• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
PIC 1 said:
Rick you'll have plenty to harvest in the near future.........looking good
Cheers Greg!
A few pics before I leave for work this morning...
Chocolate Hab shot up this last week and is budding up

Baby pods on the Lotah Bih

OW Manzano looking good... It's setting pods on maybe 2 out of 5 flowers, but there's a lot of flowers...

MoA pods looking elongated and bumpy... at this point they have to be a  cross. Don't know what they crossed with, but they sure look mean... especially the second pic.


Have a great Monday all!
maximumcapsicum said:
I wonder if they have a little primo in them. Though they also have a kind of bhut look to 'em as well. 
Keep the pics coming Rick!
That's an interesting observation Adam... I seem to recall that Ramon (walkgood) had a White Bhut growing next to his MoAs last year, so that could be a possible combination.... Yellow MoA x White Bhut... I wonder what that would ultimately look and taste like. :think:
chilli whisperer said:
You realy got a killer garden ay! Never heard of the Guwhati Bhut,sounds interesting,and nice mini pods
on you OW douglah. Keep it up !
Thanks for the good vibe J... keep on truckin' yourself!
meatfreak said:
Plants have really taken of now, Rick. Happy to see they are starting to pod up for you :)
OCD Chilehead said:
Playing catch up. All your plants are looking superb. Beautiful looking Mazano OW. How did the pickle ferment come out? Thanks for sharing Rick.

Have a great week.

Thanks guys! Pickles are halfway through the ferment Chuck...  I washed and packed the cucumbers in the sterilized jars, along with crushed garlic cloves and fresh dill leaves, then mixed up 2 quarts of brine at the rate of 20 grams of kosher salt to a quart of clean tap water. We don't have a lot of Chlorine in our water. If you do, just use bottled spring water. Poured enough brine over the cucumbers to cover, but left a half an inch of room for expansion, loosely covered and left the jars out on the kitchen counter to ferment. After 2 days the brine looks a little cloudy and the cucumbers are fizzing away. I tried one pickle, and the ratio of salt to garlic and dill is perfect... Just need to leave them out on the counter until they get the tang we like. Then I'll crank down the jar lids and put them away in the 'fridge until company comes over on Saturday.
Looking good Rick!
Those MoA's might just surprise you and put out stellar pods as the plants mature some. I got some picture perfect pods this last weekend out of mine, and have a few more on the plants.
Keep it green, this is just the beginning!
Hey Rick... looking superb buddy! That PeriPeri is kickiing into gear... looks like it will just sprawl and get bigger and bigger. Mine were about 900(h)x600x600 roughly give and take. So not small plants and loaded with pods. The Tabasco you have there is still a way off I think. Mine never really ripened last season due to the bad summer. But these grow to be big plants too. Your Tabasco is looking fine though! The Naga King pod is looking odd - but lets give it time and it may just be the first one. I am sure further pods will be more pointy ;) Can't wait for this to reach maturity... awsome looking pickles too... man you are having a good time!
tctenten said:

Rick, I finally had enough Jalapeños to pickle them.  Thank you for sharing HabaneroHead's recipe.  How long before I can try them out?  Thanks again.
Good on ya Terry! I hope BIalazs' pickle recipe works out for you. Did you get ahold of some sodium metabisulfite? I didn't see it in the ingredients pictured. When I pickled the Almas last year, I used whole peppers and let them sit for 8 weeks before opening the jar. I would expect the Jalapeno rings to be done sooner, but why not give them 4 weeks to make sure they're thoroughly marinated. Keep us posted on your results! :)
Devv said:
Looking good Rick!
Those MoA's might just surprise you and put out stellar pods as the plants mature some. I got some picture perfect pods this last weekend out of mine, and have a few more on the plants.
Keep it green, this is just the beginning!
Thanks Scott! I'm at the point when I'm picking handfuls of Annuum pods daily. We had roasted corn for supper last night, and after the corn was done I roasted some Anaheims and Poblanos, then peeled, stemmed, seeded and froze them for later. I picked my first ripe Dedo de Moca pod last night and took a bite of the tip... Definitely has a typical Aji flavor... sweet up front with floral and herbal notes, and a cinnamon-like burn on the lips and tip of the tongue that lingered for about 15 minutes. With some tomatoes and lime juice to balance the flavor profile these would be good in salsa.
PeriPeri said:
Hey Rick... looking superb buddy! That PeriPeri is kickiing into gear... looks like it will just sprawl and get bigger and bigger. Mine were about 900(h)x600x600 roughly give and take. So not small plants and loaded with pods. The Tabasco you have there is still a way off I think. Mine never really ripened last season due to the bad summer. But these grow to be big plants too. Your Tabasco is looking fine though! The Naga King pod is looking odd - but lets give it time and it may just be the first one. I am sure further pods will be more pointy ;) Can't wait for this to reach maturity... awsome looking pickles too... man you are having a good time!
Hi Lourens! The odd-looking Naga King pod is the first one set. I think it looks kinda like a Kukri knife, which might be a warning... the Nepali Ghurkas can take the head off a Bull with one in just one swipe. ;)
Yes Rick I was able to get the  potassium metabisulfite.  I didn't include it because it is packaged in a plain Ziploc bag.  I had to order it on Amazon, I was unable to find it locally.  I will let them sit and report back.  :P  :P
PeriPeri said:
Naga Kukri King Jolokia... I think I like it :)
:)    The rest of the pods on the Naga King are more normal-looking, if a bit pale. You say that's normal?

The ratio of leaves on the plant to pods set is pretty high.. Hopefully that means the plant'll be making many more pods yet.
tctenten said:
Yes Rick I was able to get the  potassium metabisulfite.  I didn't include it because it is packaged in a plain Ziploc bag.  I had to order it on Amazon, I was unable to find it locally.  I will let them sit and report back.  :P  :P
Great Terry, just wanted to make sure you didn't forget that part if you were going to make no-cook pickles... It sanitizes the veggies in question so the pickles don't go bad on you. They use the same stuff on the grapes in wine-making operations for the same reason. Thank you Louis Pasteur... :)
After waiting so long for things to warm up enough to kick the Chinense varieties into gear, it looks to have finally happened! All the varieties I planted this winter have either set pods or begun to flower... including the purple-pheno Pimenta Lisa! Thought you might like this pic Stefan.

And a peek under the skirts of the OW Douglah for you Trippa... So far it's set a half dozen pencil eraser-sized pods, and more coming all the time.

Bhut Orange Copenhagen

Butch T. is loading up with the classic stinger shape

They're buried in the leaves, so it's kinda hard to take pics of the Guwahati Bhuts, but they've definitely launched

Peruvian White Habaneros

and lastly, the Yellow 7-pot

Have a great Tuesday all!
Wow, Rick, the Chinense have kicked in indeed :D Thanks for the pic of the purple Lisa, it's grown a lot and the leaves do stay dark/purple! Over here the leaves are half green/purple, which is cool but full purple/dark is also interesting. Wondering which kind of pods it will have. Your flower petals have more purple on them as well! Very excited.
It seems like only a little while ago that the douglah OW was just bare stems ... and now setting pods ... the advantages of an overwinter I suppose in that once they get cracking they ramp up production much quicker.
How is the fresh start Douglah looking in comparison??... looks like in about 6-8 weeks you will be in the midst of a glut of pods ... nice work bro!!