• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
Rock on, Mista Spins! (Rick) Cool pic, man! Love that you did that and wish we'd lived much closer (me to there) . . . but then, initially, before FM got big, we stayed up late to listen to FM outta some place in Chicago. Great bands you listed. Foghat and Montrose toured together a lot. Long story there but to drop before show and to leave Charlotte, see signs that say, "North Myrtle, South Myrtle . . ." on a Sunday/school night, and sadly, I was kinda thinkin' "It's Late" not by Queen but by Rick Nelson (and couldn't admit I knew ole fart music like that--my mother was a spin doc in her own right when I was a kid)--I hope you have that photo framed in your house, man! Man, the Beatles? I was 6, first grade; overnight all the girls got lunch boxes and notebooks with Beatles pics, but I held out as looked like a herd thing and never did herd. (I loved them secretly and silently.) A great band from around time you mentioned was Captain Beyond. (I have too many Charlotte/Altanta "concerts stories" that just went a little wrong  :rofl: ) I do love that pic, "Spin." Yeah buddy, old dogs bury bones much better than pups. Perseverance and experience are winners. :party:
Tansy great choice for repelling nasties and great to compost. Good on ya! The temps will head back up . . . eventually. If stuff survives here--low last night 41 :shocked:  after being in 70's at night, uh, gonna be some stout/hot plants! (I absolutely adore that pic and the fact that you did that Rick! A lotta work love!)
Devv said:
Good lord, Bread! That's some old stuff, just a bit before my time. But I had a few 8 tracks back in the day, was a good play on a date ;)
You're such a dawg, Scotty. But, howja think I knew Bread? Date. Well, one of those "going with" deals with a boy, with a car several years older. "Daughter" was kind of a stupid one for him to play, given that his intentions were hardly pure lol, but 8-tracks, man ya had to listen to the entire thing, pretty much. (He coulda skipped tracks on that one, the dummie.) I got fed up with his attempts at fluff-overtures and would slap in James Gang, Thirds. If he expected to . . . JG much mo "mood music" to me back then than Gates and Co. Actually, I got "Freedom" as 45 from a sleep-over in 8th grade, I think. And Ringo (and George's) "It Don't Come Easy." That song still brings me up--the horns and GH guitar are killer! Pretty masterful musical arrangement for pop. (I wonder why he didn't consider "Hot, Blue and Righteous," by ZZ. THAT song is :twisted: good for . . . "as I recall" "over the hills and far away" :rofl: )
Love your setup Rick, and I think when I have a bit more control over my garden space I'll do something similar with the bottles. I wonder though, do you ever find the black plastic creates havens for bugs? Last year I had terrible earwig problems and they pretty much nested under anything they could find. Could be a Southern issue though, and the winter seems to have killed 'em off this year, at least around me. (sounds like Jason isn't quite as lucky).
More and more I am thinking I need more companion planting... need to attract birds, nemotodes, and mantids.
stickman said:
Heck, I was 4 years old when the Beatles made their first trip to America. It would have been off my radar then, but our neighbors had a teenage son who played the electric guitar, and I'd hear him practicing, and playing the rock music stations from Albany. I may be an old dog, but I can still bury a bone... ;)
I was six, I believe they performed on the Ed Sullivan show. I saw it. I believe they played "I wanna hold your hand". I could be wrong; that was 50 years ago!
annie57 said:
