• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Trippa said:
Nice review Rick. I agree not an outstanding flavour but not unpleasant. I always think of an earthy woodsmoke with the flavour myself. They are great for increasing the heat of curries without overpowering the spices also
Thanks Trippa... Glad to hear my take on the Douglah marches pretty well with your own. I'm still glad I grew it out. Partly to preserve the genetic line, and partly to kick up my sauces and powders. Thanks for sharing mate!

romy6 said:
 Hi am new to this site. Your grow is off the charts. Would love a bottle of your sauce. I will be checking your glog in a few hours when it reaches 100 PAGES :rofl:
 No but seriously love the review of the Douglah. My favorite pepper for powders. When smoked and dried the earthy flavor is eradicated . All you are left with is a super hot tasty powder that takes on the wood flavor you smoke and the pure unadulterated flavor of the pepper.   :fireball:  :fireball:  :fireball:
annie57 said:
Jamie you are such a loving smartass. But then you knew that.  :rolleyes: Nice idea relative to choice of woods for smoke on Dougie.
Rick, love the review of the Douglah . . . creeper burn for sure. And only things I don't have ripening are the dang choc habs; thus, beautiful pull :dance: and roasted salsa looks delicious, man!
Jamie... thanks for chiming in guy! We'll see how production goes... I've only got the one plant after all, and frost could be only 5 or 6 weeks away, but if I have enough left after saucemaking, I'll try to make some smoked Douglah powder. There won't be much of it though.
Annie... Would you know Jamie any other way? ;)  I'm definitely gonna have enough Chocolate pods to make at least one big batch of sauce... maybe two. I'll be adding a few of the Douglah pods into the mix to kick it up into high gear as well.
Rick, nice review of the Douglah!
Some of the supers I've tasted have been a bit to hot to taste, or maybe the heat hit too soon, and some were very nice.
Your production is getting ready to bust with all of those Chinense!
Nice haul on the Chocs too!
Have a great week!
P.S. His sauce is great!
stickman said:
The aroma was a bit sweet for a chocolate-colored pod I thought, and the taste was similar... I thought I could pick up notes of earth and wood but not at all strong or unpleasant... not sweet tasting though. The burn came after about 10 seconds and continued to build for about 8 minutes, needling the entire tongue. Nose started running after about 3 minutes, and after about 6 minutes felt what might have been stomach discomfort  if I'd eaten a half a pod on an empty stomach. Plateaued for about a minute and faded to a slow burn on the lips and tongue for about 20 more minutes. Definitely very hot... nothing about the flavor that was objectionable, but nothing really stood out as pleasant either except that I didn't detect much of the "off citrus" flavor I associate with capsaicin. I think this would be a great pod for powders or sauces to kick them up a notch or ten, but doesn't really stand on its own.
Cheers all!
Absolute perfect description of how I interpret the taste of Douglahs...and most other chocolates. Woody/Earthy...and when eaten in big chunks or whole too overpowering with the woody "earth" tones. Not enough sweet or tart that you find in other colors to offset it and you end up with a blah taste. Lightly smoked and seasoned in a powder or sauce is where its at with these dudes! Some of my favorite sauces last year were BBQ sauces with chocolates as the base...a little Maple or Brown Sugar is a match made in heaven when using them...IMHO! Good on ya! I chunk tested a Douglah from Pr0d last year...and that was enough, no desire to EVER eat one whole.
Pods stacking up I see!!! Haha! Can't wait to see you put them to use!
Let me know if there is anything you'd like to sample that I am growing...I will definitely be sending some of my Charapitas to you...I think you'll love that little pod. Pain to pick...but well worth it! 
georgej said:
are douglahs usually that productive, or has Rick been using witchcraft again? ;)
they're written down on my possibly grow next year list
If you can overwinter them the second years production outstrips the first easily (which is usually the case I know but it is markedly increased with the douglah in my experience ).
Devv said:
Rick, nice review of the Douglah!
Some of the supers I've tasted have been a bit to hot to taste, or maybe the heat hit too soon, and some were very nice.
Your production is getting ready to bust with all of those Chinense!
Nice haul on the Chocs too!
Have a great week!
P.S. His sauce is great!
Thanks for the vote of confidence Scott. ;)
I'm in the process of figuring out what I want to pair up with my brown pods to make my next sauce. One path suggested by Eric (PinoyPride) was a red wine reduction with rosemary, thyme and oregano. I'm also thinking of something either savory or sweet that uses almond flour. (I think I want to stay away from artificial almond flavoring) In addition to adding a nutty flavor to the sauce, it would also help thicken it without adding carrots. Still thinking about it anyway...
georgej said:
are douglahs usually that productive, or has Rick been using witchcraft again? ;)
they're written down on my possibly grow next year list
Geez G... keep it down willya... I don't want those @$%#&%*s in Salem to get wind of this... ;)
This was my first year growing Douglahs, and I'm as surprised as you are that they did so well. I'm Lovin' these airpots though... they take a bit of getting used to, but I can't argue with the results. If you do plant them, I hope they do as well for you. Cheers!
im hoping to have some more space next year and plan to use airpots or more likely growbags. and bigger pots too. 
i'm thinking of scrapping habs next year (i ate one the other day and it barely seems hot any more) and growing supers and maybe also fatalli. really need to move house though
stc3248 said:
Absolute perfect description of how I interpret the taste of Douglahs...and most other chocolates. Woody/Earthy...and when eaten in big chunks or whole too overpowering with the woody "earth" tones. Not enough sweet or tart that you find in other colors to offset it and you end up with a blah taste. Lightly smoked and seasoned in a powder or sauce is where its at with these dudes! Some of my favorite sauces last year were BBQ sauces with chocolates as the base...a little Maple or Brown Sugar is a match made in heaven when using them...IMHO! Good on ya! I chunk tested a Douglah from Pr0d last year...and that was enough, no desire to EVER eat one whole.
Pods stacking up I see!!! Haha! Can't wait to see you put them to use!
Let me know if there is anything you'd like to sample that I am growing...I will definitely be sending some of my Charapitas to you...I think you'll love that little pod. Pain to pick...but well worth it! 
Thanks for your input on the Douglah review... I'm trying to cover all the bases without saying too much.
Ooh!... almond-maple sauce... maybe give 'em a light smoking with maple or alder wood... both of which are very easy to come by here... Hmm... :think:  You're giving me ideas Chief!
I appreciate the offer of a pod sampler... Can I think about it a bit and get back to you?

