• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
Looking good Rick! Looks like you have the timing down perfect!
My Douglah is the same way, and sunburned easily while hardening. I would think the yellow pod planted would be more prone and they seem to be, but the Douglah is a dark pod..???
That Manzano will be growing buds next, after the third fork they tend to show.
Keep on truckin'!
FreeportBum said:
Great stuff Rick! that naga king looks like it's going to be a monster  :cheers:
That's what I'm hoping Devan... I took a page from SpicyChicken's book and clipped the primary after the 8th node to force the side branching. Right now the plant's short, but I think once I plant it outside and it gets good nutes and full sun, the side branches will lengthen between the nodes, significantly widen the leaf canopy and keep the pods from trailing on the ground. We'll see if it works.
Jeff H said:
Plants all look good Rick. Nice to see that monzano split so close to the ground. I just transplanted two of mine a couple days ago and they weren't split until about 6-7". I was hoping that they would have split lower like yours.
Thanks Jeff. I think the plants have a lower habit because of how cool it is down in the cellar where I keep them... the plants are growing slower, so they end up that way.
maximumcapsicum said:
Great looking plants Rick! Looks like the fish emulsion really helps keep things green!

What's the wing span on the naga king? Should have a "widest" plant grow down.
It seems to be helping Adam. :)    The canopy on the larger Naga King is about 10 inches across right now... it's head and shoulders above the rest I think. The next largest is the Manzano, but that one got about 3 weeks headstart.
Pinoy83 said:
that naga is really a KINGGGGG look at that things, its monstrous.....and your manzano....lucky....dont forget seeds for me :party:
If you want seeds, I've got your back bro'... It'll just take a few months... like maybe sometime in August. :)
HabaneroHead said:
Hi Rick,

Nice looking plants, my friend! Interesting to see the leaf issue of the Douglah...I experienced leaf issues only with them...I believe they react quite differently on something, what can be easily tolerated by the other types.
That Naga is a beast. Are you planning to remove the lowest side branches and leaves? I always do, since I do not like the leaves/branches to be close to the ground, or touching it.

No, I'm deliberately shaping it this way Balázs... I really liked the results Jeff (SpicyChicken) got when he clipped the primary node early on, and I'm gonna see if I can get the same results with mine.  Like I said earlier... I think when the plant grows, the internodal length will increase and keep the pods from dragging on the ground. I'll also have the plastic mulch down on the ground which will help with that also.
Devv said:
Looking good Rick! Looks like you have the timing down perfect!
My Douglah is the same way, and sunburned easily while hardening. I would think the yellow pod planted would be more prone and they seem to be, but the Douglah is a dark pod..???
That Manzano will be growing buds next, after the third fork they tend to show.
Keep on truckin'!
Thanks Scott! IDK why, but the leaves on the Douglah just seemed to be more yellow than the others until the flowers started to stick. Maybe they're just more sensitive to cold? The Manzano started putting out flower buds with the second set of forks. I've been pinching them when I could, and when it doesn't endanger the rest of the new growth because I want strong roots.
Pinoy83 said:
cool seeds it is :P.....i can wait, i got so much plants right now in my yard, i just wanna massacre my vegetable side and put pepper on everything lol
I hear ya brah... but I won't sacrifice my veggie garden. Hot chiles are great, but they're flavorings not food. ;) Besides... my wife wouldn't be at all happy if I did... :snooty:
Wow your Manzano must really be happy to flower so soon, I'm still waiting for the buds to open on mine. I put one in the garden today. Hopefully it will be happy there, I'll be watching closely ;)
Devv said:
Wow your Manzano must really be happy to flower so soon, I'm still waiting for the buds to open on mine. I put one in the garden today. Hopefully it will be happy there, I'll be watching closely ;)
We'll be watching too Scott... hope you have great luck with the Manzanos!
The Wild Chiles seem to be doing OK here... The sole exception was the Wild Brazil, so I canned that one and will press on with the rest.




The Chinese varieties have all forked and started putting out flower buds even though they're mostly only 3 to 4 inches tall. The weak fish solution seems to be helping with the yellow leaves... the new growth at the top is greener than the leaves just under it, but I see I have to avoid over-watering.


You asked about the width of the leaf canopy on the Naga King Adam?

Baccatums are very happy... no surprises there...


Fruts are doing well also. Here's the biggest of the lot...
Your plants look amazing. I like the wilds. I tried to germ 20 Tepins. Had 2 pop. One out of the 2 made it. That Naga looks fantastic. Thanks for the update and good luck.
Thanks for the good vibe Chuck, and welcome to the zoo!
A couple pics for Balázs... I finally got a few "Pointed Hot" peppers going for 2014. The Almapaprika, "Nagykuti" and Szegedi-type you got from your Fiancee's grandfather are all doing about as well.

Also got a few of the Pritamin peppers going that you sent seeds for this winter.

I really liked the looks of the Goat's Weed, so I have one of those going this year as well.

The Chimayo is the first Annuum that's beginning to put out flower buds... no surprise there either since it's a mountain variety from above 7,000 feet in Northern New Mexico.

