• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
Wouldn't worry to much about the Tomatillo's, they grow like weed. Actually they have taken over the remaining part of my garden plot :lol: Guess tilling the ground spreads the seeds around pretty good, got an huge amount of Tomatillo plants now ;) Have a good weekend!
stickman said:
We'll be getting some cool, showery weather for sure Scott, but hopefully it'll warm up a lot when the sun comes out again afterwards.

Have a great Thursday all!
Well the forecast I saw was mid to high 50's at night, 70's and 80's during the day. I'm not liking that one as much.
Glad to see new growth on those gals. Now that's a great sign!
PaulG said:
You can remember the summer of '64?
Yeah, I do, the mosquito fogging trucks were out big time on Long Island ;)
SeanW said:
Not really. I wasn't born until 20 years later!
Jeff H said:
Heh, heh... :P

PeriPeri said:
Hey Rick, them plants just keep on looking better and better! Gotcha on the Naga King... it will grow lots still and I am sure it will yield loads for you ;)
I think it's looking that way Lourens... keep your thumbs crossed...
romy6 said:
Looking stellar my man . You have a great memorial day weekend too !
Thanks brother Jamie... you and the familia as well!

meatfreak said:
Wouldn't worry to much about the Tomatillo's, they grow like weed. Actually they have taken over the remaining part of my garden plot :lol: Guess tilling the ground spreads the seeds around pretty good, got an huge amount of Tomatillo plants now ;) Have a good weekend!
They're nice to have around for a quick batch of salsa verde... having volunteer plants is even sweeter as long as they don't completely take over...  :party:
Devv said:
Well the forecast I saw was mid to high 50's at night, 70's and 80's during the day. I'm not liking that one as much.
Glad to see new growth on those gals. Now that's a great sign!
Thanks Scott... We've been getting the 70s and 80s during the (sunny) days lately, but as Sean points out, we're in the higher terrain back quite a bit from the ocean, so the there's much more variation since we don't have that big heat sink nearby.
Came across a couple of Habs today that I wanted to grow, so I picked them up...
White Jellybean Habanero that I've never grown before...

and a Chocolate Habanero. I had 3 of these last year, and found they tasted great in sauce after smoking with cherry wood.
stc3248 said:
Haha...my tomatillos took off like a rocketship as I am certain your's will! Great start my man! Hope to be a regular fixture around here again!
Hey, Shane's in the house... welcome back buddy!
Thought you'd like to see how the Manzano you sent me last year was doing after I over-wintered it down in my cellar.

I never did plant the seeds from the Goat's Weed pods you sent me because you cautioned me about the possibility of Pepper MMV, but you got me interested, so I planted one from another source to try this year. It's about a foot tall now.

Texas Pequins are going great guns too as far as I know...


Kind of a Mutt and Jeff thing going with some of the chiles and a lot of the Fruts and wilds are still pretty small due to the cold weather...
Donne Sali from SpiceGeist


Smokemaster Pequin


SpiceGeist's Chintexles


That's 10... more later. I've got to head over to my Mom's to get some chores done for her. Have a great Saturday all!
maximumcapsicum said:
These guys are looking very happy Rick! I definitely need to at some Manzano's to my grow next year, maybe in pods. We will be shifting units so I am hoping to have a sunny balcony.
How are the sweets looking?
I bet you'd like 'em Adam, but they can be finicky to grow... especially where it gets pretty hot. They drop their flowers instead of setting pods. If you do grow them you'll likely want to get some shade netting to stretch over them or find a spot with only morning and afternoon sun, or dappled shade all day.
My Mom has the Kapijas in her garden in Richmond, MA. I'm growing Szentesi-type Hungarian stuffing peppers, a Hungarian Pimiento-type called "Pritamin" and a Szegedi-type Hungarian Sweet Paprika. The first 2 haven't forked or set flowers yet, but the second 2 are flowering and have both set pods. i expect they'll ripen sometime in July.
meatfreak said:
Not trying to overtake your glog but this is what I meant by the amount of Tomatillo volunteers in my garden :lol:
No problems Stefan. :)    I know what you mean about how prolific the Tomatillo volunteers can be. ;)
More pics of what's up in the garden...
The Dilley Street Tamworks


