• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
PeriPeri said:
Rick, hope you got a biiiiig truck man!
Hi Lourens!  I appreciate the good vibe, but think I'm happier as a small-time grower. Know thyself, eh? How are things down your way? Have you figured out how you plan your grow to go this year? You really did a fantastic job last year, and I'll be looking for some of your pics to hold me over until I start again next year. Cheers mate!
You have pods everywhere! Nice yellow 7 too! Good shape for an early pod. One of mine's first pod looks like its crossed with a bonnet or something. Not a typical yel 7 shape at all.
Really impressive grow!
stickman said:
Hi Lourens!  I appreciate the good vibe, but think I'm happier as a small-time grower. Know thyself, eh? How are things down your way? Have you figured out how you plan your grow to go this year? You really did a fantastic job last year, and I'll be looking for some of your pics to hold me over until I start again next year. Cheers mate!
Hey Rick, I will certainly have pics, but looks like you are going to have loads of pics yourself... and chillies in jars, and the freezer, and the cupboards and the linen drawers and the tool box and and and... good on you mate, you will have loads of fire to keep you warm this winter lol
Unfortunately the "my precious" syndrome has made all plans blow up like a custard tart. I'm buying loads of chillies online again and I just cant stop. Time to call Chilliheads Anonymous on 0800 - JA  :doh:
Aw geez... I was making mango chutney in preparation for South African lamb kebabs called Sosaties, and I managed to drop the backup camera when I tried to get pics :tear: so no more until my wife gets back from Canada with the good camera. Oh well, s#!& happens...
PeriPeri said:
Unfortunately the "my precious" syndrome has made all plans blow up like a custard tart. I'm buying loads of chillies online again and I just cant stop. Time to call Chilliheads Anonymous on 0800 - JA  :doh:
I hear ya Lourens... if I had a patch of land as big as yours to plant in I'd be having the same problem!
Sorry there won't be pics, since I dropped the camera and broke it, but I'll be making Sosaties today. I made Mango chutney and another batch of Garam Masala this morning and have the meat marinating in the 'fridge. Just need to fire up the grill and load up the skewers around suppertime.

WalkGood said:
No need for apologies brethren you got pods and that trumps all. Every ting looks great, you are in for a great harvest … love da latest set of pics!

Have a great Saturday!
You have a good weekend too Ramon. Has the rain stopped down your way yet?
stickman said:
... Has the rain stopped down your way yet?
A few weeks no serious rain, a little drizzle here and there only but aphids everywhere :/ I started strategically spraying neem and it does kill them but if I spray everything I’ll probably burn them up in these hot temps w/full sun.

Been praying for rain … even doing the seaweed dance as I ran out of saved rain water 2 weeks back. Must have rain, our local water here sucks to put it mildly and even though I do my best to remove chlorine I believe there is still fluoride in da water … I can see the difference in their overall look & lushness. Thank God they’re still producing good pods ^_^
You have a great weekend brethren!

Edit: I also don't spray much because I keep seeing loads of ladybug eggs and larva cruising around ... don't want to kill them but I've yet to seem them eating, they certainly hand around a lot when I peek in on dem, lolz
Man, your plants are filling in great, and getting pods of size!  Those KK pods are definitely getting there.  Yellow 7 coming along.  And somehow with my last comment I missed seeing that hot box of goodness from Jaime!  Most excellent. 
The growth of those Omnicolors is crazy, isn't it?  I'll put a pic of mine in my next update, but the thing just sprawls everywhere. 
Sorry to hear about the spare camera.  When you're wife gets back and we get another update, things are probably going to be twice the size!
WalkGood said:
A few weeks no serious rain, a little drizzle here and there only but aphids everywhere :/ I started strategically spraying neem and it does kill them but if I spray everything I’ll probably burn them up in these hot temps w/full sun.

Been praying for rain … even doing the seaweed dance as I ran out of saved rain water 2 weeks back. Must have rain, our local water here sucks to put it mildly and even though I do my best to remove chlorine I believe there is still fluoride in da water … I can see the difference in their overall look & lushness. Thank God they’re still producing good pods ^_^
You have a great weekend brethren!
Edit: I also don't spray much because I keep seeing loads of ladybug eggs and larva cruising around ... don't want to kill them but I've yet to seem them eating, they certainly hand around a lot when I peek in on dem, lolz
Hi Ramon, The last few days we haven't gotten any rain, but the temperatures have been up in the 90's with humidity above 85%, so it's been too hot and sticky to spend much time in the garden. I've only seen a few spider mites on the plants, and no aphids, but the ladybugs have been cruising around and on them so I'm not worried. Something's been chewing on the plants leaves at night. I suspect beetles, but the plants are so big that it's only a minor annoyance. I just crush the ones I see and drive on...
Bummer that you've run out of saved rainwater with your municipal supply being so crappy. We've had enough here for a little while, so I hope the powers share some out to you soon.

