• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
Thanks Rick. I haven't made any curries in awhile. The pod patrols are amazing. Awesome pics. That Chimayo Ristra looks beautiful. Good size Bhuts.

Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing as always Rick.
Ristas look great Rick! Looks like the bhuts are gonna ripen for ya. Tasty pods those. Cool shot of the sphinx moth too...

I like the pod patrols. You got a ton of flavor to work with there. And I'm glad you got good production... Salsa is my favorite side. Actually sometimes I eat it as a main dish. The batch I made this year is a little more acidic than Id like though... Always room form improvement.

Trying to fit some kebabs into the weekly schedule this week. I've been itchin to try the link you posted for me.
annie57 said:
Nice review of the Nabasco, Rick. I love those two peppers smoked for sauce, so hoping it keeps that overriding Tab taste with sweetness of Naga. The fall off stem is a sure sign with Tabs. Thank you!
Sure miz Annie. :)  Do you want me to save you any of the seeds? It's looking like I'm gonna have to wait a little longer for the Guwahati Bhut... it got down to 46 degrees last night, and at this rate it's gonna take at least until mid-week.
wahlee76 said:
Looking good. Bhuts look tasty :drooling:
Cheers Wally!
Devv said:
Good stuff Rick!
How did the salsa turn out? We just love it!
Glad to see the harvests everyday too!
Friday yes!
Salsa tastes great! Many thanks to both you and Greg for sharing. :)  I put a pint of it into a meatloaf on Wednesday... I used the salsa to moisten the bread instead of milk and kneaded it into the mixture along with some Italian seasoning, and chopped onion, garlic, and one of the Pritamin peppers.

OCD Chilehead said:
Thanks Rick. I haven't made any curries in awhile. The pod patrols are amazing. Awesome pics. That Chimayo Ristra looks beautiful. Good size Bhuts.

Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing as always Rick.
Cheers Chuck!
sp33d said:
Damn those butch t's looks great man... ;) keep up the solid work dude.. :)
Cheers Tony
maximumcapsicum said:
Ristas look great Rick! Looks like the bhuts are gonna ripen for ya. Tasty pods those. Cool shot of the sphinx moth too...

I like the pod patrols. You got a ton of flavor to work with there. And I'm glad you got good production... Salsa is my favorite side. Actually sometimes I eat it as a main dish. The batch I made this year is a little more acidic than Id like though... Always room form improvement.

Trying to fit some kebabs into the weekly schedule this week. I've been itchin to try the link you posted for me.
Cheers Adam! In the past I've canned up tomatoes for spaghetti sauce, but this year I thought I'd make salsa instead as it needs a lot less cooking. To make a good spaghetti sauce takes about 10 hours on the stove. Good on ya for trying kebabs! I love 'em, and they make an easy grilled meal on a weeknight.
If your salsa came out a little too acidic for you, you might try adding a little sugar to it to iron out the rough spots.  It's a technique I learned from an elderly Italian friend of the family. She'd do that when she made spaghetti sauce from tomato paste, because the process of making the paste concentrates the acid in the tomatoes. Another elderly Italian fellow I knew used to stir in grape jelly to add sweetness and additional grape flavor. He said it was a lot cheaper than using wine and added a similar flavor.
Nice looking bhuts Stickman!
Lotah Bih seems true to me (i've grown it in the past season), nice little firebombs just a little too late producer for me and not a great yielder.


Ciao Fabrizio, and welcome to the zoo! My Lotah Bih plants aren't large, but they really produced this year! From what I've read in the news it's been an exceptional growing season this time around. My wife is up in New Hampshire with our camera today, but when she gets back I'll post pics.

Datil said:
Lotah Bih seems true to me (i've grown it in the past season), nice little firebombs just a little too late producer for me and not a great yielder.
Hi Fabrizio... here are the 2 Lotah Bih plants set side-by-side


Today's pull

Tomatillos... I think I'm gonna have to can them up because when they come in, it looks like it'll be all at once. This is only a small portion of what's growing on my 4 plants...

Have a great weekend all!
Everything looks good as usual Rick.  Hopefully the weather doesn't turn to quickly for us.  I cannot remember an august where it has been getting this cool at night.  
tctenten said:
Everything looks good as usual Rick.  Hopefully the weather doesn't turn to quickly for us.  I cannot remember an august where it has been getting this cool at night.  
S'right Terry... but we'll muddle through somehow... we always do. :)
Some more pics from the Dawn Patrol this morning...
This one's for miz Annie and Stefan... the Pimenta Lisa pods seem to be losing their purple color as they get closer to ripening.

still gonna be a while for the Naga Kings, but they're looking big 'n gnarly... :twisted:

Not much change on the Guwahati Bhut pod either, but it's looking gnarly too!

After pulling a ripe baby pod, the full-sized Yellow 7 pods shouldn't be too far behind

a couple Douglah pods... no color yet, but it could happen any time


a Butch T pod is almost ready and another one is starting

Looks like I'm gonna get at least half a dozen monster Manzano pods when they finally ripen up!

