• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
stickman said:
As good as the enchiladas looked, they tasted a lot better. The best part is leftovers tonight...
They were growing pretty well just with ambient light Lourens, but now that they're under grow lights 18 out of 24 hours they're picking up the pace... working on their 2nd set of true leaves. What kind of spacing will they need when I finally do transplant them out?
I would say plants are about 1m diameter with a height of at least 1,5/1,6... nice and big ;)
Sorry that was in metric... for you that is five squirrel tails and a stone by about 5 hands and three nose hairs high (I think that makes sense in Imperial)
PeriPeri said:
I would say plants are about 1m diameter with a height of at least 1,5/1,6... nice and big ;)
Sorry that was in metric... for you that is five squirrel tails and a stone by about 5 hands and three nose hairs high (I think that makes sense in Imperial)
Thanks for the heads-up Lourens, 3 feet of spacing it is...
I see coming home from your summer vacation has recharged your batteries... it reminds me of my old Drill Instructor, when he said, "You look like someone who needs something to do." ;)
Briefly home for lunch, and I see that my first round 2 hook is up... an Aji Lemon! Woot! :woohoo:
Devv said:
Good job on the enchiladas! One of my favorite dishes, can't get enough!
Going to have to try your recipe as well.
Shallots, Onions, and Garlic grow well here. I have trouble getting the Garlic and Shallots to keep here, just too warm when it's picking time. Shallots went in the ground 3 weeks ago, Garlic at the fall equinox.
Onions as soon as I can find them ;)
Warmer weather is on the way!
Only 2 nights worth of Enchiladas... :(  Oh well... I 'll have to make Fish Tacos tonight. ;)
Anything in the Allium family makes great companion plants, takes up very little space in the garden and tastes great besides... what's not to like. From what I've read, you mostly grow medium to short-day onions in central Tejas. Some really nice sweet onions grown there... About all we can grow along those lines here are the Ailsa Craig variety, but not too many of those because they're only moderate keepers.
Woot for warmer weather! I notice the sheets of ice on the roads were thawing a bit in the sun today... it would be a nice day to go ice fishing if I didn't have to work.
Here's a pic of the first Aji Lemon baby to hook...

maximumcapsicum said:
Nice! Hear nothing but good things about the Aji Lemons! Can't wait to see the pics...
Me too Adam, but it'll be another 15 weeks 'til D-day (dirt day)...
For those of you who are interested in sky watching, the Northern Lights should make a pretty good show tonight if you live far enough north to see them low on your northern horizon. Our Canadian friends should have a ringside seat. :)
Came home from work a few hours later and found some seeds from brother Scott and JJJessee... Thanks Guys!
From Scott... Tobago Treasure

And from JJJessee some Inca Red Drop...

You guys rock!
It's almost the weekend!
Devv said:
Congrats on round two starting to stand up Rick!
I know those seeds are in good hands, good luck with them!
Glad the warming trend has found it's way there. I think we're all done with the vortex junk for now..
Stay warm and green!
That's the plan Scott. Kind of a hectic morning... we got a dusting of snow last night on top of glare ice, and my wife took a bad fall when she went outside to brush off her car. She banged her head hard against the car on the way down and wrenched her shoulder when she landed, so she's staying home from work today with ice packs on and her arm propped up. I got her a bottle of Ibuprofin and a tube of Arnica ointment before coming home for lunch and she can call my cell phone if she needs a ride to get seen by a doctor. :(
Oh wow...glad she's ok (sort of). When its ice like that, there is nothing you can do to try and break your fall....again, glad she didn't hurt herself worse.
Pinoy83 said:
keep em popping.....sowe those seeds :dance: :dance:
maximumcapsicum said:
Can't wait to see more hooks!!!
I'm hip to that... :)

Penny said:
Oh come on, you know you want to plant them!! :rofl:
True... but I only have so much space, and that doesn't change... :violin:
Penny said:
Oh wow...glad she's ok (sort of). When its ice like that, there is nothing you can do to try and break your fall....again, glad she didn't hurt herself worse.
The funny thing is that I got her ice creepers for Christmas... metal points set in rubber to pull on over her outer footwear at times like this, but she just didn't think of them... :rolleyes:
Thanks for the well wishes folks, I'll pass them along to my wife. She's still stiff and sore this morning, but feeling a little better overall. Arnica and Ibuprofin helped a lot.
Now that the cotys have fully opened on the seedling in the Aji Lemon pot, I think they're shaped wrong to be a pepper... too short and rounded, but I'll wait until I get other hooks in the pot or true leaves for a positive ID before cutting it off.
The round one seedlings are looking good in the grow box down cellar. All now have primary leaves and some are beginning to put out a second set.
Manzano... they don't show in this pic, but the leaves and stem are definitely hairy.

Guwahati Bhut

King Naga

Donne Sali

Bhut Orange Copenhagen

Lotah Bih

I definitely think I was giving too little water to my OW plants... the Butch T started to get leaves that were a bit brown and crispy around the edges, and the Yellow 7 dropped all its leaves and most of the branches are turning brown as well, but I won't give up on it unless it goes totally brown... there's still some green showing in the trunk and a couple of the branches. Right now the Manzano looks happiest, and the Douglah is holding its own.
Yellow 7

Butch T.



Have a great weekend all!
Holy moly picante chilies you don’t slow down, not even in da thick of winter … great job on all da foodies, seedlings and OWs mucho success in 2014, I think you’ll hab an awesome season brethren!
Hab a great weekend!