Hi all... it's been a busy day picking and processing green beans from the garden, but I got in a few samplings at breakfast and just now...
I pulled the first ripe Tabasco pod this morning, and picked one of the ripe Nabascos too so I could do a side-by-side comparison. I took a slice from the middle of each pod and chopped the rest of the pods into an egg 'n cheese sandwich for breakfast.
First, the Tabasco... not much aroma... maybe a hint of tomato. Flesh was pulpy, stringy and juicy. Taste was mildly sweet with a hint of bitterness... nothing really stood out flavor-wise. Heat was mid-level with a quick and lingering burn... mostly on the tongue tip, and lasted about 10 minutes and faded in 20.
Nabasco had a fruity, floral, Bhut-like aroma. Flesh was also pulpy and juicy, but not stringy. Flavor was initially very sweet, but moved quickly to a fair amount of bitterness as the heat ratcheted up... it wasn't overwhelmingly so however, and it leveled out quickly after that. Heat was about Hab-level and went straight to the back of the throat before creeping slowly to the tip of the tongue and then the lips. Sensation of needling in my tongue tip for 10-15 minutes and warm sensation in my stomach but skipped the throat after the initial rush. Overall, the burn lasted about a half an hour before fading away.
After supper I picked the first ripe Guwahati Bhut and shared it with a neighbor who's a chef at a local restaurant in Amherst, MA.
This pod had that fruity,floral, off-citrus aroma in spades! Flesh was crisp and thin and there were maybe 25-30 seeds inside. I drank a glass of milk to buffer my stomach and took a slice out of the middle of the pepper and chewed it thoroughly before swallowing... no sweetness I could detect, and the initial flavor was similar to the aroma but less intense... becoming fairly bitter for a minute or two before becoming neutral... first time
that ever happened to me when tasting supers.

The burn was definitely super-hot, going from the back of my tongue and throat to overspread the whole tongue and crept to my upper gums and the front of my palate. I started to hiccup once the heat began to kick in and a minute or so later began to sweat, tear up and feel the nasal drip begin. The burn faded in about 20-25 minutes and left a sensation of warmth in my stomach for another 20 minutes. I can definitely see why this pepper gets respect!
Hope you all had a productive weekend... 7 more weeks 'til the last predicted frost-free day here.