Cheers all!
Good stuff Rick!
Glad to see the nice pods and I hope the weather hangs for you!
We always add sugar to the red sauce, haven't yet with salsa, unless it's part of the recipe.
Have a nice weekend!
Dot Com said:
coming right along nicely.
Cheers David!
Devv said:
Good stuff Rick!
Glad to see the nice pods and I hope the weather hangs for you!
We always add sugar to the red sauce, haven't yet with salsa, unless it's part of the recipe.
Have a nice weekend!
I don't add a lot of sugar to salsa, but just enough to iron out the rough spots if it's a little too sour or bitter. There's only so much it can help though... too much on the off-flavors and it doesn't help. Hope your weekend is a great one too!
chilli whisperer said:
Looking great,you should start putting some toilet paper in the freezer ;) lotah bih,butch t ,manzano's and those douglah's look great :P
Cheers J! Have you started germinating chiles yet like Lourens?
I'm starting to see the first hints of color on the OW Douglah pods! :woohoo: That sucker is loaded, so I expect I'll see at least a kilo's worth of pods from it if the temperatures hold.
Hi all... it's been a busy day picking and processing green beans from the garden, but I got in a few samplings at breakfast and just now...
I pulled the first ripe Tabasco pod this morning, and picked one of the ripe Nabascos too so I could do a side-by-side comparison. I took a slice from the middle of each pod and chopped the rest of the pods into an egg 'n cheese sandwich for breakfast.
First, the Tabasco... not much aroma... maybe a hint of tomato. Flesh was pulpy, stringy and juicy. Taste was mildly sweet with a hint of bitterness... nothing really stood out flavor-wise. Heat was mid-level with a quick and lingering burn... mostly on the tongue tip, and lasted about 10 minutes and faded in 20.
Nabasco had a fruity, floral, Bhut-like aroma. Flesh was also pulpy and juicy, but not stringy. Flavor was initially very sweet, but moved quickly to a fair amount of bitterness as the heat ratcheted up... it wasn't overwhelmingly so however, and it leveled out quickly after that. Heat was about Hab-level and went straight to the back of the throat before creeping slowly to the tip of the tongue and then the lips. Sensation of needling in my tongue tip for 10-15 minutes and warm sensation in my stomach but skipped the throat after the initial rush. Overall, the burn lasted about a half an hour before fading away.
After supper I picked the first ripe Guwahati Bhut and shared it with a neighbor who's a chef at a local restaurant in Amherst, MA.

This pod had that fruity,floral, off-citrus aroma in spades! Flesh was crisp and thin and there were maybe 25-30 seeds inside. I drank a glass of milk to buffer my stomach and took a slice out of the middle of the pepper and chewed it thoroughly before swallowing... no sweetness I could detect, and the initial flavor was similar to the aroma but less intense... becoming fairly bitter for a minute or two before becoming neutral... first time that ever happened to me when tasting supers. :eh: The burn was definitely super-hot, going from the back of my tongue and throat to overspread the whole tongue and crept to my upper gums and the front of my palate. I started to hiccup once the heat began to kick in and a minute or so later began to sweat, tear up and feel the nasal drip begin. The burn faded in about 20-25 minutes and left a sensation of warmth in my stomach for another 20 minutes. I can definitely see why this pepper gets respect!
Hope you all had a productive weekend... 7 more weeks 'til the last predicted frost-free day here.
       Looks good Rick.Thanks for the reviews.My tabasco's are getting close and cant wait to sample.Your frost date is like mine,so I expect the garden to cooperate,and ripen all my pods before then. :party:
Alright, Guwahati!  I have one overwinter and one plant I grew from the seed of that plant, and it grew true.  The pods on the guwahatis I grow are very hot, with a solid and consistent coating of white placenta on the inside... one of my favorite bhuts...
randyp said:
       Looks good Rick.Thanks for the reviews.My tabasco's are getting close and cant wait to sample.Your frost date is like mine,so I expect the garden to cooperate,and ripen all my pods before then. :party:
I hope it shakes out that way for ya Randy... I've got a half a dozen ripening pods on my Tabasco and a few more each day.
Datil said:
Nice reviews Rick!
What's your source for Nabasco seeds? Spicegeist?
I've seen a couple versions of the same cross.


Cheers Fabrizio! I got my seeds from PeriPeri in South Africa. :)
PeriPeri said:
Nice reviews there Rick. Man you must be in heaven with all them amazing chillies coming in... can't wait!
I'm dead chuffed Lourens... and the County Fair is just around the corner. I'll be entering in every pepper category this year... :)  These aught to be ready by then...


I'm hoping I get 5 ripe Naga Kings in time to display too.

Spicegeist said:
Alright, Guwahati!  I have one overwinter and one plant I grew from the seed of that plant, and it grew true.  The pods on the guwahatis I grow are very hot, with a solid and consistent coating of white placenta on the inside... one of my favorite bhuts...
Man! If yours are as hot as the one I tried yesterday, two plants would be enough for a whole year even if you shared with your friends and family... :mouthonfire:
Devv said:
Nice review Rick!
And the fun is just starting ;)
At's right bro' ... I'm lookin' forward to some killer sauces and powders this fall! Thanks for the good vibe! :)
The second Nabasco pod to ripen... it's only about an inch and a half long, but there are dozens that are at least 3 inches long or a little longer.

The first round of Chimayo' pods ripened up on their ristra, so I moved them whole to the dehydrator today, and when they're done, I'll bag them up for the winter.

The Peruvian White Habanero is a very small plant... only about 9 inches tall, but very bushy, and lots of 2 inch pods on it. Hopefully they ripen soon.

Have a great Monday evening folks!