Trippa said:
If you can overwinter them the second years production outstrips the first easily (which is usually the case I know but it is markedly increased with the douglah in my experience ).
Thanks for the input Trippa, I planted the Douglah in an airpot in part because I wanted to overwinter it if I could. We'll see if I can pull it off...
Enjoyed your take on the douglah. I find about the same tastes. They do make great powder. Hope you find a good use for them. Spicing up the other chocolates sound right on!
They not yel bhuts are looking cool. If they don't turn red, might be quite a flavor treat.
Take care.
stc3248 said:
NOPE...decision right now and FINAL!!! :rofl: Haha...good luck with that sauce brotha!
Thanks Shane... You Da Man!

GA Growhead said:
Enjoyed your take on the douglah. I find about the same tastes. They do make great powder. Hope you find a good use for them. Spicing up the other chocolates sound right on!
They not yel bhuts are looking cool. If they don't turn red, might be quite a flavor treat.
Take care.
Hi Jay,
   I'm really looking forward to sampling the not Yellow Bhut too! It looks like it definitely won't be turning red... in fact I think it's almost there...

That means that my last holdout is the Manzano, and I don't expect that to begin to ripen for at least another couple of weeks.
Cheers All!
georgej said:
What's the OW advantage in airpots??
The holes in the sides of the airpots increase the surface area of the growing medium so over-watering is less of an issue (increased evaporation and gas exchange) and it promotes a dense mat of roots that'll give the plant a big boost when it goes back outside in the spring. My other hope is that by keeping the surface of the growing medium dry, it'll keep the Fungus Gnats down. I'll use some Mosquito Bits anyway, but I like to keep additions like that to a minimum. Cheers!
Looking great man!  Awesome review of the Douglah.  I have had a few that were pretty rough tasting, no bueno, but the "usual" flavor is about what you described.  Wicked hot though. 
Congrats man...gonna hit that 100 mark soon!
MGOLD86 said:
Looking great man!  Awesome review of the Douglah.  I have had a few that were pretty rough tasting, no bueno, but the "usual" flavor is about what you described.  Wicked hot though. 
Congrats man...gonna hit that 100 mark soon!
Thanks for chiming in Matt!
I'd have thought that there might be more buzz with a prize at the end, but so be it...
Well I am not a newbie but one step closer to the hundred with this post... next one wins by my count
That Yellow bhut almost looks like my Naga Morich pods colouring (although the shape isn't quite right) in being not quite orange and being not quite red ...(if that makes sense  :rofl: )