• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
Thanks for all the awesome pics buddy. Sorry that Naga King seems to be taking its sweet time... but that PeriPeri looks like it is A for away now. That bush will get bigger and bigger now - one it gets to this size and development it kinda just explodes in my experience :)
maximumcapsicum said:
Looks great man! Glad your nightly lows are cooperating. Pretty cool that you're pulling ripe paprikas already.

Happy growin!
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice pods starting. I could use a little rain. It's been in the mid 90s.

Thanks for sharing. Have a great day Rick.

My Mom would have sent you some of hers last night... we both got about 2 and 1/2 inches of rain in a half an hour, and the dirt road below her house washed half away in a flash flood.

PeriPeri said:
Thanks for all the awesome pics buddy. Sorry that Naga King seems to be taking its sweet time... but that PeriPeri looks like it is A for away now. That bush will get bigger and bigger now - one it gets to this size and development it kinda just explodes in my experience :)
No worries Lourens... I knew the Nagas would be a little slower getting going, and they're doing fine now. The big surprise for me was the Peri Peri... I had no idea they would be such pod factories once they got established. No complaints though... and thanks for the chance to grow them! :)
Spicegeist said:
Wow, I hope you get the fixed alright...
ronniedeb said:
Wow. Sorry to see your flood damage. 
Sorry if I wasn't clear guys... we both got the rain, but my Mom's the one who had the flash flood. I live up on a bluff above a river, so flooding isn't a problem for me. Very few trees on top of the bluff too, so the plants get the full effects of sun and wind every day. :)
PeriPeri said:
Hey Rick... the PeriPeri's are awesome producers... although them pods are tiny and full of seeds, so it takes a lot of them to make up for their size :)
That shouldn't be a problem for sauce-making, eh Lourens... ;) The way those two plants are producing, I figure I'll make at least 2 cases by the end of the season. :drooling:  Cheers!
Pods on the Manzano! Woot!
Sweet Paprika was my first ripe pod too this season, and they keep coming.
Glad the package got there in good shape Rick. Enjoy it!
2.5"s in a half hour is a good heavy rain, I guess that road has a culvert that couldn't handle the flow?
Devv said:
Pods on the Manzano! Woot!
Sweet Paprika was my first ripe pod too this season, and they keep coming.
You bet Scott, that's one of the reasons I plant them... lots of aromatic peppers for powder base.
Glad the package got there in good shape Rick. Enjoy it!
I'm thinking about how to put them to their best use. Definitely Jerk marinade with the MoAs and Vindaloo with the Nagas. :drooling:   Any suggestions for the others?
2.5"s in a half hour is a good heavy rain, I guess that road has a culvert that couldn't handle the flow?
It's been a trouble spot for the last 50 years because the aldermen won't put the issue on the town warrant... there are only 7 families on that end of the dirt road. It used to have 3 parallel 4 foot culverts, but they took out 2 of them and back-filled with blue gravel (washed, crushed shale that isn't very cohesive). It really should have a small bridge.
Wow, finally caught up with your glog, Rick. Very happy to see the tomatoes are doing well for you! Sure looks like the dark purple Lisa stays like that. The rest looks great as well, especially your eggplants. Mine are having some sort of leave problem on some plants, no idea what it is since I don't have a lot of experience growing them. Have a good weekend!
meatfreak said:
Wow, finally caught up with your glog, Rick. Very happy to see the tomatoes are doing well for you! Sure looks like the dark purple Lisa stays like that. The rest looks great as well, especially your eggplants. Mine are having some sort of leave problem on some plants, no idea what it is since I don't have a lot of experience growing them. Have a good weekend!
My sister's coming from Wisconsin with her family to visit in 3 weeks or so... I hope to have enough ripe tomatoes to make pico de gallo when she's here. We're going to throw a Mexican themed birthday party for her, and I'm doing the cooking... ;)


Yeah, I'm intrigued by the purple pheno Pimenta Lisa... sure hope we get some ripe pods from it so we can split the seeds.
Have you taken a pic of your troublesome eggplants to your local agronomy officer? I'm sure (s)he is well up on whatever local insect or disease pests would be bothering your crops.
Take care Stefan!
Hi there and TGIF all! The chiles continue to move along as the weather heats up. The Manzano from this year's seed has started budding up

Naga King second banana has started flowering

Spicegeist thinks this Chintexle may have crossed with something else since the phenotype is so different...

... but the blossoms have the classic wild Annuum look with the plain white six-pointed stars and extra long pistil

Followed Burning Colon's advice and pinched the tips of the side branches low on the Goat's Weed

... and saw an explosion of forking at the top of the plant.

First Aji Lemon pod

Dedo de Moca pods started out pointing upwards, but they've gotten big enough that their own weight is pulling them downwards.

Second banana for the DST is now larger than the first, and has more and smaller pods on it.

My wife's Melon crop... I got her a 20 gallon grow bag and made a sort of mini-pergola out of saplings. The plan is to train the vines up the corner posts and up to the flat area on top.

