was so cold.

Well.... I got the babies tucked in for the night. If the NOAA is to be believed, tonight will be the last night we have to worry about frost. We'll see...

One thing about this shot of cold weather, it forced the dime-sized pod on the Yellow 7 to ripen up. Probably not as hot as they get, but I'll take it!

Hope you all had a great weekend with your loved ones, and will have a good week to come!
Fingers crossed this is the last weather curve ball you have to take a swing at this season. Fingers also crossed that all the other growers over there are paying attention! See you at dawn patrol buddy! 
Wow, I thought you were past all the cold weather by now!  At least you have the hoops and frost blanket set up to protect everything!
The predicted low here on Thursday night is 40, but that could change between now and then.  Sure hope we don't see a frost, now that all my babies are in the ground!  I can cover the ones here at the house, but the community garden plants would have to tough it out.
My fingers are crossed that this is the last really cold night until Autumn proper Rick!!  I am sure it will be ;) 

Tell us how that yellow 7 goes when you get the chance to give it a burl!!
stc3248 said:
Fingers crossed this is the last weather curve ball you have to take a swing at this season. Fingers also crossed that all the other growers over there are paying attention! See you at dawn patrol buddy! 
You got it Chief!

highalt said:
Wow, I thought you were past all the cold weather by now!  At least you have the hoops and frost blanket set up to protect everything!
The predicted low here on Thursday night is 40, but that could change between now and then.  Sure hope we don't see a frost, now that all my babies are in the ground!  I can cover the ones here at the house, but the community garden plants would have to tough it out.
I hear ya sister... I thought we were past that too. Fortunately it didn't get quite as cold as they were predicting... no hard frost. Your plant-out is looking great, and I'm sure you're glad to get your guest room back! Lol!

Trippa said:
My fingers are crossed that this is the last really cold night until Autumn proper Rick!!  I am sure it will be ;)

Tell us how that yellow 7 goes when you get the chance to give it a burl!!
Thanks for the good word Trippa, and see below for the comments...
Tuesday report of the Dawn Patrol...
It was slightly warmer last night than the one before. It only got down to 38 degrees. When I checked on the plants, everything looked fine. The Basil darkened slightly, but didn't turn black. Yard-long Beans a little brown around the edges but they'll make it. Eggplant, Tomatoes and Peppers all looking fine. I moved the potted plants back outside and hooked up the drip irrigation system again.

Pepper overflow bed looks fine

I must have gotten the nametags switched, and mislabeled a Peruvian Purple as a Chinese 5-color. The C5C doesn't go purple before turning other colors does it?

Main garden plot before removing plastic pots.

It was showing ripe, so I picked the first Yellow 7 pod. It's a tiny li'l thing... Got a nice fresh Chinense smell

Into the eggs for a cheese omelette

Not much heat, but nice fresh chinense flavor... a good way to start off the season I think.  Cheers All!
Yeah...the pods put some tolerance training wheels on for you...they always seem to move right on to downhill mountain biking before I am ready for daddy to let go of the seat though...haha, glad they're all safe in your care Rick...Looking forward to the next installment of Dawn Patrol! 
Hi All, and time once again for the Dawn Patrol report...
We got a pounding rain and very active electrical storm last night but no hail, high winds or low overnight temperatures! It was 57 degrees at 5am. The next four days are supposed to get into the upper 80's to lower 90's so I hope to see good growth on everything by the middle of next week. Some things are coming out of the huddle after the shot of cold we had last week.
Serrano Tampiqueno

Gochu peppers are knee high and setting pods

The Almapaprika that set pods first is about a foot tall and showing good growth on the pods. The biggest is about the size of a quarter.

Even the runts like this Fish pepper are greening up after a shot of diluted fish emulsion. With warmer temps. I hope they start to get their feet under them soon!

The Habs/Yellow 7 I planted in-ground are starting to really stretch out. It's making them look leggy right now, but I pinched off the primary nodes and hopefully the side branching will make them more bushy.
Jamaican Hot Chocolate

Yellow 7

Maya Red Hab

And a gratuitous "non" pic... the Tomatillos Verde are almost to the top of the Tomato cage I have them in.

Cheers All!
Is that a cheese omelet or Chinese omelet with a little cheese, hehe … I'm guessing you ate it up before any plating shots, lol, that happens to me too. I don’t throw small pods away either if it’s not for consumption they go into my pepper water batch. You’ve beaten Mr. cold, plants looking good ^_^