• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
randyp said:
   That OW,Is loaded. :P
Cheers Randy! :)
Devv said:
I'm really hoping the weather holds for ya bro!
You have such a nice grow going on!
And yes, in my small mind, the weather seems to be cycling back to a few years ago. Good for us here, but I'm sure not good for you.
Thanks Scott, it's not so bad here, and you really need the rain. The folks who are really hurting are the ones who grew large amounts of winter squash and pumpkins here. In some places they lost 80% of their crop. My cucumbers and summer squash crapped out early this year too, but I think I'm getting a handle on it... Squash bugs and cucumber beetles weren't a problem this year because of the companion plants I set out with them... Tansy with the cucumbers and nasturtiums with squash, but the powdery mildew took them both down. It's been such a wet season that the stuff went rampant. I'll probably have to look into using copper spray to knock it down if it happens again.
Peppers have been amazing this year! It's only in the last few weeks that they've started to become stressed due to the amount of rain we've been getting.
PIC 1 said:
Rick your plants are loaded with pods,,,especially the Nabasco. ..C.chinense are ripening up.....nice
That's a true shaped Scotch Bonnet.........I had one of those with my Jerk Chicken lunch.......sweet !
Thanks Greg... it's only a small percentage of your grow but I appreciate the vote of confidence. :)  I still have yet to make jerk with my MoAs, but I'm going to this weekend. The rest will go into sauce. The Nabascos are going to make a great sauce too... I'll probably process them like you did your last batch... grind them up in the food processor, add vinegar and salt and let them age for a while to mellow them a bit and bring out the flavor. I don't have small wooden casks for aging, but should get the proper gas exchange in a glass bottle with a real cork. Do you simmer the mash to kill off anything that might be growing on on the skins of the pods first?
Busy day today... we were cleaning the place up in preparation for my sister-in-law the sister coming to visit and making jams and jellies for the fair next weekend.  Chokecherry jelly on top, peach jam in the middle and Jalapeno pepper jelly on the bottom.

Hope everyone's having a productive weekend!
Devv said:
Good looking jelly there Rick!
If it's anything like what you sent me last year it's to die for ;)
Thanks Scott! The chokecherry jelly was part of my childhood... my grandmother used to make it from the fruit of the wild trees that grew in abundance near her house in Washington, MA... she'd cut up crabapples to cook along with the chokecherries instead of using pectin, and would use just enough sugar to make it jell so you could really taste the fruit. We grandkids just loved it!   I didn't remember sending you jam last year... was it the peach-serrano jam?
ronniedeb said:
Looks good Rick. What do you eat the Jalapeno Jelly with?
It's good with cream cheese or peanut butter on toast or crackers Ronan. It's also great as a glaze on Barbecue or stirred into a vinaigrette for salads, vegetables or marinades.
We've had a bit of a warm-up the last few days, and the pods have been ripening quicker... guess I may have enough Douglahs and Butch T. Scorps to display at the fair next week after all.



I'm starting to get color on the first-year Douglahs...

... and the Naga Kings, finally! :woohoo:

Getting a few white Habs a day, but that may pick up a bit now

Coming in to the back stretch, I don't know which Chinense will be the last to ripen. I'm still waiting for the BOC and Pimenta Lisa. The PL was the last one started, so it seems likely to be that one.

Have a great week all!
Looking good, Rick!  I hope the summer to fall transition isn't too abrupt for you.
That's always a concern here.  The nights  usually cool off too soon.  This year
has been a bit different.  Since July 11, we have only had five nights 51˚ or cooler;
a couple of 48's in there just for fun, but we are seemingly warmer than last two
seasons.  Certainly warmer than the 15 year average.
The  lemon marigold looks interesting, will have to look out for those.
Your pods are really starting to color up - let's hope for an acceleration of that trend!
OCD Chilehead said:
Great looking jam and jellies. Glad to see some color.

You have a great week as well.

Thanks for sharing
Cheers Chuck... How would you use the Jalapeno pepper jelly?
PaulG said:
Looking good, Rick!  I hope the summer to fall transition isn't too abrupt for you.
That's always a concern here.  The nights  usually cool off too soon.  This year
has been a bit different.  Since July 11, we have only had five nights 51˚ or cooler;
a couple of 48's in there just for fun, but we are seemingly warmer than last two
seasons.  Certainly warmer than the 15 year average.
The  lemon marigold looks interesting, will have to look out for those.
Your pods are really starting to color up - let's hope for an acceleration of that trend!
Sounds like 2012... that was the hottest summer here in the last 10 years for sure! It should help really ripen up those Chinense pods for you anyway. :)
If you can't find a local source of seeds for the Lemon Gem Marigold, I got mine from Johnny's of Maine... http://www.johnnyseeds.com/p-8021-lemon-gem.aspx#
romy6 said:
 Wow those plants are loaded up. Nice work Rickster !!!!
Cheers Jamie! Sorry to hear the Manzano didn't make it... I'll only have a dozen pods this year or I'd share. I've cleared it with my wife that my OW Manzano will have a place set aside for it in front of the south-facing sliding glass door. Since I won't be needing to cut it back this winter, my hope is that I'll have enough to share next season. Wish me luck... ;)
stickman said:
Cheers Chuck... How would you use the Jalapeno pepper jelly?

Sounds like 2012... that was the hottest summer here in the last 10 years for sure! It should help really ripen up those Chinense pods for you anyway. :)
If you can't find a local source of seeds for the Lemon Gem Marigold, I got mine from Johnny's of Maine... http://www.johnnyseeds.com/p-8021-lemon-gem.aspx#

Cheers Jamie! Sorry to hear the Manzano didn't make it... I'll only have a dozen pods this year or I'd share. I've cleared it with my wife that my OW Manzano will have a place set aside for it in front of the south-facing sliding glass door. Since I won't be needing to cut it back this winter, my hope is that I'll have enough to share next season. Wish me luck... ;)

Hey Rick. I've used my Serrano jelly on cream cheese, toast/bagel, and as a glaze on Ham.
Devv said:
You sent me Strawberry Rhubarb jelly last year. It was great!
Glad to see the color coming on, I'm trying to send you some heat as we speak ;) One thing we have plenty of right now :shh:
I appreciate it Scott... it seems to be working too... the Chinense varieties are beginning to ripen together. :dance:
OCD Chilehead said:
Hey Rick. I've used my Serrano jelly on cream cheese, toast/bagel, and as a glaze on Ham.
Thanks Chuck! I've never made it before, and just wanted to see how other folks used it. :)