The Jals aren't far behind it either.
Nice variety. I see a Takamatsume in one pic. I grew those last year. Beautiful plant. I wonder if its to late to plant goats weed? Does it mature fast? Never grown it.
Plants are looking mighty fine there Rick. I have never seen the Naga King with such dark leaves... that sure is one mean looking specimen!
Looking good Rick, I feel you have a real challenge growing in the basement where you say it's rather cool.
How long before they can get some outside sun to harden off?
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice variety. I see a Takamatsume in one pic. I grew those last year. Beautiful plant. I wonder if its to late to plant goats weed? Does it mature fast? Never grown it.
It's the first time for me growing the Takanotsume... I'm growing some red and orange Thai peppers too because I love Asian food. Looking forward to all of them! 
The Goat's Weed peppers are a more than 80-day variety Chuck, I'm not sure if you'd have enough time to grow them to maturity in your area if you started them from seed. If you can find some plants already started though, go for it! They're a very spicy Annuum with no sweetness to them, good for fresh use, powder or pickling. They're a very pretty plant too with their silvery hairs on stems and underside of leaves. The pods ripen from green to black to fire engine red... quite a study in contrasts, :)
PeriPeri said:
Plants are looking mighty fine there Rick. I have never seen the Naga King with such dark leaves... that sure is one mean looking specimen!
You bet Lourens... The Yellow 7 I grew last year was the same way, and it turned out to be a beast! I guess we'll both have to wait to see how it turns out, eh? :P
Devv said:
Looking good Rick, I feel you have a real challenge growing in the basement where you say it's rather cool.
How long before they can get some outside sun to harden off?
I might get them outside for a little sun if it's a calm day on Thursday... my schedule has me leaving the house by 7:15 the next couple of days, and it's still down in the low 30s at that time of the morning. There's a 50% chance our last frost date will be May 10th, ;but I hope to have them hardened off and planted under the low row cover by the end of April.
Cheers all!
Naga Monster!
I liked the Goat's Weed too, but last year they really didn't get as fuzzy or get their peppers up as I expected -maybe due to wet season or something.
So far I've resisted them for this year, but they are a beautiful plant.
Two of those Hungarian Paprikas you sent just hooked  :dance:
Friends I saw over the weekend  stayed over half the winter in Indonesia and Sri Lanka. They gathered almost a dozen varieties of pepper seeds from the local markets.
If you're looking for anything in particular let me know, I've got extras.
I'll post the list on my glog.
JJJessee said:
Naga Monster!
I liked the Goat's Weed too, but last year they really didn't get as fuzzy or get their peppers up as I expected -maybe due to wet season or something.
So far I've resisted them for this year, but they are a beautiful plant.
Two of those Hungarian Paprikas you sent just hooked  :dance:
Friends I saw over the weekend  stayed over half the winter in Indonesia and Sri Lanka. They gathered almost a dozen varieties of pepper seeds from the local markets.
If you're looking for anything in particular let me know, I've got extras.
I'll post the list on my glog.
You could be right about the Goat's Weed you grew last year... from what I hear, they like growing conditions that are kinda dry. Good luck with the sweet paprikas, they made a very nice powder last year, but in my opinion they store better dried whole and ground as needed.
   It was good of your friends to collect seeds for you during their trip to the south Pacific. I appreciate the offer of seeds... pm sent.
Dang Rick, yep: KNaga is mongster but that Aji Limon has my attention!! Dang! Am growing mine in deep hanging baskets this year since . . . just because. But yours? Naw.
I think the BOC just has some yellow because of cross. I tried to "cure" the yellow and managed to "over-love/fix" a BOC and the thing died. Sad. I've noticed Aji Chuncho has the yellowing too. Leaving it alone, hitting with foliar Epsom salts and if that doesn't fix it, reckon that's how it is. Love your varieties and admire you for the steps you take getting plants in ground in your climate, which is a heck of a lot of effort! :clap:
annie57 said:
Dang Rick, yep: KNaga is mongster but that Aji Limon has my attention!! Dang! Am growing mine in deep hanging baskets this year since . . . just because. But yours? Naw.
I think the BOC just has some yellow because of cross. I tried to "cure" the yellow and managed to "over-love/fix" a BOC and the thing died. Sad. I've noticed Aji Chuncho has the yellowing too. Leaving it alone, hitting with foliar Epsom salts and if that doesn't fix it, reckon that's how it is. Love your varieties and admire you for the steps you take getting plants in ground in your climate, which is a heck of a lot of effort! :clap:
Thanks for the good vibe miz Annie... it certainly helps! Good to know that the BOC may have a tendency to yellowness, but mine had leaves in the middle of the stack that were d*** near albino! The Douglah I planted last year seemed to be pretty yellow too, until it finally warmed up enough that it felt more comfortable. Here's this year's Douglah start and the Yellow 7 and Butch T starts for contrast.



The Pimenta Lisa plants I have got a late start, but they're coming along. The purple phenotype is working on it's 5th set of leaves and the green one is working in its 4th.

Piri piri is looking well

and the Donne Sali I pinched

This is the Asian corner

And a couple of starts to fill some holes that opened up... first a Korean Paprika-type from BootsieB called Sang Cho

and a Feher Ozon-type from Peppergal called "Hungarian Sunshine"

I checked the garden plot out at lunchtime, and the snow has finally melted out there. It gets full sun without shade. I uncovered the Scallions I overwintered so they could get some sun and the soil could thaw quicker. Once they start growing new tops I'll transplant my Onion seedlings outside and have more room for other starts.

Have a great day all!