You're such a dawg, Scotty. But, howja think I knew Bread? Date. Well, one of those "going with" deals with a boy, with a car several years older. "Daughter" was kind of a stupid one for him to play, given that his intentions were hardly pure lol, but 8-tracks, man ya had to listen to the entire thing, pretty much. (He coulda skipped tracks on that one, the dummie.) I got fed up with his attempts at fluff-overtures and would slap in James Gang, Thirds. If he expected to . . . JG much mo "mood music" to me back then than Gates and Co. Actually, I got "Freedom" as 45 from a sleep-over in 8th grade, I think. And Ringo (and George's) "It Don't Come Easy." That song still brings me up--the horns and GH guitar are killer! Pretty masterful musical arrangement for pop. (I wonder why he didn't consider "Hot, Blue and Righteous," by ZZ. THAT song is :twisted: good for . . . "as I recall" "over the hills and far away" :rofl: )
Weeelll? Things were different back then.
Nowadays it's rather scarey. I look at the way teens dress today and miss the look of 40 years ago. Not that I'm a prude, the entertainment factor is way better now. But something about the way gals dressed back then was a trip, really got the mind working ;)
What's hidden under all that? OK, being bad...but you know what I mean.
annie57 said:
Rock on, Mista Spins! (Rick) Cool pic, man! Love that you did that and wish we'd lived much closer (me to there) . . . but then, initially, before FM got big, we stayed up late to listen to FM outta some place in Chicago. Great bands you listed. Foghat and Montrose toured together a lot. Long story there but to drop before show and to leave Charlotte, see signs that say, "North Myrtle, South Myrtle . . ." on a Sunday/school night, and sadly, I was kinda thinkin' "It's Late" not by Queen but by Rick Nelson (and couldn't admit I knew ole fart music like that--my mother was a spin doc in her own right when I was a kid)--I hope you have that photo framed in your house, man! Man, the Beatles? I was 6, first grade; overnight all the girls got lunch boxes and notebooks with Beatles pics, but I held out as looked like a herd thing and never did herd. (I loved them secretly and silently.) A great band from around time you mentioned was Captain Beyond. (I have too many Charlotte/Altanta "concerts stories" that just went a little wrong  :rofl: ) I do love that pic, "Spin." Yeah buddy, old dogs bury bones much better than pups. Perseverance and experience are winners. :party:
Tansy great choice for repelling nasties and great to compost. Good on ya! The temps will head back up . . . eventually. If stuff survives here--low last night 41 :shocked:  after being in 70's at night, uh, gonna be some stout/hot plants! (I absolutely adore that pic and the fact that you did that Rick! A lotta work love!)
Coo-ee... you musta been something back in the day Miz Annie... :rofl:    I was a lot slower off the mark myself, but got to do a lot more things than the folks who got tied down early... nothing's wasted, right?
We'll see what tomorrow night brings temperature-wise... ATM they're predicting upper 30s but that could change by tomorrow. I left the poly sheeting and PVC framework  out by the peppers so I can set them up quickly at need. Good luck with your own weather... I'm sure we'll all get there in the end.
maximumcapsicum said:
Love your setup Rick, and I think when I have a bit more control over my garden space I'll do something similar with the bottles. I wonder though, do you ever find the black plastic creates havens for bugs? Last year I had terrible earwig problems and they pretty much nested under anything they could find. Could be a Southern issue though, and the winter seems to have killed 'em off this year, at least around me. (sounds like Jason isn't quite as lucky).
More and more I am thinking I need more companion planting... need to attract birds, nemotodes, and mantids.
Not so far Adam... in fact, since I've been using the plastic mulch I've had a lot fewer problems from cutworms. I think the Miller Moths that sire them don't lay their eggs on the hot plastic, and the caterpillars can't punch through the plastic to burrow into the soil next to the peppers.
I'm experimenting with companion plantings this year too, and will be posting the results as they come in.
Devv said:

Weeelll? Things were different back then.
Nowadays it's rather scarey. I look at the way teens dress today and miss the look of 40 years ago. Not that I'm a prude, the entertainment factor is way better now. But something about the way gals dressed back then was a trip, really got the mind working ;)
What's hidden under all that? OK, being bad...but you know what I mean.
I'll say things were different back then... for all the talk about free love, I don't think most of us really knew how to relate to the "more interesting" sex. We found out by trial and error. Kids today know more than we did then, but seem much more self-absorbed with all the distractions at their fingertips... like smart phones, computers, video games and such. We had our heads up and were looking around most of the time. The kids I see now have their heads down, looking at whatever device they have in their hands at the time. It's a generalization I grant you, but depressingly frequent in my experience. Oh well, they'll grow out of it or they won't... Inshallah...
Today was the day we dug the trench and started installing the new water line for the community garden. That's got me psyched!



and my own stub ending in a 12 inch rectangular valve box. I finished digging it out after taking this pic. Tomorrow will be hookup day and back-filling.
Woot!  Good work on the irrigation line, Rick!  
Great to have such a solid water supply for your plot.
PaulG said:
Woot!  Good work on the irrigation line, Rick!  
Great to have such a solid water supply for your plot.
You bet Paul! From the house to the edge of the garden is 30 yards of one inch, medium thickness copper pipe. There are three rows of garden plots, so from the edge of the garden the pipe gets split into two 3/4 inch lines, with each line running up the pathway between the rows of plots. Each plot will have its own ball valve and 3/4 inch hose fitting. I chose a 12 inch rectangular valve box so it would be large enough inside for a hose timer and manifold next year.
Thanks guys! the soldering is finally done, plus the section of trench in front of my garden plot and my stub are back-filled. I hooked up a hose with a shower head to water the garden and the system works perfectly.

Also, checking on my chiles tonight, I see the beginnings of new growth on the OW Douglah! :dance:
Have a great week all... Memorial Day weekend is coming!
JJJessee said:
Getting water to a garden is a major accomplishment and start of a new chapter.
Congrats on the Dougalah tougalah!
Oh yeah! We've been wanting this for the last 3 years, but finally made it happen this spring.
 I see my Jalapenos, Chimayos and Anaheims have all set pods this weekend. Possibly the Piri Piri as well, which would make it the most cold-tolerant of the Frutascens peppers I planted this year. Thanks Lourens!

Improved Espanola Anaheim

Jalapeno Coyame

Piri Piri

Have a great Monday all!
PaulG said:
Looks like you have it goin' on there, Rick, pods 'n' everything!
Devv said:
I'm likin' that poddage!
Good on ya!
It got cold again after this weekend guys, so things have stalled for now. On the plus side, I got a 50 foot dripper hose and ran it down the middle of both rows of peppers, underneath the plastic mulch in the community garden, so now I can water the blocks in the square-foot-garden with the shower head, and from the path, without having to carry a hose through the garden... then unhook the shower head and hook up the soaker hose for half an hour or so to do the peppers. I'm likin' this!
meatfreak said:
A new water line and pods forming, good times, Rick :) The Chimayo was one of the earliest varieties to set pods I've ever had. It's gonna be back someday in my grow.
I love the Chimayo for making enchilada sauces and chili... To give it a more rounded flavor I also add a few dried Anaheims, Poblanos, Pasillas or Guajillos. It's all good!
Having water IN the garden is a major bonus!
I started out with one faucet in the garden, dragging the hose around, you know pulling plants over and such. Or using a watering can. I'm glad where I'm at now because it makes watering so much easier.
You will definitely like the improvement!
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
im doing the same this year.. put a tarp out.. weeding sucks!!!..whats the deal with the bottles.. is that where you feed them?
 Originally, the idea was to make it easier to water the plants I set out in the plastic mulch. That way I can quickly make sure they get a measured amount of water down next to the roots while minimizing water evaporation at the soil surface and  running off of the plastic and away from the plants.
Last year I found that a pint of water a day for every 2 plants was about right for their needs on most days. If it got really dry, I'd double that. It's also great for feeding them with diluted nutes like you thought. With the soaker hose under the plastic I won't need to use them for watering now unless there's a problem with the garden water line... then I can hand-water with the bottles again.

Devv said:
Having water IN the garden is a major bonus!
I started out with one faucet in the garden, dragging the hose around, you know pulling plants over and such. Or using a watering can. I'm glad where I'm at now because it makes watering so much easier.
You will definitely like the improvement!
That's the idea Scott... K.I.S.S.... :P

PaulG said:
Sounds like a great plan, Rick!

OCD Chilehead said:
Glad to see your making progress. I'm slacking. It's the time and or money thing.
I hear ya bro'... life happens while you're making other plans...
As mentioned, things are moving slowly, but they are moving... Here's the best pic I can manage of the new growth on the OW Douglah. Still pretty miniscule, but I hope it speeds up when we get warmer nights.

Dropped skirts under the Chimyos

Almapaprika is setting pods now

OW Manzano has greened up nicely and is still putting out new nodes

The 3 MoAs all look about like this... buds are getting bigger, and I can't wait for them to start blossoming!

The rest of the Bhuts and Supers are looking well...
Yellow 7

Guwahati Bhut


Butch T.

King Naga

Have a great Hump Day all!