• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
annie57 said:
Something "vigorous" indeed! Now, that kind of tall smaller podded child, I could hang with! (The lower back and iddy bitty pods, low flying to ground, just hurts, ha!) Probably why I grow so many Tabasco. They get on up there. Looking forward to, when your ship huge harvest comes in, if you wouldn't mind sharing some seeds of that. Am crossing a Naga w/a Tab this year, so . . . we'll see. Aji Limon, Y7's (or YBrains, or YMoruga, since I can't tell much of difference) make a great fish/chicken powder with True Lime. Yeah: I broke down and bought boxes of TLime, since dehydrating lime slices was a huge, sticky, fail for me last year--I kinda made it work. Idea came from then Bodeen, now H-billy Jeff's, Burg 7 Fish blend. This year, I may try Fish peppers in with that, change color, but who cares? And might try to get some Fish pepper infused salt a la Kevin/Wayright. Imagine same would work with Aji L and Y7. PM me if you want to know what he does, if you already don't. AL are great pickled too! I think they'd make great jam, lotta seed but--I blame credit Adam with resetting/"mind-expansion" on pepper jams. Nice thing is, can mix with a sauce and make an excellent glaze for about any meat or (or just slather on as glaze)--eat on everything! AL are versatile! Swim away, dear man!
I second Greg's emotion! :clap:
Thanks miz Annie! You may want to wait a bit before asking for seeds... Now that I've got big enough pods to compare growing habits, I think I have a King Naga x Tabasco cross going h'yar... the second and smaller plant's pods have the classic Naga shape and pale, lime-green color

but the much larger plant has the smooth, tapered Ivory-white pods with a rounded tip. Going back through the earliest pics of the pods on this plant, I see they were all originally upright, but became pendant as the weight of the pods pulled them down. That says Tabasco to me...
Lourens... did you have a Tabasco planted near your Naga King plants the season before last?

Guwahati Bhuts are beginning to come on strong now

... and BOC is coming up from behind

OW Douglah pods are beginning to show the classic "pinched-in bottom" shape.

That's all for now... TGIF all!
romy6 said:
 Wow Rick I step away for a bit and find your garden is exploding. love the pickled cukes and will be anticipating some giant harvests shots soon . 
Any many of them at that  :dance:
That's still 3-4 weeks out for most of the Chinense Jamie, but I have my Annuums to keep me warm until then. ;)    Cheers bro'!
Good morning all, not too much to show from the Dawn Patrol that you haven't seen already.
DST pods are still ripening...

Donne Sali aren't making very big pods, but they're sure making a lot of them!

A small portion of the Takanotsume plant... thanks Scott! For such a short plant it sure is bushy and productive! Currently it's about a foot tall and a foot and a half wide.

We've got my tribe coming over for a cook-out later today, so cleaning and cooking first... ;)  Have a great weekend all!
Hi all!
    Had a great day with my family yesterday... we had a Mexican meal with cheese, squash and chicken stuffed tamales, mole' negro to put over them, squash blossom pilaf, black beans cooked with epizote, totopos and tomatillo salsa made with roasted anaheim chiles from the garden. :cheers:  The roasted Anaheims were quite a bit hotter than I thought they'd be...,
almost Serrano hot. It meant there was quite a bit left over this morning, so we had huevos rancheros for breakfast with corn tortillas, black beans, cheese and mole'.
Since I found out the bigger Naga King was a Tabasco cross and it was crowding out the true-growing plant, I cut it back fairly severely to give more light to the true Naga King.

The purple-pheno Pimenta Lisa set a pod with its first flower Stefan... The plant's growing vigorously now, so I hope it's the first of many.

The Douglah pods are also growing vigorously

Still waiting for the MoA (crosses?) to ripen up

and finally, this morning's pull... all Annuums, but more than enough to warm the cockles of anybody's heart. :dance:  There are Anaheims, Poblanos, Hungarian Wax, Almapaprika, Szegedi Paprika and Chimayo's here.

I've got to process these peppers... I think I'll roast, peel and freeze the Anaheims and Poblanos, pickle the Wax Peppers and Almas, and dry the rest.
Have a great rest of the weekend all!
Sawyer said:
Nice pull there, Rick.  It's only going to ramp up from here.
Thanks for the good vibe and for stopping by John. :)
Got the Hungarians in the brine to pickle, next task is to roast and peel the NuMex varieties.

A quick "non" shot... I took advantage of a moment when the parent Bluebirds were out of the nesting box to take this pic of the chicks in the nest. They hadn't hatched on Friday, so they must have done so between then and this morning.

Hey Rick, looks like it is all going freaky with the seeds I sent. This is the first I see of the Naga King x Tabsco. Blistering barnicles! Sorry bud, that is the first I see of it and really sucks!! I think it could be a fantastic cross though I think...
PeriPeri said:
Hey Rick, looks like it is all going freaky with the seeds I sent. This is the first I see of the Naga King x Tabsco. Blistering barnicles! Sorry bud, that is the first I see of it and really sucks!! I think it could be a fantastic cross though I think...
Not to worry my friend... it's all good! I set out 2 plants and 1 grew true. It's the hybrid that's a beast, so I cut it back before it could crowd out the other chiles around it while leaving enough to produce lots of pods. I'm really curious to see what comes out of this cross! After all, there's some Frutascens genes in the Bhuts, and both of the parents are sweet, fruity pods with good heat. Cheers!
More pod porn from the garden...
second round of Goat's Weed pods

Thai Red Demon hybrids

You're right Charles... the Lotah Bih surely has that crooked thing going on with the pods.

