• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
I can imagine the flurry. They eat song birds and doves. We have one that chases the neighbors doves. She yells at that bird worse than I yell at my kids. They are interesting to watch when they are hunting. I don't start onions until feb. Do they go under a hoop house?
Scarecrw said:
I can imagine the flurry. They eat song birds and doves. We have one that chases the neighbors doves. She yells at that bird worse than I yell at my kids. They are interesting to watch when they are hunting. I don't start onions until feb. Do they go under a hoop house?
No need to put the onions under the low row cover Jeff... they're very cold hardy. I start them inside in January and transplant them outside when the ground thaws and the bunching onions I OW in the garden begin to grow new tops... usually sometime in March.
Looking at your round 2, I noticed that you are starting your baccatums. I didn't know they were slower growing. I should probably get mine in the germination tray when I start my MOA seeds later this week. I don't have any frut. to start, they are all overwintering.
Jeff H said:
Looking at your round 2, I noticed that you are starting your baccatums. I didn't know they were slower growing. I should probably get mine in the germination tray when I start my MOA seeds later this week. I don't have any frut. to start, they are all overwintering.
Some are Jeff... I tried to grow the Aji Panca this past summer, and it grew tall, with lots of pods, but it never fully ripened before the frost killed it. I sowed my Aji Omnicolor and Criolla Sella Baccatums at the same time as my Chinense varieties though I probably didn't need to. Sowing when I did though... they were the first of my chiles to ripen, and as the season progressed they just kept getting more prolific. By early September I was getting at least 3 pounds of pods a week from my two Omnicolors.
Gonna read up on the Culantro, heard of it but not it's benefits.
Regarding the Hawk, didn't the smaller birds chase it? They do around here...
Have a Happy New Years!
Devv said:
Gonna read up on the Culantro, heard of it but not it's benefits.
Regarding the Hawk, didn't the smaller birds chase it? They do around here...
Have a Happy New Years!
Definitely give it a read Scott... I was charmed when I read it myself... ;)
The small songbirds had already scattered before the Cooper's Hawk got there. It spent the next 20 minutes looking for anything that moved in the bushes, but failing that, moved on.
Hope you and LB have a Happy New Year too!
Looked in the BOC pot after I got home from work and see another hook! :woohoo: With solid representation from the varieties in the round one, I'm definitely ready to move on to round two!
Penny said:
Happy New Year, :dance:
You too Miz Penny!
Here's one for Miz Annie... I browned a 3 pound pork roast in a Dutch oven with her meat blend...

put a quarter cup of dry white wine and three quarters of a cup of water in the Dutch oven to deglaze it...

Sliced up an onion into the bottom of my slow cooker, put the porkage on top, poured the de-glazing liquid over the top and sliced another onion on top of that. Slam on the lid and cook on low for ten hours...

The plan is to pull the porkage apart when done, stir in the onion gravy and serve on a bun with Bevo Squealer Juice and Collards!
Thanks Guys :)
I went down cellar and got my enclosed grow space ready... cleaned out inside and re-enforced the corners of the styrene board with Gorilla Tape.

As you can see, there's room for four 10x20 inch trays inside. 2 for onions and the rest for peppers, eggplant and tomatoes... heavy on the peppers... ;)
Sawyer said:
Looking good.  Is that cellar space for overflow?  Seems like you've got a lot of other stuff growing elsewhere already.  And those food pics!  Off to find some lunch...
Hey Buzz... I germ them upstairs where it's warmer, but then transfer them down to the grow box in the unheated cellar where they seem to do well enough until I transplant them outside in the spring.
Devv said:
Porkage looks and sounds wonderful Rick!
Like your grow station, that should do the trick.
Speaking of Onions, 2 weeks and they hit the dirt here.
Happy New Year!
Man! Two weeks and the onions hit the dirt... You're way out in front of me brother! I won't be transplanting mine out until sometime in March, and the other veggies sometime during the last 2 weeks in April. The Old Farmer's Almanac is predicting a cool, dry spring and a hot, dry summer for southern New England in 2014 but we'll see.
Round one seedlings are doing pretty well... most have begun putting out true leaves, but I don't expect them to really do much growing until I put them downstairs in the grow box.

I have another seedling up in my BOC pot so I got at least 60% germination with the round 1 babies! :woohoo:

Cheers all!