• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
Thanks for the good vibe folks... temps here are in the single digits this morning and will continue so for the next couple of days with the daytime highs in the teens, but we're OK. Everybody's nice and warm up in the living space or down cellar in the grow box. The true leaves on the Lotah Bih seedlings are looking pretty pale, so I think I'll make up some Epsom salt and water to foliar feed with. A little dilulted seaweed extract and molasses probably wouldn't hurt either.
Hi all!
   It's pretty cold up here, but still seasonal. Our proximity to the ocean tempers it somewhat... I think some of the folks further south and west got colder temps than we did because they were further inland. I definitely know how to deal with the cold snap... I'm making enchiladas tonight with some of my dried chiles. The sauce I'm mixing with the ground Turkey is a very simple one made with toasted dried chiles (2 Cascabels, 2 Anchos and 6 Chimayos seeded, stemmed and broken up into small pieces), 4 mashed cloves of garlic, a quarter of a small onion, chopped, 2 tbsp of olive oil, half a tsp of ground toasted cumin, half a tsp of dried oregano, splash of red wine vinegar, cup of water and a 3-finger pinch of salt. Simmer 'til very soft, run through a blender until smooth. No tomatoes in this sauce... :onfire:
Sorry Jeff, I don't grow Shallots, but I don't think it's too different from growing Onions or Leeks. This is a pretty good description of the process, but you may have to modify it based on local conditions. Down in New Jersey you'll still want to grow long-day onions, but you can plant them out in March. South of Pennsylvania I'm sure they grow medium-day onions and below that you're on your own... ;)
Cheers Adam... :)
And a good evening to all!

meatfreak said:
Just to give you an idea, I dug up an picture that I took when I was putting on the foil.

The clamp was just there to keep more tension on the foil since I was doing it alone :lol:
Thanks for the pic Stefan... much easier to show than tell! ;)
I actually have better luck with shallots and leeks than onions.  Regular garlic falls somewhere in between, but elephant garlic grows well here.  I think the best thing to do is talk to someone who has experience growing in your area and ask them what does well there.  That's how I got my start of shallots.
Sawyer said:
I actually have better luck with shallots and leeks than onions.  Regular garlic falls somewhere in between, but elephant garlic grows well here.  I think the best thing to do is talk to someone who has experience growing in your area and ask them what does well there.  That's how I got my start of shallots.
Right Buzz! That's why I recommend talking to your local extension agent. That's what they're there for.
Supper definitely hit the spot! Turkey Enchiladas in a classic New Mexico "red sauce"

Southwest veggie medley... green beans, zucchini squash, red bell pepper and corn kernels steamed together... then I stir in a tbsp of lime juice, 2 tbsp of butter and 3 tbsp of minced fresh cilantro and season to taste with salt.
Hey Rick, so behind on your 2014 glog... you are out of the starting blocks already mate! Nice one! Naga Kings are looking super fine and ultra happy... they are such good growers! Can't wait to hear your opinion on the pods ;)
As good as the enchiladas looked, they tasted a lot better. The best part is leftovers tonight...
PeriPeri said:
Hey Rick, so behind on your 2014 glog... you are out of the starting blocks already mate! Nice one! Naga Kings are looking super fine and ultra happy... they are such good growers! Can't wait to hear your opinion on the pods ;)
They were growing pretty well just with ambient light Lourens, but now that they're under grow lights 18 out of 24 hours they're picking up the pace... working on their 2nd set of true leaves. What kind of spacing will they need when I finally do transplant them out?
Good job on the enchiladas! One of my favorite dishes, can't get enough!
Going to have to try your recipe as well.
Shallots, Onions, and Garlic grow well here. I have trouble getting the Garlic and Shallots to keep here, just too warm when it's picking time. Shallots went in the ground 3 weeks ago, Garlic at the fall equinox.
Onions as soon as I can find them ;)
Warmer weather is on the way!