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Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
Nice healthy lookin' sprouts, Stickman.
It's earlier than I planted last year, but I'm gonna try to set out a few larger plants of the supers this year. So I'm about ready put some seeds to soil.
meatfreak said:
Seedlings are looking good, Rick. I will probably start at the end of February again like last season. It's a bit later then normal but with the use of my CFL lights I will catch up very quickly. If the season is normal this year (read no frost in june) I hope to plant them out half of April in the hoophouse. They withstand the storms we had so far without any real damage, the wind was really hard this season. I hope to be using them for at least 8 years.
Very cool Stefan, good luck with your (winning) strategy. :)  Out of curiousity... do you use snap clamps to hold your plastic film taut so the wind can't worry it til it rips? If you expect it to last you 8 years or so it must be UV stabilized too.
JJJessee said:
Nice healthy lookin' sprouts, Stickman.
It's earlier than I planted last year, but I'm gonna try to set out a few larger plants of the supers this year. So I'm about ready put some seeds to soil.
Good luck Jesse... which ones are you planning on putting in first?
HabaneroHead said:
Hi Rick,
Your season rocks! :dance:
It's good to see your healthy seedlings.
Thank you my friend, I wish the same to you! :party: ... Definitely want to see how your grow box experiment comes out. Cheers!
Devv said:
Woot! Those babies are looking saaweet!
Wishing you continued success this season!
Thanks Scott! I kept the three biggest seedlings from the first round of sowing and up-potted the individuals into their own square 3x3x3.5 inch pots, which filled a 10x20 inch tray, and moved them downstairs to the grow table. Then I sowed round 2. Hopefully by this time next week they'll start popping. I'll have to post pics later... my wife has the camera with her today.
stickman said:
Very cool Stefan, good luck with your (winning) strategy. :)  Out of curiousity... do you use snap clamps to hold your plastic film taut so the wind can't worry it til it rips? If you expect it to last you 8 years or so it must be UV stabilized too.

Good luck Jesse... which ones are you planning on putting in first?

Thank you my friend, I wish the same to you! :party: ... Definitely want to see how your grow box experiment comes out. Cheers!
It is indeed UV stabilized, I do not use clamps but dug a ditch of 2 foot deep. Put the foil in on one side, some ground on it and then put tension on it by pulling on the other side of the tunnel. So the wind can't play with it, but there's always worries that I have damage after we had hard wind :(
meatfreak said:
It is indeed UV stabilized, I do not use clamps but dug a ditch of 2 foot deep. Put the foil in on one side, some ground on it and then put tension on it by pulling on the other side of the tunnel. So the wind can't play with it, but there's always worries that I have damage after we had hard wind :(
Good to know Stefan... I might be putting up a small hoophouse of my own in the future, so now I'll know how to set it up cheaply. :)
Here's a pic of my round 1 seedlings that I up-potted today... the only light they've gotten up to now was 9 hours of low-angle sunlight coming in through the kitchen window each day. Hopefully they'll grow faster with the 18 hours of artificial light they'll be getting in the grow box.
PaulG said:
Lots of good things going on there, Rick.  Good job
getting some toughies to germinate for ya.
Aw shucks... thanks Paul... ;)
maximumcapsicum said:
Nice little seedlings Rick! Do you like using the nursery trays more than the solo cups?

Good luck! As always sending positive vibes your way.
Yeah... I like the 3x3x3.5 square pots because they fit so nice in the trays without tipping over. Shane sold me on it when I saw his grow last year.
Devv said:
Looking good Rick!
They should perk up nicely with the lights. Should be brighter and warmer...
HabaneroHead said:
Nice seedlings, Rick! They will be beasts in no time! :mouthonfire:
We shall endeavor not to disappoint... ;)
Looking great Rick!! Happy new year to you .... I hope you aren't being to badly hit by this "Polar vortex" that is being reported down here. Cheers Trippa
Trippa said:
Looking great Rick!! Happy new year to you .... I hope you aren't being to badly hit by this "Polar vortex" that is being reported down here. Cheers Trippa
not too bad ATM Trippa... about 2 degreesC, but it's supposed to rain and freeze early tonight when I have to drive about 32km to get home from work. That'll probably be the  :censored:  worst of it...
Be careful, my friend!
That weather is no joke...
It is crazy here as well...we have 10-15 Celsius (plus), which is also not normal. Good side of it that we don't have to pay as much for the heating, but I'm afraid we would even have snow in April...like last year. On the west side of Hungary some sour cherry trees have already started to set flowers.
Take care,
Hi All,
   Got home in OK shape last night... just took my time getting here. There's a glaze over everything outside now since the rain froze all night.
We'll put away the Christmas ornaments today after work, and I'll use some of the space we free up to set up my seed mat and sow a couple of flats of onions. Projected Dirt-day for the Nightshades is 16 weeks away on April 26th. The onions will probably be transplanted sometime in March as the weather dictates.