Lotah Bih


Aji Lemon


Today was a pretty even mix of sun and rain, so a good day for the plants. Hope you all had a productive day unless the plan was to unwind for a day first. Cheers!
Looking great bruddah! There are a couple types of Goat's Weed...both are bad-ass plants. Yours looks to be of the "Black Cobra" more upright type. The ones I grew last year were more of a shrub. I grew the upright ones the year before which is where the pods you got from me came from. You're really gonna love them. Best flaking pods out there aside from maybe the Romy Mystery X Goat's Weeds. That Manzano is really going to take great care of you this season for your overwinter efforts. Glad to see you're inground and moving along!!!
stc3248 said:
Looking great bruddah! There are a couple types of Goat's Weed...both are bad-ass plants. Yours looks to be of the "Black Cobra" more upright type. The ones I grew last year were more of a shrub. I grew the upright ones the year before which is where the pods you got from me came from. You're really gonna love them. Best flaking pods out there aside from maybe the Romy Mystery X Goat's Weeds. That Manzano is really going to take great care of you this season for your overwinter efforts. Glad to see you're inground and moving along!!!
Thanks for the good vibe and the info on the Goat's Weed Shane. I'm really looking forward to harvest time this year because you folks have given me so many new varieties to try. :onfire:
Next season I think I'm gonna cut way back on the peppers I start indoors and either buy starts from other folks or give my seeds to a young fellow I know (whose Mom has a contract farm) in exchange for a few plants when he starts them. My wife's been at me about the electric bill from having all those lights going down cellar most of the winter. I agreed, but used her argument to leverage an agreement to free up enough space for one of the Manzanos in front of our south-facing sliding glass door this winter, and next spring I'll be starting just the NuMex and Hungarian varieties in March along with the Tomatoes and Eggplants.
georgej said:

Havent been on the forum so much recently. glad to come back and see your garden is kickin it!
Thanks G! How's your rooftop grow going in your new digs? :)
Next round is looking great as well. Especially interesting in following the tamworks... are they very productive?
Yeah I am thinking Manzano's would need to live on the balcony. I should have a bigger balcony next year that is shaded half the day. Figured that would make a good environment for an extra tomato and two or three finicky peppers.
Devv said:
Nice to see all the new growth they're putting on Rick!
OW Manzano should take off nicely, it's looking good ;)
Enjoy the weekend and keep it green!
You too Scott... hope you have a great holiday cookout with your tribe! :party:
maximumcapsicum said:
Next round is looking great as well. Especially interesting in following the tamworks... are they very productive?
Yeah I am thinking Manzano's would need to live on the balcony. I should have a bigger balcony next year that is shaded half the day. Figured that would make a good environment for an extra tomato and two or three finicky peppers.
I can't tell you anything about the Tamworks Adam... this is my first year growing them, but they've put out at least 3 flower buds at each node after forking twice so I'd say that it looks that way so far.
Now that I've got a day to work in the garden, I put up some Agribon 19 row cover material over the peppers in the community garden. I'm hoping that'll warm things up enough underneath to jump-start the peppers that like a warmer climate to grow in.
Devv said:
I hope that does the trick!
So I'm guessing to warm for plastic?
Are you tracking the temps? If so I'd be interested in how it does for you.
It has in the past Scott, I just didn't  put it up because I was missing some of my snap clamps. I found them today and finally got the job done. If I didn't have the IRT mulch on the ground inside the low row cover it probably wouldn't be too hot, but since it is, I'll go with the fabric instead. I set up a min/max thermometer inside the row cover to monitor the temps. in there. I'll post a running tally if you're interested.
Feels good to get her all in, eh?
I don't have readily available IRT for this year, but I'm setting up a similar rig using plain black plastic soil cover and light weight Agribon  row cover on hoops for about 14 eggplants.
My primary purpose is to control flea beetles, but the additional heat should be pleasing to the aubergines if watered adequately. We're up to the high 50s for our nightly lows in the 10 day. A little night time bump would be a plus on the them.
I would be tempted to invest in a roll of the IRT next year if I steer more toward melons perhaps.
Devv said:
Oh yeah, knowledge gained ;)
Here's the first day's reading Scott... The daytime high temperature here today was 79 degrees. Inside the low row cover with the Agribon 19 covering it, it was 95 degrees. Tomorrow morning I'll check the min/max thermometer against the overnight low.
JJJessee said:
Feels good to get her all in, eh?
I don't have readily available IRT for this year, but I'm setting up a similar rig using plain black plastic soil cover and light weight Agribon  row cover on hoops for about 14 eggplants.
My primary purpose is to control flea beetles, but the additional heat should be pleasing to the aubergines if watered adequately. We're up to the high 50s for our nightly lows in the 10 day. A little night time bump would be a plus on the them.
I would be tempted to invest in a roll of the IRT next year if I steer more toward melons perhaps.
I hear ya bro'... Squash, Melons and Cucumbers don't like cold feet! I'll bet the Eggplants will like the setup too. :)