Peri Peri isn't ripening in large numbers yet, but I'm getting a few a week.

A Guwahati Bhut pod that was hiding down inside until I fished it out into the light of day...

Have a great week all!
Hey Rick, :oops: ok, so its a hybrid... not one I have ever seen before! I think it could be mighty interesting. Ghost Pepper (ChinensexFrutescens) & Tabsaco (Frutescens). Imagine making Tabsco sauce from these guys - whoohoo!
Congrats with the first P. Lisa pod, Rick :D Hope more will follow but I'm convinced they will. Your plants are really going fast at the moment, love it! Seen the the first Thai Red Demon pods getting some color over here yesterday, can't wait to try those. Gotta thank you for posting the picture of your Takanotsume plant. After seeing that one I'm pretty sure the unknown cross I've had is an Jaloro x Takanotsume. The person I got them from already thought it could be a cross with the Takanotsume. I tasted a pod and it had a warm spicy smell/flavor, also packed good amount of heat. Hotter then an Jalapeno. The plant is huge and loaded. Sorry for taking over your topic  :oops:
PeriPeri said:
Hey Rick, :oops: ok, so its a hybrid... not one I have ever seen before! I think it could be mighty interesting. Ghost Pepper (ChinensexFrutescens) & Tabsaco (Frutescens). Imagine making Tabsco sauce from these guys - whoohoo!
I'm definitely thinking along those lines Lourens... just waiting to see how they taste first. :dance:
maximumcapsicum said:
Everything looks great Rick! Glad you're getting some ripe pods and have some projects going. I need to get faster on roasting some annuums. Production is outstripping project time!
I hear ya Adam! That's why I'm glad I have as small a grow as I do. I don't think I could handle one as big as Jason's (GAgrowhead). ;)
meatfreak said:
Congrats with the first P. Lisa pod, Rick :D Hope more will follow but I'm convinced they will. Your plants are really going fast at the moment, love it! Seen the the first Thai Red Demon pods getting some color over here yesterday, can't wait to try those. Gotta thank you for posting the picture of your Takanotsume plant. After seeing that one I'm pretty sure the unknown cross I've had is an Jaloro x Takanotsume. The person I got them from already thought it could be a cross with the Takanotsume. I tasted a pod and it had a warm spicy smell/flavor, also packed good amount of heat. Hotter then an Jalapeno. The plant is huge and loaded. Sorry for taking over your topic  :oops:
Very cool pic of the Takanotsume x Jaloro pods Stefan! Did they have any of the other Jalapeno traits like flavor?
It's been cool for the last week, but the heat and humidity should ramp up as we enter the Dog Days of summer. The Chinense and Frutascens plants should like that... I'm hoping for more growth and above all, more pods.
No worries about adding new topics my friend... it's all good (and useful)!
I had 3 Peri Peri pods with my breakfast egg n' cheese sammie... just the right amount of heat and a nice flavor.
Have a great Tuesday all!
Home for a lunch break and doing a little judicious pruning of lower leaves. The foliage was so thick there that it's hard to see what might underneath the plants skirts.
Butch T.

Guwahati Bhut

Bhut Orange Copenhagen

OW Douglah

... And the silver tuna... a ripe baby Bhut pod that was half-buried in the top dressing of Kelp meal.

I was betting that the MoAs or the Peruvian White Hab would be the first Chinense to ripen, but I was pleasantly wrong. Cheers all!
maximumcapsicum said:
Looking great Rick! I am liking the Bhuts, especially the douglahs. I can feel the cap cramps through the screen.
Thanks Adam. :)  Douglahs were one of my hottest last year, but the hottest of all was the Butch T... not very tasty alas, but good in powder blends to kick them up a notch or five... ;)
Devv said:
Things are going full speed ahead Rick! I ran outa likes trying to catch up here.
Keep it green!
Thanks Scott, hope you had a good visit before heading out to Vegas. :party:
Cleaned up the understory of the MoAs, and this is what they look like now...


Chocolate Habanero kicking in now.

Peruvian White Habs picking up the pace

Pimenta Lisa baby pod still looks kinda small, but it's early days yet

Found this pod buried in the understory of the Guwahati Bhut... it looks like it's a faster grower than the Naga King and BOC

Largest Naga King pod

and to finish, the largest Douglah pod from the OW plant. It seems to me to be growing much faster than it did last year.

Have a great "hump day" all!
Now that's what I call pod density on that MoA!

OCD Chilehead said:
Looking good Rick. Nice poddage you've got there. I haven't had one pod set on my supers. Have been just watering with plain water, just in case there was nitrogen build up. Putting out tons of flowers, but they all drop.

Thanks for sharing. Have a good day.
Chuck are you still having the 100's there? Last year I was in the same boat with the heat. Hang in there!
Devv said:
Now that's what I call pod density on that MoA!

Chuck are you still having the 100's there? Last year I was in the same boat with the heat. Hang in there!
Thanks Scott. Its been around 98-99 lately. Going to try and provide some more shade for them. Thought about putting them on the Northern facing side of the house just to see if I could get some pods to set.