Have a great day all!
stickman said:
My sister's coming from Wisconsin with her family to visit in 3 weeks or so... I hope to have enough ripe tomatoes to make pico de gallo when she's here. We're going to throw a Mexican themed birthday party for her, and I'm doing the cooking... ;)
Yeah, I'm intrigued by the purple pheno Pimenta Lisa... sure hope we get some ripe pods from it so we can split the seeds.
Have you taken a pic of your troublesome eggplants to your local agronomy officer? I'm sure (s)he is well up on whatever local insect or disease pests would be bothering your crops.
Take care Stefan!
I have taken pictures to ask a couple of friends who have more experience growing it. Turn I got impatient and did some search on google and found the cause rather quickly :( Appears to be Verticillium wilt, it's a fungus (Verticillium dahliae) which is uncontrollable. Just have to hope the plants pull through. Since the end of last week the temperatures have dropped so that is the reason why it is happening at the moment. Need to keep the doors more close so it's hotter inside during the day and night. Read that I can treat it with chloropicrin or metam sodium at the end of the season or before the season starts.
Swartmamba said:
Your plants are really taking off now, goats weed looks great
Thanks Asher. Have you got anything in the ground now?
meatfreak said:
I have taken pictures to ask a couple of friends who have more experience growing it. Turn I got impatient and did some search on google and found the cause rather quickly :( Appears to be Verticillium wilt, it's a fungus (Verticillium dahliae) which is uncontrollable. Just have to hope the plants pull through. Since the end of last week the temperatures have dropped so that is the reason why it is happening at the moment. Need to keep the doors more close so it's hotter inside during the day and night. Read that I can treat it with chloropicrin or metam sodium at the end of the season or before the season starts.
Glad you have a handle on the Verticillium Wilt problem Stefan... :( It's not fun dealing with diseased plants. Here's a fact sheet from Ohio State University that may help... http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/3000/3122.html Did you know that Strawberries are also highly susceptible to Verticillium wilt too?
A few more pics from today...
First harvest of Almapaprika. I know they're not ripe, but my intention is to pickle them the way the Hungarians do, and this is when they do it. It works, believe me, I made a quart of them last year that was so good!

I've really gotta thin my carrots this weekend...

... and make kimchi with the thinnings from my Korean radishes.

Have a great weekend all!
The garden is coming alive. It's making me hungry thinking about the birthday party. I really like the pergola. It looks cool. Giving me some ideas.

Thanks for sharing. I hope you have a good weekend as well.

Devv said:
Nice to see all the cool weather crops doing s well.
I see salads in the next few days!
The cool weather crops are about done Scott... we'll be picking the last of the early greens this weekend. Then it'll be time to plant vegetable Amaranth... a cousin of Callaloo that grows very well in hot weather and can be used like spinach... either raw or cooked. I grew it for the first time last year, and I was charmed! It's the perfect thing to set out during midsummer when lettuce or spinach would wilt, bolt and turn bitter.
OCD Chilehead said:
The garden is coming alive. It's making me hungry thinking about the birthday party. I really like the pergola. It looks cool. Giving me some ideas.

Thanks for sharing. I hope you have a good weekend as well.

Good morning campers! Time once again for the Dawn Patrol... We had a few showers last night, but nothing like the gully-washers we had on Thursday. I gave the peppers a side dressing of Vigoro Tomato fertilizer with Calcium to try out. I've had some trouble with blossom end-rot before, but only with Pasilla-type peppers. We'll see if this stuff makes a difference. The Chipmunk population has just exploded this year for some reason. The little perishers have been digging in my garden for grubs. I wouldn't mind, except they aren't careful about it and have excavated quite a number of my plants. I've been able to save most of them, but they wiped out most of my Shungiku. I'm thinking it's time to get some rat traps and bait them with peanut butter to thin the herd... They haven't messed with my peppers though. :pray:
The Chimayo' plants have filled in quite a bit in the last week or so. They're climbing up inside the tomato cages.

... and a few of the Chimayo' pods have started coloring up.

I've got some respectable-sized Jalapenos on my plants, but the plants themselves are still kinda small, so I pulled the large pods down low to give them a chance to get bigger and make more peppers.

First Jal harvest

Little bit blurry pic, but the Thai Red Demon hybrids are starting to kick into production mode in a big way.

My wife and I will be getting some things done before she leaves for Canada on Monday. Have a great weekend all!
stickman said:
Glad you have a handle on the Verticillium Wilt problem Stefan... :( It's not fun dealing with diseased plants. Here's a fact sheet from Ohio State University that may help... http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/3000/3122.html Did you know that Strawberries are also highly susceptible to Verticillium wilt too?
I do now thanks to you :) I'm still not 100% sure it's the fungus and hope I'm wrong. I did water them a lot these past weeks and they don't like that either. Anyway today I checked them out and they looked already better. Picked of the first flowers so the plants can grow a bit more, read that picking the first flowers gives better yields so why not give it a try. Still early in season :)
Smart thinking on the Jalapeno and those are good looking pods! After a few days the plant will pick up growth again and you will benefit from it in the end. I do the same or even pinch out the buds if the plants are still to small. Good to see the Thai Demon is picking up also, mine are finally starting to get more bushy. Very curious about the taste and heat of this one. Have a good weekend and safe travels for the wife!