DocNrock said:
Man, your plants are filling in great, and getting pods of size!  Those KK pods are definitely getting there.  Yellow 7 coming along.  And somehow with my last comment I missed seeing that hot box of goodness from Jaime!  Most excellent. 
The growth of those Omnicolors is crazy, isn't it?  I'll put a pic of mine in my next update, but the thing just sprawls everywhere. 
Sorry to hear about the spare camera.  When you're wife gets back and we get another update, things are probably going to be twice the size!
Thanks for the good vibes Doc. I was totally blown away by how fast and how much the Omnicolors and Criolla Sellas will grow.  My 2 Omnicolors have spread out to claim nearly 16 sq. ft. and I have no doubt that they'll double in size by the end of the season if I let them.  I think they're big enough already, and will start pinching them back to keep them in bounds. The Criolla Sella would be in the same place, but I planted them well apart... one in an airpot next to the house and the other in the community garden pepper plot, and I've been pinching them back right along so they don't crowd their neighbors.
Lourens! Those sosaties were a hit! I had some neighbors over to help me eat them, and they brought over their 2 boys... ages 3 and 1. We all loved them, and there were no leftovers from a whole leg of lamb. I had the butcher cube the lamb when I bought it, and grind up the trimmings. Cubes went into the marinade, and the ground meat went to koobideh kebabs. The only deviations from your recommendations were that I substituted orange juice for lemon juice, and since the cubes were so lean, I skewered a piece of bacon next to each apricot to keep the kebabs basted. The sweet and juicy apricots together with the salty, smoky bacon and the mildly sweet spicy marinade were an incredible combo. I'm definitely gonna do the braii thing again bro'!
I was like a dog with a bone this morning, and fiddled around with the backup camera until I got it working at least somewhat. Resizing the pics helped sharpen them up a bit too, so this is the report of the Sunday morning patrol...
Chinense are still dropping a few flowers, but now I think it's mostly just the ones that didn't get pollinated.

Potted Yellow 7

Potted Maya Red


JA Hot Chocolate

Some of the Krimzon Lee paprika's are starting to ripen up

The mature Peruvian Purple pods have gone from purple to yellow, and I seem to remember that they eventually end up a soft red, so they continue to ripen.

Have a good Sunday all!
I grew the peruvian purples a couple of years ago, and yeah they definitely cycle through the rainbow before they ripen. The thing I found most interesting is that the taste and heat level changed with every colour change, so it was like having 5 or 6 different pepper plants in one.
The paprika looks pretty awesome!
 Rick . sorry been red-necking at the racetrack all wekeend. Just got home. Your plants are going off . Amazing what can happen in just a few days. Here is what I sent ya top to bottom left to right. 
nagas, 2 big not douglahs and some small brainstrains, 3 madballz's( correct) 
smal dorestt nagas, 1 yellow primo ( correct) , naga, jonah, small 7's ? ,  2 yellow 7 pods
not white bhuts,  bumpy bhut hybrids, aji lemons( lemon drop I believe is chinense?) 
1 brown 7 , 1 douglah, tepins ( correcto) 
 Hope you had a great 4th of July weekend. 
Stefan_W said:
I grew the peruvian purples a couple of years ago, and yeah they definitely cycle through the rainbow before they ripen. The thing I found most interesting is that the taste and heat level changed with every colour change, so it was like having 5 or 6 different pepper plants in one.
The paprika looks pretty awesome!
That's interesting about the Peruvian Purple... it isn't prolific enough to grow again in my opinion, but it has its good qualities.
The Paprika's have been huge producers this year. The only disappointment was that I couldn't get any of the Hot Wax type to sprout, but I'll make sure to have them in the garden next year, by hook or by crook... Most of my paprikas this year are for pickling, or fresh use, but I will be making powder with the Coloring peppers. I wouldn't be surprised if I got a quart by season's end the way they're podding up.

MGOLD86 said:
See look, it was meant to be...the boards just ain't the same without your dawn patrol photo supported! Lol.
Thanks Matt... the camera is still quite a bit wonky, but we'll see if I can squeeze some more good pics out of it between now and Saturday.

romy6 said:
 Rick . sorry been red-necking at the racetrack all wekeend. Just got home. Your plants are going off . Amazing what can happen in just a few days. Here is what I sent ya top to bottom left to right. 
nagas, 2 big not douglahs and some small brainstrains, 3 madballz's( correct) 
smal dorestt nagas, 1 yellow primo ( correct) , naga, jonah, small 7's ? ,  2 yellow 7 pods
not white bhuts,  bumpy bhut hybrids, aji lemons( lemon drop I believe is chinense?) 
1 brown 7 , 1 douglah, tepins ( correcto) 
 Hope you had a great 4th of July weekend. 
Brother Jamie! Thanks for the love, and the pepper ID. I already used the Tepins in the marinade for the Sosaties, and a couple of Brainstrains in some Pico de Gallo to go along with the Carnitas. I picked a couple of long, purple Asian Eggplant this morning, so I'm thinking Thai tonight... any recommendations on which pod would go best with a Thai curry?
Glad you had a great 4th at the racetrack and on the grill!
Hi to Doc, Jeff and Linda... thanks for stopping by!
Not too much to report this morning... I have pods on the Yellow Bhut, but wasn't able to get a good pic in the dim light (It's foggy this morning). It looks like I'll have to suspend the Dawn Patrol until later in the day when the light is brighter... at least until the primary camera returns. I do have a pic left over from yesterday of one of the Manzanos. These pods are shaping up nicely!

Have a good week all!
Is this your first year growing the manzano Rick?? I have a few seeds of the orange manzano in but I am not sure A. I have the space, or B. The climate here will suit them as they seem to like the cool by all accounts.
Rick every ting looking marvelous mon! I am especially interested in hearing your taste opinions on the Yellow Bhut when you pick one, when the light is right fire off a few shots ... would love to see it now. Have a great week brethren :)