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Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
My grandma used to make that cake every year, complete with the coconut icing. Brings back memories.
I'm sure the family still has the mold around somewhere.
Just a quick hit and run....Manga Kalan recipe:http://links.lifestylesandtravel.com/ctt?kn=14&ms=NjM5NjkzOQS2&r=MTY2NDY5MTgxMjYS1&b=0&j=NDIxODYzODUxS0&mt=1&rt=0
FYI- The link will open a an excellent source for authentic recipes from the world over, aside from a curry recipe. My lone remaining cooking subscription, as I sent all the others packing after a year of this one.They have managed to leave a lot of the usual cooking "snobbery" out of this publication, to concentrate on the real deal local angle.
gnslngr said:
Just a quick hit and run....Manga Kalan recipe:http://links.lifestylesandtravel.com/ctt?kn=14&ms=NjM5NjkzOQS2&r=MTY2NDY5MTgxMjYS1&b=0&j=NDIxODYzODUxS0&mt=1&rt=0
FYI- The link will open a an excellent source for authentic recipes from the world over, aside from a curry recipe. My lone remaining cooking subscription, as I sent all the others packing after a year of this one.They have managed to leave a lot of the usual cooking "snobbery" out of this publication, to concentrate on the real deal local angle.
Wish I could like this 4 or 5 times! ;)
I've come across this mag once or twice when doing web searches for recipes, but your recommendation carries a lot more weight since I know  it comes from experience... Thanks DJ! :drooling:  I'll have to give that  green Mango curry a try. I have lots of Amchoor on hand... I'll look into how much of that to substitute for green mangos. Cheers!
It was such a nice day outside today I took my surviving OW plants outside to get some sun. It's supposed to shower and stay in the 40s overnight so I'm gonna leave them out tonight.

The Manzano is starting to put out new leaves, though they're still pretty pale...

Some other signs of spring... I know it's just about time to plant my peppers outside when the Bleeding Heart starts to make an appearance...

Garlic Chives


Siberian Squill

Daffodils almost ready to bloom

Miniature Iris

The Strawberries my Wife transplanted seem very happy...

For all the signs of spring, the long range forecast is for overnight low temps in the low to mid 30s through Saturday. If that doesn't change it looks like dirt-day won't be until at least the first weekend in May, but we'll see... Cheers all!
maximumcapsicum said:
Keeping my fingers crossed for ya. Weather is ideal down here right now. I'll try to send some your way.
I appreciate that Adam, we sure could use it... :)
meatfreak said:
Own strawberries are the best, mine were flowering already, not that I get to eat them ;) My daughter is a big fan of them :D
Understood Stefan... ;)  We have a lot of little kids around the neighborhood, and their parents haven't always told them that they shouldn't just go into other people's gardens and help themselves. That's why I planted the Strawberries away from the pathways and next to the superhots... :twisted:
LOL, we have to share ours with the Squirrel's. So far it's the only thing they bother.
Glad to see more signs of spring. It won't be much longer now!
Hey, Rick, things looking good there .
Lots of little things coming up and veggies in the ground!
Looks like your garden is gathering up a head of steam!
Thanks for stopping by and the good vibes guys. :)  We're still looking like overnight lows in the low 30s for the next week, but I'm still going to set out the OW plants to get some sun and wind on the good days. This morning I up-potted the young Manzano and Naga King into 3-liter Airpots.




And put them outside with the OWs

Today feels a little warmer without the 30-40 knot breeze we had yesterday, and we may see some showers this afternoon. It's all good!
TGIF all!
Jeff H said:
Glad to see your babies out getting some sun. Plant out day will be here before you know it.
Yeah Jeff... just the ones that can deal with wind gusts so far... the young 'uns need to harden off a little more before I take them outside. ;)  They're game though... just about all of the seedlings are at least starting to blossom. I'll be pinching them off until dirt-day though. :P
I'm getting antsy for some Korean food, and the recipe of the day from Saveur looks like what the doctor ordered for tomorrow night after working in the garden... http://www.saveur.com/article/Recipes/Korean-Fried-Chicken?cmpid=rotdenews04252014&spPodID=020&spMailingID=6415095&spUserID=NjM0NjY1MTg2MDYS1&spJobID=422266901&spReportId=NDIyMjY2OTAxS0
It has one of my favorite Korean condiments... gochujang. If you haven't tried it, it's a great way to punch up whatever's cooking. I use it in soups and stews, bbq marinades, noodle dishes, vegetables, salads and dipping sauces. http://www.saveur.com/article/Kitchen/Spoonful-of-Magic-Gochujang
It's readily available in most Asian markets and keeps well in the 'fridge.
I like the black plastic on the soil! Get that ground warmed up!
You know, you kept telling me to use it, but I was stubborn because the ambient temps were so high. They were in the 70's and sometimes in the 80's. But I'm guessing the soil was still cold. I'm an old dog, but I can still learn new tricks ;)